1980-2008-Intellectual Constellations

包邮1980-2008-Intellectual Constellations

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  • ISBN:9787565716874
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:123
  • 出版时间:2016-07-01
  • 条形码:9787565716874 ; 978-7-5657-1687-4


《intellectual constellations(1980-2008)(英文)》主要内容包括:introduction、soul and flesh:the novel、the debate on the meaning of the novel、friendship,affect,and soul and flesh re—read、epilogue、introduction:a choreographed encounter/non—encounter、jia zhangke's aesthetics and politics:staring at the real、the real and the ordinary、the intellectuals、aesthetics vs politics:recording without representing等。




chapter1 introduction 1.1 china and intellectual property 1.1.1 domestication 1.1.2 penetration 1.2 intellectual property under critique 1.3 a conquest or a retreat? 1.4 waning of socialism as postsocialist sentiment 1.5 chapter outline chapter 2 a postsocialist friendship: the affective pursuit of soul and flesh 2.1 introduction 2.2 soul and flesh: the novel 2.3 the debate on the meaning of the novel 2.4 friendship,affect,and soul and flesh re—read 2.5 epilogue chapter 3 critique of an intellectual fashion: useless and jia zhangke's emerging impass 3.1 introduction: a choreographed encounter/non—encounter 3.2 jia zhangke's aesthetics and politics: staring at the real 3.2.1 the real and the ordinary 3.2.2 the intellectuals 3.2.3 aesthetics vs politics: recording without representing 3.3 useless: between the intellectuals and the ordinary 3.4 the truth of the choreography? 3.5 after useless chapter 4 mao's political economy,or,for another politics of creative industry 4.1 introduction 4.2 politics of creative industries 4.2.1 nicolas garnham 4.2.2 stuart cunningham and terry flew 4.2.3 richard florida 4.2.4 toby miller 4.3 state,market,and mao's political economy chapter 5 views on creative industry:notes from chongqing 5.1 introduction:two takes 5.1.1 take one:comparability and timefulness 5.1.2 take two:what about nanaimo? 5.2 chongqing:from heavy industry to creative industry 5.2.1 chongqing:an industrial history 5.2.2 toward a city of creative industry:creative industry initiatives in chongqing(2006—2008) 5.3 an ethnographic study 5.3.1 research questions,lnterview questions and data collection 5.3.2 data 5.3.3 findings &—discussions 5.4 conclusion bibliography                                                               

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