

¥18.9 (5.8折) ?
1星价 ¥18.9
2星价¥18.9 定价¥32.5
  • ISBN:9787517815556
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:184
  • 出版时间:2016-10-01
  • 条形码:9787517815556 ; 978-7-5178-1555-6




Unit 1 Education
Lesson 1 Contemporary Education
Lesson 2 The Value of Education
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar_. Simple Tense
Lesson 5 Why Is It Good to Graduate from College?

Unit 2 Famous People
Lesson 1 Who Are They?
Lesson 2 Abraham Lincoln
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar: Continuous Tense
Lesson 5 The Master of Investment.Warren Buffett

Unit 3 Time
Lesson 1 How to Manage Your Time
Lesson 2 Time Zone
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar ~ Perfect Tense
Lesson 5 Ways to Talk About Time

Unit 4 Space
Lesson 1 The Solar System
Lesson 2 Eating and Sleeping in Space
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar= Perfect Continuous Tense and Past Future Tense
Lesson 5 A Super Space Place
College English Achievement Test(l)

Unit 5 Success and Happiness
Lesson 1 Quotations and Sayings About Success
Lesson 2 Secrets of Success and Happiness
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar. Pronoun
Lesson 5 Three Keys to Success

Unit 6 Family Types
Lesson 1 Five Types of Family
Lesson 2 Meaning of Family
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar.- Attributive Clauses
Lesson 5 Pros and Cons of the Nuclear Family

Unit 7 Money Management
Lesson 1 How Do You Spend Your Money?
Lesson 2 Managing Your Money
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar=Adverbial Clauses
Lesson 5 Smart Shopping

Unit 8 Music
Lesson 1 Musical Genres
Lesson 2 How to Acquire Your Music
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar .. Appositive Structure
Lesson 5 How Music Affects Teens?
College English Achievement Tests(2)

Unit 9 Holidays and Festivals
Lesson 1 How People Spend Spring Festivals
Lesson 2 Christmas
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar.. Passive Voice
Lesson 5 More Stuffing?

Unit 10 Communication
Lesson 1 Ways of Communication
Lesson 2 The Lost Art of Letter Writing
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar. Subjunctive Mood
Lesson 5 6 Tips to Improve Your Communication Skills

Unit 11 Gender Differences
Lesson 1 Discovering Different Emotional Needs
Lesson 2 Gender Differences in Learning Styles
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar. Emphatic Sentence
Lesson 5 Gender Differences in Boys' and Girls' Emotions

Unit 12 Social Problems
Lesson 1 Problems in Modern Society
Lesson 2 Food Safety Myths Exposed
Lesson 3 Translation
Lesson 4 Grammar: Inversion
Lesson 5 Air Pollution
College English Achievement Tests(3)
College English Achievement Tests(4)

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