  • ISBN:9787517706779
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:372页
  • 出版时间:2017-04-01
  • 条形码:9787517706779 ; 978-7-5177-0677-9




本书分为辉煌盛世 —— 盛唐概况、风华绝代的唐代艺术两部分。主要内容包括: 影响深远的唐代经济社会发展 ; 融通世界的精彩都与繁荣贸易 ; 华彩绚丽的人才盛世与科技发展等。


上卷 辉煌盛世——盛唐概况 一 影响深远的唐代经济社会发展/001 1.三省六部制与科举制的发展/001 2.唐代军事和法律制度/003 3.唐代主要的经济制度/005 Chapter 1 Economic Development and Social Progress with Far-reaching Influence/006 The Development of the System of Three Departments and Six Ministries, and the Imperial Examination System /006 Military and Legal Systems /009 Economic System /010 二 融通世界的精彩帝都与繁荣贸易/012 1.融通世界的精彩帝都/012 2.大唐帝都的贸易繁荣/013 3.帝都长安的文体活动/016 Chapter 2 The Wonderful and Prosperous Trading Capital, Open to the World/018 The Wonderful Capital, Open to the World /018 Prosperous Trade in the Capital /020 Sports and Entertainment in Chang'an /023 三 华彩绚丽的人才盛世与科技发展/026 1.唐代教育体系及管理/026 2.唐代科学技术的发展/027 3.唐代医学的发展/031 4.唐代史学事业/036 5.唐代的地理/043 Chapter 3 Splendid Era for Talent, and Scientific and Technological Advancement /048 The Educational System and Its Administration /048 Development of Science and Technology /050 Development of Medicine /054 Tang Historiography /059 Tang Geography /068 下卷 风华绝代的唐代艺术 一 唐代的文学艺术/074 1.初唐“四杰”和民间诗派/075 2.唐诗的鼎盛/076 3.中晚唐的诗时代/077 4.新乐府运动和田园诗/078 5.唐代的散文/079 6.唐代小说与传奇/081 7.敦煌变文/082 Part Ⅱ Unparalleled Beauty of the Arts in the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1 Literature /084 Four Eminent Literary Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty and the School of Folk Poetry /085 The Prime of Tang Poetry /087 The Poetry in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty /089 The New Yuefu Movement and Idyllic Poetry /091 Essays in the Tang Dynasty /092 Fictions and Short Stories in the Tang Dynasty /094 Dunhuang Bianwen Narrative /095 二 唐代的书法艺术/098 1.唐太宗的书法造诣/098 2.初唐四家/100 3.雄劲开朗话颜体/102 4.“柳骨”风华/103 5.颠张狂素/104 Chapter 2 The Art of Calligraphy /106 The Accomplishments of Emperor Taizong in Calligraphy /106 Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty /110 The Masculine, Powerful and Open Style of Yan Zhenqing /113 The Elegance and Talent in “the Bones of Liu Gongquan’s Calligraphy” /115 The Wild and Unrestrained Calligraphy of Zhang Xu and Huai Su /117 三 唐代的绘画艺术/122 1.阎立本与《历代帝王图》/122 2.吴道子与佛寺壁画/123 3.周昉与《簪花仕女图》/126 4.李思训与山水画/128 5.王维的“诗情画意”/130 6.唐代的题材画/131 7.唐代的壁画艺术/135 8.唐代的雕塑艺术/139 Chapter 3 Painting /144 Yan Liben and The Portraits of Monarchs of Various Dynasties /144 Wu Daozi and Wall Paintings in Buddhist Temples /146 Zhou Fang and the Painting of Ladies Wearing Flowers / 149 Li Sixun and Landscape Painting /154 Wang Wei’s Poetic Artistic Conception in Painting /157 Painting with Specifi c Themes in the Tang Dynasty /158 The Art of Wall Painting /163 Sculpture in the Tang Dynasty /170 四 唐代的舞蹈艺术/175 1.唐玄宗与“梨园”/175 2.唐代国际性舞台/179 3.初唐“三大舞”/181 4.“健舞”与“软舞”/181 5.独舞与群舞/182 6.《霓裳羽衣舞》/184 7.唐戏弄与杂技/187 Chapter 4 Dance /190 Emperor Xuanzong and the“Pear Operatic Garden” /191 International Stage of the Tang Dynasty /197 The“Three Great Dances” of the Early Tang Dynasty /200 “Vigorous Dance” and“Gentle Dance” /201 Solo Dance and Group Dance /202 The Dance of Rainbow Skirt and Feather Coat /206 Burlesque and Acrobatics in the Tang Dynasty /208 五 唐代的工艺美术/213 1.铜镜/213 2.瓷器/215 3.“唐三彩”/221 4.金银器/223 5.漆器/228 Chapter5 Handicraft /230 Bronze Mirrors /230 Porcelain /234 Tri-Colored Glazed Pottery /241 Gold and Silverware /244 Lacquerware /251 六 唐代服饰艺术/253 1.唐代的女装/254 2.唐代的染织业/256 Chapter 6 Dress Art /264 Women’s Dress /267 The Dyeing and Weaving Industry /269 七 唐代的建筑艺术/280 1.唐都长安的建筑和城市管理/280 2.唐代寺院古塔/284 Chapter 7 Architecture /329 Construction and Urban Administration of Chang’an /334 Buddhist Temples and Pagodas /334

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