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  • ISBN:9787513559379
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:108
  • 出版时间:2017-08-23
  • 条形码:9787513559379 ; 978-7-5135-5937-9


  《新标准大学英语》(第2版)是由外语教学与研究出版社与麦克米伦教育共同开发、中外英语教育专家合作设计与编写的一套国际化、立体化大学英语系列教材。第二版教材在深入调研、广泛收集使用反馈的基础上,对教材结构和内容进行全面修订与完善。教材践行《大学英语教学指南》的精神,体现“以教师为主导,以学生为主体”的教学思想,全面体现通用英语的育人价值,并通过科学的设计与立体化的教学资源有效促进学生英语应用能力、跨文化交际能力、自主学习策略与综合文化素养的提升。  《新标准大学英语》(第2版)共设1-4级,每级包含《综合教程》、《视听说教程》、《文化阅读教程》、《综合训练》与《长篇阅读》分册,同时提供学习光盘、教学课件、外研随身学App、网络教学管理平台、试题库等教学资源,满足大学英语教学各环节的需要。  本系列教材具有以下特点:  主题丰富,语言地道,体现社会发展与时代特色  主题涵盖人与人、人与自然、人与社会的关系等各方面,选材注重文化内涵、思想深意与创作视角,内容贴近实际,语言鲜活生动,反映时代发展,展现语言魅力。  技能融合,综合培养,提高语言能力与思维能力  练习设计注重多种技能的综合培养,各类活动富有启发性与挑战性,既能够培养学生的英语综合应用能力,也能够提高学生的学习策略与创新思维能力。  展示多元文化,探讨文化差异,培养跨文化意识  通过选文与练习传授文化知识、培养文化意识、引导文化比较,提高学生对不同文化的理解以及在跨文化交际情境中使用恰当、得体、地道英语的能力。  优化教学模式,提供立体资源,构建自主学习平台  教材、光盘、移动应用与数字课程之间互相支持,为课堂教学与自主学习提供丰富的立体化资源,满足新教学模式的需求,为学生创建个性化、自主式的学习环境。  寓教于乐,激发兴趣,创建轻松学习环境  丰富多彩的主题内容、美观新颖的版式设计、真实自然的音像材料、操作便捷的网络平台,在语言教学中融入人文与创新理念,为学习与教学带来新的体验。



1 College culture
PASSAGE 1 Why does college cost so much?
PASSAGE 2 Fraternities and sororities: the secret history of Greek societies
PASSAGE 3 Colleges see rise in mental health issues
PASSAGE 4 Meeting and making friends on campus

2 Mixed feelings
PASSAGE 1 The home-school connection
PASSAGE 2 The gap generation
PASSAGE 3 Really smile, it is good for health and business
PASSAGE 4 Helping children with grief

3 Sporting life
PASSAGE 1 The incredible benefits of regular exercise
PASSAGE 2 How to be a supportive parent of a sports kid
PASSAGE 3 High-tech swimsuits
PASSAGE 4 Modern Olympic symbols and traditions
4 Crime watch
PASSAGE 1 Does privacy exist in a world of social networks and sharing?
PASSAGE 2 Campus crime figures don't tell the whole story
PASSAGE 3 Has online piracy (盗版) reached a tipping point?
PASSAGE 4 Baseball and America's crime problem

5 Time off
PASSAGE 1 Americans work less and have more leisure time than ever before
PASSAGE 2 New hobbies for the creative
PASSAGE 3 Leisure activities in ancient Egypt
PASSAGE 4 How to fill leisure time intelligently

6 The secret life of science
PASSAGE 1 Music from the stars
PASSAGE 2 The science of laughter
PASSAGE 3 Morning person or late riser?
PASSAGE 4 Sleep success: how to make ZZZs = memory

7 The world at war
PASSAGE 1 Why nations go to war
PASSAGE 2 US and Europe near agreement on private data
PASSAGE 3 Behind the war
PASSAGE 4 Honour bound

8 Have you got what it fakes?
PASSAGE 1 What to do after graduation
PASSAGE 2 After graduating, keep community first
PASSAGE 3 Graduating college students considering peace corps
PASSAGE 4 Bringing the college inside

Answer key


  《新标准大学英语(第2版 长篇阅读2)》:  What can you do when you find yourself in school without enough friends? Making friends on campus is not the easiest thing to do, especially when you are new on campus. Meeting people at school need not be a discouraging task. There are several methods that are not difficult to master and you may find easy when you try them out.  Start by looking around at people you tend to see very often, such as people who you see in your classes, dorms and dining areas. Often an easy way to start a conversation is to focus on an area of obvious common interest. This gets you past the most difficult part, wluch is starting the first conversation. Be sure to introduce yourself before the end of the conversation.  If your campus has a dirung facility, cafe or coffee cart. then there will be more opportunities for meeting people. After you've introduced yourself and talked about class, it's the perfect time to ask the other person to join you for a cup of coffee. Once you are at the table it should be easier to talk about where you're from, what is your major, what you think of the class, and whether it is easy or hard. Once you start a conversation, you've gotten past the most difficult part. It will be much easier to suggest meeting again for coffee, or meeting socially off campus.  Go to study lounges (休息室)  Study lounges are great places to meet people as well because there is only so much time people will study before they take a break. People have to take study breaks and if  you are in the lounge with them, there's a good chance that you 11 be able to strike up a conversation.  Work on campus  Working on campus is a good way to meet people, as well as put some money in your pocket, solving two problems at once. It depends on the job. If you have a job where you  interact with people, and have some time to talk with them, then you are going to meet a lot more people who you will see repeatedly. Beware, if your job involves wearing a silly uniform, it may not help you to meet people, and may even hinder meeting people.  Join social events  Social events can be good ways to meet people. School dances, campus socials and happy hours may seem unfashionable and they are, but don't dismiss them immediately. Other  people may have the same feelings about it, so you could approach someone and say, "These things are really boring, aren't they?" or say, "Don't you hate these things?" These  are good ways to start a conversation, because suddenly you've something in common to complain about.  Take active actions  Achvism (行动主义) very often brings people of like minds together. If you believe strongly in sometlung and you join a cause, you will meet other people who share your passions.  That passion translates into a sense of belonging and connection between people. There is nothing like a gathering followed by some time in prison with your new friends to inspire a sense of fellowship against a common enemy. You may want to look at your college policy about these matters before you attempt radical actions that may get you thrown out of school.  Make a table your office  Sit in the same area several times a week, and you are bound to meet and get to know people who are also there very often. As you keep doing so, people will begin to feel that they know you. While ttus will work at any eating area, it is especially good in a coffee house environment, if your school has one. There is something about coffee or tea that brings people together and stimulates conversation.  Form study groups  Forming study groups has the added benefit of helping you to study in a more enjoyable way and get better grades. Spending long hours studying together creates a feeling of  common cause and may lead to social meetings for coffee or drinks.   Be polite and outgoing  In general, if you spend time in places with other people, being polite will go a long way to break the ice. Saying hello to people, smiling and asking about them w'ill make them more interested in knowing you. It's not so hard to meet people if you simply start the conversation.  ……

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