

1星价 ¥135.2 (8.0折)
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  • ISBN:9787040469158
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:372
  • 出版时间:2018-06-01
  • 条形码:9787040469158 ; 978-7-04-046915-8


本书前几章介绍和回顾了C*-代数、正规算子、紧算子和非正规算子,主题包含谱理论、泛函演算和Fredholm指标。此外,还论述了算子理论和解析函数之间某些深刻的联系。后续章节讲述了更高级的主题,包括C*-代数的表示、紧微扰和von Neumann代数等。重要结果覆盖了诸如Sz.-Nagy伸缩定理、Weyl-von Neumann-Berg定理和von Neumann代数的分类,同样也讲述了对Fredholm理论的处理,这些高级论题均处于当今研究的中心。*后一章介绍了自返子空间,即由其不变子空间决定的算子子空间。这些连同超自返空间是现代非对称代数研究中成功的插曲之一。


算子理论在现代数学的许多重要领城诸如泛函分析、微分方程、指标论、表示论、数学物理中充当重要角色。本书覆盖了算子理论的中心课题,叙述清晰简洁,读者很容易与Conway的写作产生互动。约翰·康韦著的《算子理论教程(英文版)(精)/美国数学会经典影印系列》前几章介绍和回顾了C*-代数、正规算子、紧算子和非正规算子,主题包含谱理论、泛函演算和Fredholm指标。此外,还论述了算子理论和解析函数之间某些深刻的联系。后续章节讲述了更高级的主题,包括C*-代数的表示、紧微扰和von Neumann代数等。重要结果覆盖了诸如Sz.-Nagy伸缩定理、Weyl-von Neumann-Berg定理和von Neumann代数的分类,同样也讲述了对Fredholm理论的处理,这些高级论题均处于当今研究的中心。*后一章介绍了自返子空间,即由其不变子空间决定的算子子空间。这些连同超自返空间是现代非对称代数研究中成功的插曲之一。Conway教授的权威性处理使本书成为一本引人入胜但又相当缜密的教材,适合于已经上过泛函分析标准课程的研究生。


Preface Chapter 1. Introduction to C*-Algebras 1. Definition and examples 2. Abelian C*-algebras and the Functional Calculus 3. The positive elements in a C*-algebra 4. Approximate identities 5. Ideals in a C*-algebra 6. Representations of a C*-algebra 7. Positive linear functionals and the GNS construction Chapter 2. Normal Operators 8. Some topologies on B(H) 9. Spectral measures 10. The Spectral Theorem 11. Star-cyclic normal operators 12. The commutant 13. Von Neumann algebras 14. Abelian von Neumann algebras 15. The functional calculus for normal operators Chapter 3. Compact Operators 16. C*-algebras of compact operators 17. Ideals of operators 18. Trace class and Hilbert-Schmidt operators 19. The dual spaces of the compact operators and the trace class 20. The weak-star topology 21. Inflation and the topologies Chapter 4. Some Non-Normal Operators 22. Algebras and lattices 23. Isometries 24. Unilateral and bilateral shifts 25. Some results on Hardy spaces 26. The functional calculus for the unilateral shift 27. Weighted shifts 28. The Volterra operator 29. Bergman operators 30. Subnormal operators 31. Essentially normal operators Chapter 5. More on C*-Algebras 32. Irreducible representations 33. Positive maps 34. Completely positive maps 35. An application: Spectral sets and the Sz.-Nagy DilationTheorem 36. Quasicentral approximate identitites Chapter 6. Compact Perturbations 37. Behavior of the spectrum under a compact perturbation 38. Bp perturbations of hermitian operators 39. The Weyl-von Neumann-Berg Theorem 40. Voiculescu's Theorem 41. Approximately equivalent representations 42. Some applications Chapter 7. Introduction to Von Neumann Algebras 43. Elementary properties and examples 44. The Kaplansky Density Theorem 45. The Pedersen Up-Down Theorem 46. Normal homomorphisms and ideals 47. Equivalence of projections 48. Classification of projections 49. Properties of projections 50. The structure of Type I algebras 51. The classification of Type I algebras 52. Operator-valued measurable functions 53. Some structure theory for continuous algebras 54. Weak-star continuous linear functionals revisited 55. The center-valued trace Chapter 8. Reflexivity 56. Fundamentals and examples 57. Reflexive operators on finite dimensional spaces 58. Hyperreflexive subspaces 59. Reflexivity and duality 60. Hypereflexive von Neumann algebras 61. Some examples of operators Bibliography Index List of Symbols

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