

1星价 ¥59.9 (4.1折)
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  • ISBN:9787508540597
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:291页
  • 出版时间:2019-01-01
  • 条形码:9787508540597 ; 978-7-5085-4059-7


Every stretch of history has its own internal logic. The reader of this book may be confronted with a more “real” China than he has known before. Under the surface ripples, diverging streams, uneven tumult, he may discern the middle of the channel, that greater internal logic at work. It represents the flow of a people, quite an ancient nation of people, coursing with all vigor, all courage, all hope, toward an uncertain future.


The ascent of China’s economy over the past forty years may be one of the more remarkable happenings in human history. Few understand it. Those outside China consider the massive changes a mystery. Those inside China have been challenged with taking more than 1.3 billion people from an agrarian existence into the modern world, and in the face of complex economics involving extreme conflicts of interest.
Nobody ever did it before; nobody will ever do it again. Given the convulsive upheavals required, the difficulty of the task has been, and remains, hard to imagine.
This book describes those upheavals and that process over the years from 1978 to 2018. lt represents a remarkable achievement in condensing a welter of events and changes down to the bare essentials. In summing up a period of history, it also serves as a query about what is to come next.


Preface 1 The Beginning" 1978-1983 Deng Opens the Door to the World Where Will the Money Come from Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Reform at Capital Steel Shooting Stars in the Countryside 2 Commotion and Tumult: 1984-1992 1984, the "Founding Year" of Major Chinese Enterprises A Two-track Pricing Policy and a Trip to Hainan Island Allowing Prices to "Break through the Pass "Harnessing and Rectifying 3 Radical Dreams: 1993-1997 Ruling over Chaos with an "Iron Wrist Price Wars Becoming One of the Fortune 500 Unexpected Changes 4 Swamps and Landmines: 1998-2002 Some Hairpins The Birthing of the Stock Market, and Its Chronic Problems Stride on over the Rainbow The China Threat 5 Responsibility and Reason: 2003-2007 SARS, Housing Bubbles, Electricity Panics Trade Frictions Internet Economics Great Nation Passion 6 The Bigger the Pond, the Bigger the Fish: 2008-2018 2008: An Uncertain Beginning 2009: The Cost of V-shaped Bounce 2010: Surpassing Japan 2011: Will China Break 2012: The End of the First Half 2013: Sleepless Money 2014: Return of the Bubble 2015: The Year of Extremes 2016: The Black Swan Is Flying 2017: Arrival of the New Middle-class Era 2018: The 40th Year of China's Reform


Wu Xiaobo,Famous financial writer, founder of the Bajiuling New Media and the Blue Lion Financial Publishing Center. Veteran researcher on Chinese enterprise history and company cases.
Major works: Great Failures, Great Failures II, China’s Thirty Tumultuous Years, 100-Year History of Chinese Enterprises, Two Thousand Years of Progress and Economic Reform in Past Dynasties: Gains and Losses, with books twice selected as the Top 10 Best Books by the Asia Week.

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