

1星价 ¥92.4 (5.5折)
2星价¥92.4 定价¥168.0
  • ISBN:9787508542805
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:288
  • 出版时间:2018-03-01
  • 条形码:9787508542805 ; 978-7-5085-4280-5


作为“国家记忆”系列的其中一本,《国家记忆:共和国难忘瞬间》以大事记的形式,从1949年新中国成立,一直到2018年,这69年里,每年选择一件当年中国发生的大事件,这些大事件中,有政治的,如开国大典、十一届三中全会、反法西斯胜利70周年,也有涉及文化的,如东方歌舞团、中国大片《英雄》上映等,也有经济的,如中国“一汽”、深圳特区成立、义乌小商品市场等。这些大事记串联起来,就是整个新中国繁荣发展的历史脉络。 From 1949, when the People's Republic of China was founded, to 2018, the book selects a major event in China every year in the 69 years. These events include political events, such as the founding ceremony, the third plenary session of the eleventh central committee of the communist party of China (CPC) and the 70th anniversary of anti-fascist victory. Together, these memorabilia are the historical context of the prosperity and development of the whole new China.




1949 The Inaugural Ceremony of the People' s Republic of China1950 The War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea1951 Land Reform1952 Three-Antis and Five-Antis Movements1953 China' s Capital of Steel1954 The Constitution of1955 Agricultural Collectivization1956 First Automobile Wdrks1957 WuhanYangtze River Bridge1958 Shisanling Reservior1959 Daqing Oilfield1960 Conquering Qomolangma $1961 Crowning of a Table Tennis Superpower1962 Oriental Song and Dance Ensemble1963 Learning from Lei Feng1964 China' s First Atomic Bomb1965 Synthetic Bovine Insulin1966 Jiao Yulu1967 Model Operas1968 Educated Youth to the Countryside1969 Barefoot Doctors1970 Worker-Peasant-Soldier Students1971 Return to the UN1972 On the Golden Mountain of Beijing1973 Father of Hybrid Rice1974 Terracotta-Warriors1975 Liujiaxia Hydropower Station1976 Tangshan Earthquake1977 College Entrance Examinations Restored1978 The 3rd Plenum Session of 11th CPC CentralCommittee1979 Return to Olympics1980 The Establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone1981 Glory of the Chinese Women' s Volleyball Team1982 Yiwu Small Commodity Market1983 Galaxy Series of Giant Computer1984 "Hello, Xiaoping"1985 Laser Typesetting System for Chinese Characters1986 Commencing the 863 Program1987 TV Series Dream of the Red Chamber1988 Break Ice in Taiwan Straits1989 The Hope Project1990 Beijing Asian Games1991 Opening of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets1992 Deng Xiaoping' s Inspection in South china1993 Food Coupons Abolished1994 Three Gorges Project1995 Victory Day for the War Against Japanese Aggression1996 Establishment of Labor Contract System1997 Hong Kong' s Return to the Motherland1998 Battle to Contain Massive Floods1999 Transition of Sovereignty over Macao2000 Western Region Development2001 China' s Accession into the WTO2002 Hero -- Chinese Blockbuster released2003 Battls against SARS2004 The Chinese Women's Tennis Team Won Championshi2005 Lian Zhan Visited Mainland China2006 Abolishing Agricultural Taxes2007 Adjusting Statutory Holidays2008 Beijing Olympic Games2009 60th Anniversary of New China2010 Shanghai World Expo2011 The High-speed Railway Linking Beijing and Shanghai Opened2012 18th CPC National Congress2013 The Shenzhou-10 Took Flight into the Sky2014 Selective Two-child Policy2015 September 3 Military Parade2016 The World's Largest Single-aperture Radio Telescope Begins Operations2017 Establishment of the Xiong'an New District2018 Opening of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

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