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  • ISBN:9787512140295
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:241
  • 出版时间:2018-03-01
  • 条形码:9787512140295 ; 978-7-5121-4029-5


本书从切实培养和提高英语专业学生运用英语进行论文写作能力的目的出发来组织编写内容,共分为9章。第1章为序言,简要介绍研究与研究论文的定义。第2章介绍论文写作的一般过程与步骤。第3章介绍论文包含的各个主要部分及其结构。第4章介绍论文的语言特点和文体风格。第5章介绍英语写作的技巧,涉及英语论文写作者常常忽略和经常感到困惑、容易出错的地方。第6章专论标点符号,讨论常用标点符号在各种情况下的一般使用规则。第79章讨论引文和参考文献的三种常用格式。本书强化直观性,突出实用性,每个部分之后均编写了相关练习供学习者复习巩固之用。同时,本书还提供了许多格式实例,供学习者比较分析及写作时模仿。 本书内容丰富,资料性强,既可作为英语专业本科生的教材使用,也可供其他英语研究者写作论文时参考。


本书从切实培养和提高英语专业学生运用英语进行论文写作能力的目的出发来组织编写内容,共分为9章。章为序言,简要介绍研究与研究论文的定义。第2章介绍论文写作的一般过程与步骤。第3章介绍论文包含的各个主要部分及其结构。第4章介绍论文的语言特点和文体风格。第5章介绍英语写作的技巧,涉及英语论文写作者常常忽略和经常感到困惑、容易出错的地方。第6章专论标点符号,讨论常用标点符号在各种情况下的一般使用规则。第79章讨论引文和参考文献的三种常用格式。本书强化直观性,突出实用性,每个部分之后均编写了相关练习供学习者复习巩固之用。同时,本书还提供了许多格式实例,供学习者比较分析及写作时模仿。 本书内容丰富,资料性强,既可作为英语专业本科生的教材使用,也可供其他英语研究者写作论文时参考。


Chapter 1 Introduction: Research and Research Paper
1.1 Research
1.2 Research Paper
Exercises Chapter 2 The Process of Research and Research Writing
2.1 Choosing a Topic
2.1.1 Importance and Interest
2.1.2 Manageability
2.1.3 Availability of Resources
2.1.4 Where to Find a Topic for Research
2.2 Exploring Data
2.2.1 Reference Works
2.2.2 Evaluating Sources
2.3 Gathering Data
2.3.1 Preparing a Working Bibliography
2.3.2 Reading Sources with a Critical Eye
2.3.3 Assessing the Author’s Argument and Evidence
2.3.4 Taking Notes Note-taking Methods Note Form
2.3.5 Avoiding Plagiarism
2.4 Formulating a Thesis
2.5 Outlining the Paper
2.5.1 Types of Outline
2.5.2 Outline Style
2.6 Writing the First Draft
2.7 Revising, Editing and Proofreading
2.7.1 Revising
2.7.2 Editing
2.7.3 Proofreading
2.8 Finalizing the Paper
Exercises Chapter 3 The Structure of a Research Paper
3.1 The Front Matter
3.1.1 Title Page
3.1.2 Outline Page
3.1.3 Abstract in English
3.1.4 Abstract in Chinese
3.1.5 Acknowledgments
3.1.6 Table of Contents
3.1.7 List of Illustrations/Figures
3.1.8 List of Tables
3.1.9 List of Abbreviations
3.2 The Text
3.2.1 Introduction
3.2.2 Body
3.2.3 Conclusion
3.3 The Back Matter
3.3.1 References
3.3.2 Appendices
3.3.3 Notes
Exercises Chapter 4 Language and Style
4.1 Diction
4.2 Tone
4.3 Voice
4.4 Economy
4.5 Verb Tense
4.6 Sentence Type and Length
4.6.1 Sentence Type
4.6.2 Sentence Length
4.7Verb Voice
4.8 Parallelism
4.9 Logical Consistency
4.10 Coherence
4.11 Transition
4.12 Unbiased Language
4.13 Constructing Paragraphs
Exercises Chapter 5 Mechanics
5.1 Capitalization
5.2 Abbreviations
5.2.1 Use of Periods
5.2.2 Social and Professional Titles and Similar Terms
5.2.3 Organization
5.2.4 Units of Measurement
5.2.5 General Scholarly Abbreviations
5.3 Italicizing and Underlining
5.4 Spelling
5.5 Plural of Noun
5.6 Foreign Word
5.7 Hyphenation
5.8 Number
5.8.1 Use of Word or Numeral
5.8.2 Punctuation of Number95
5.8.3 Fraction
5.8.4 Decimal and Percentage
5.8.5 Number from Mathematical and Statistical Calculation
5.8.6 Number with Abbreviation or Symbo
5.8.7 Date and Times of the Day
5.8.8 Inclusive Number
5.8.9 Plural of Number
5.8.10 Roman Numera
5.9 Work Title
5.9.1 Capitalized Title
5.9.2 Underlined (Italicized) Title
5.9.3 Title in Quotation Marks
5.9.4 Title without Underlining or Quotation Marks
5.9.5 Title Containing Another Title
5.10 Enumeration
5.11 Table and Figure
5.11.1 Table
5.11.2 Relation of Table and the Text
5.11.3 Figure
5.11.4 Relation of Figure and the Text
5.11.5 Placement of Table and Figure
5.12 Numbering of Pages
5.13 Personal Name
5.14 Personal Title
5.15 Use of Notes
5.16 Spacing
5.16.1 Space around Punctuation Marks
5.16.2 Margin
5.16.3 Indentation
5.16.4 Centered Material
5.17 Division of Words and Division of Lines of Text
5.17.1 Division of Words111
5.17.2 Division of Initial, Number, and Lines of Text
5.18 Chapter Title and Heading
5.18.1 Part113
5.18.2 Chapter
5.18.3 Section, Subsection and the Heading
Exercises Chapter 6 Punctuation
6.1 Comma
6.2 Semicolon
6.3 Colon
6.4 Dash124
6.5 Parentheses
6.6 Quotation Mark
6.7 Square Bracket
6.8 Slash
6.9 Period
6.10 Question Mark
6.11 Exclamation Point
6.12 Ellipsis
Exercises Chapter 7 Documentation (1): Modern Language Association (MLA) Style
7.1 MLA Parenthetical Citation
7.1.1 Placement and Punctuation of Citation
7.1.2 Basic Rules for Print and Electronic Sources
7.1.3 Variations on the Basic Rules
7.1.4 Literary Work and Sacred Text
7.2 Information Note
7.2.1 Use of ibid. and op. cit.
7.2.2 Use of Superscript
7.3 List of Works Cited
7.3.1 Author
7.3.2 Books
7.3.3 Magazine and Journal
7.3.4 Daily Newspaper
7.3.5 Book or Film Review
7.3.6 Electronic Sources
7.3.7 Multimedia Source
7.3.8 Other Sources
Exercises Chapter 8 Documentation (2): The American Psychological Association (APA) Style
8.1 Reference Citation in Text
8.1.1 Work by a Single Author
8.1.2 Work by Multiple Authors
8.1.3 Work by Associations, Corporations, Government Agencies, Etc.
8.1.4 Work by Unknown Author
8.1.5 Work from Electronic Source
8.2 References Cited
8.2.1 Book
8.2.2 Essay or Chapter in Edited Book
8.2.3 Encyclopedia or Dictionary and Entry in an Encyclopedia
8.2.4 Journal, Magazine, and Newspaper
8.2.5 Thesis or Dissertation
8.2.6 Technical and Research Report
8.2.7 Audio-Visual Media1
8.2.8 Article from Electronic Source
Exercises Chapter 9 Documentation (3): The Chicago Manual Style
9.1 Note-Bibliography System
9.1.1 General Guidelines: Creating Chicago Notes
9.1.2 General Guidelines: Creating Chicago Bibliography
9.1.3 Examples: Creating Chicago Notes and Bibliography
9.2 The Author-Date System
9.2.1 Author-Date Text Citation
9.2.2 Reference List
Exercises2 Appendix A General Exercises for MLA, APA and Chicago Manual (Author-Date System) Styles Appendix B Samples Appendix C Revision Symbols Bibliography Index

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