中华人民共和国电力行业标准水电水利工程施工安全生产应急能力评估导则:DL/T 5314——2014

中华人民共和国电力行业标准水电水利工程施工安全生产应急能力评估导则:DL/T 5314——2014

1星价 ¥34.2 (6.0折)
2星价¥34.2 定价¥57.0
  • ISBN:9787519841294
  • 装帧:平装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:21cm
  • 页数:111页
  • 出版时间:2019-12-01
  • 条形码:9787519841294 ; 978-7-5198-4129-4


1.0.1 为规范水电水利工程施工安全生产应急能力评估,消除、减少事故危害,防止事故扩大或恶化,大限度地降低事故造成的损失或危害,提高安全生产应急能力,制定本导则。
1.0.2 本导则适用于水电水利工程施工安全生产应急能力评估。
1.0.3 水电水利工程施工安全生产应急能力评估除应执行本导则的规定外,还应符合国家现行有关法律、法规和标准的规定。


  This guide is prepared to standardize the assessment of emer-gency response capabilities for construction ofhydropower and water resources projects so as to eliminate or mitigate accident occurrence,prevent accident expansion or worsening, lessen loss or damage induced by the accident, and improve emergency response capabilities.  This guide is applicable to the assessment of emergency response capabilities for construction safety of hydropower and water resources projects.  In addition to this guide, other relevant national laws, regula-tions and standards shall also be followed.


1 General provisions
2 Terms
3 Items and contents of assessment
3.1 Assessment items
3.2 Emergencyorganization
3.3 Risk management assessment
3.4 EPP assessment
3.5 Hazardous source monitoring and early warning assessment
3.6 Assessment ofemergency response procedures
3.7 Emergency team assessment
3.8 Assessment of emergency equipment, facilities and materials support
3.9 Emergency training assessment
3.10 Emergency exercise assessment
3.11 Assessment of self-inspection and evaluation
4 Assessment methods
Appendix A Scoring sheet ofemergency response capability
evaluation for construction safety ofhydropower and water resources projects
Explanation of wording in this specification List of quoted standards


  3.9.1 Emergency training assessment is to examine the emergencytraining management conditions and training effectiveness, includingemergency training management, emergency team training, trainingof all workers and staff, and raising public awareness of emergency.  3.9.2 Emergency training management shall comply with thefollowing:  1 Establish the management for emergency training, define the training requirements and measures, and prepare the emergency training plan.  2 Define the department and personnel responsible for emer-gency training management, and establish the training records.  3.9.3 Emergency team training shall comply with the following:  1 Emergency personnel shall receive the training; the coursesand duration of training shall comply with the relevant stipulations.  2 Emergency personnel shall be familiar with the EPP and emergency procedures specified for key monitoring areas, and understand the use of emergency equipment and facilities.  3.9.4 Training of all workers and staff shall comply with the following:  1 All workers and staff shall receive the training of emergency knowledge, and master the emergency protective skills and safety knowledge.  2 Safety activities organized by work teams shall include the content on emergency training.  3.9.5 Raising public awareness of emergency shall comply with the following:  1 Carry out the emergency public awareness education, and popularize the knowledge of accident prevention, risk avoiding,self-rescue and mutual assistance.  2 Inform visitors of safety and raise their awareness of emer-gency.  3 Conduct the emergency training for other operational per-sonnel.  4 Raise the awareness of emergency knowledge to the other stakeholders and general public which may be impacted by accident.  ……



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