

1星价 ¥81.4 (5.5折)
2星价¥81.4 定价¥148.0
  • ISBN:9787508544144
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:281
  • 出版时间:2020-02-01
  • 条形码:9787508544144 ; 978-7-5085-4414-4


2018年下半年至今,西方反华势力与“疆独”分裂势力勾结,不断通过制造谣言、歪曲事实的方式针对中国治疆政策进行攻击。这些谣言围绕新疆设立“教培中心”展开,后衍生出“寻人”“酷刑”等分支话题进行大肆炒作,在海外造成恶劣影响。一年多来,环球时报紧盯形势,密集派出记者前往新疆采访,并大量采访外国有识之士,与西方反华势力的谣言进行针锋相对的斗争,坚守海内外舆论阵地,向读者展示真实的新疆。为更好地将真相公之于世,《关于新疆的谣言与真相》集纳环球时报一年多来的涉疆报道和评论,以供海内外政界、学界及所有关心新疆的读者参考。 The Han Dynasty (206 BC–AD 220) brought the Western Regions into its territory in 60 BC, and the stories from the Tianshan Mountains have become part of Chinese national history ever since. Today, there are some who have never been to Xinjiang and yet try to force their fictional version of the Xinjiang story to the world. Since 2018, Western media outlets have become interested in reporting on Xinjiang affairs. What a coincidence this is as it comes at a time when US strategic containment of China is on the rise!
When blood and sweat are shed in vain, and defamation and libel run wild, Lies and Truth on Xinjiang: Exposing the US-Led Infowar Against China has arrived to set things straight on all Xinjiang-related topics. Xinjiang is like a mirror that reflects the true colors of Western media’s so-called objectivity and fairness. The book is a compilation of interviews, investigative reports, and thoughts from Global Times reporters and commentators from their numerous Xinjiang visits and was designed to help make the mirror brighter.


——美国前国防部长 威廉·科恩
——苏丹外交部长 易卜拉欣·甘杜尔
——意大利驻华大使 谢国谊
——塞尔维亚总统 托米斯拉夫·尼科利奇
联袂推荐 This illustrated book, Lies and Truth on Xinjiang: Exposing the US-Led Infowar Against China, reveals that only the eradication of the “three evil forces” of separatism, extremism and terrorism can guarantee the human rights of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.


Reports on Xinjiang
Chapter I Seeing with one’s own eyes
Xinjiang’s education programs improve life chances for trainees, families
Xinjiang women gain respect and self-recognition
Efforts to eliminate extremism in Xinjiang change local lives for the better
1.12 million officials paired with local households in Xinjiang
Putonghua school in southern Xinjiang becomes model for ethnic unity
Xinjiang deploys officials in villages to help with poverty alleviation
Media group from Indonesia and Malaysia given full picture of Xinjiang’s de-extremism measures
Border patrol officers keep Xinjiang secure
Stability benefits Xinjiang tourism, business
Xinjiang’s Kizil Caves showcase history of exchanges between East and West
Xinjiang sees better religious facility: Hatifu
Xinjiang residents hail improved livelihood, stability a decade after Urumqi riot
Efforts of police contribute to over 30 months’ peace in Xinjiang
Chapter II Refuting rumors
Anti-terrorism efforts stressed in white paper on Xinjiang
The untold truth about Xinjiang in Western media
White paper clarifies historical facts of Xinjiang
Xinjiang white paper justifies vocational education and training centers
Pompeo slammed for lying that Xinjiang woman was sent to training center, forcibly sterilized
Relatives of so-called Uygur activists slam Pompeo’s detention claim
Exclusive: Xinjiang spokesperson dismisses Western reports
China urged to take “stronger countermeasures” against US’ Xinjiang bill
Documentary with rare footage chronicles China’s arduous fight against terrorism in Xinjiang
China releases English documentary on ETIM terror group’s dark hand in Xinjiang
Xinjiang trainees graduate as flexible, regular courses become available to all
Allegedly “missing” Uygurs found living normally, debunks “StillNoInfo” rumors
New research reveals absurd rumor sources of Uygur detentions in Xinjiang endeared by Western media
Xinjiang refutes latest set of lies from Western media
Xinjiang refutes CNN report on “destruction of Uygur tombs”
Xinjiang multilingual tutoring center rejects Western accusation of “cultural genocide”
Xinjiang busts secessionist rumors, shows transparency
Chapter III Support from the international community
Diplomatic envoys, foreign journalists praise Xinjiang’s stability, economic development
Xinjiang joint letter signatories blast West’s bias
Fifty ambassadors throw weight behind China on Xinjiang
Turkish reporters recognize Xinjiang’s de-radicalization achievement
Indonesian Muslim group upholds Xinjiang condition
Geneva-based envoys get clearer picture of China’s policy in Xinjiang during visit
International community visits Xinjiang to dispel Western bias against region
French professor praises China’s de-radicalization measures in Xinjiang
Chapter IV Unmasking some Western media’s lies
Turkey in no position to judge Xinjiang
Western pressure has no effect on China’s governance in Xinjiang
China on the right track in tackling terrorism and extremism
White paper sets Xinjiang facts straight
Human rights concept needs to be redefined
US moves concerning Xinjiang doomed to fail
Western media report on Xinjiang lacks morality
Geopolitics drives Western media’s attack on China’s governance in Xinjiang
Xinjiang’s peace and prosperity unnerve US
Why do Western media ignore China’s documentary on Xinjiang?
Abdulaheb should be wary of risks from West
Dirty public opinion war won’t deter China’s governance in Xinjiang
Chapter V Xinjiang key words: prosperity, stability, confidence
Governance in Xinjiang deserves respect
Governance in Xinjiang stands on righteous side
Xinjiang’s stability more important than pleasing the West
Xinjiang must maintain long-term stability
China’s anti-terrorism experience in Xinjiang useful to UN
Xinjiang’s prosperity driven by China’s strength
Xinjiang situation to realize a soft landing


意大利总统为她颁授骑士勋章“意大利之星” Global Times reporters and commentators have been resolutely engaged in a public opinion war, presenting the outside world with the real facts and pragmatic logic of the human rights situation in Xinjiang from the very heart of the autonomous region.

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