- ISBN:9787030652096
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:29cm
- 页数:282页
- 出版时间:2020-06-01
- 条形码:9787030652096 ; 978-7-03-065209-6
甘肃镇原茹河流域几处石窟及单体造像调查报告 王博文(1)
甘肃武威亥母寺遗址03窟发掘简报 甘肃省文物考古研究所(12)
犍陀罗在中国——云冈石窟窟顶西区北魏佛寺 郭凤妍(40)
6世纪前《维摩诘经》变图像再探讨——以泾渭河流域造像为例 项一峰(54)
试论武周时期龙门石窟东山诸大型窟中的造像艺术 姚瑶(72)
潼南大佛妆金史料调查与研究 徐林 廖学琼(88)
北宋东京城寺院反映的佛教发展情况 车星璇(102)
山东长清灵岩寺彩塑罗汉像身份问题初探 黄恋茹(135)
再证杭州飞来峰“西游记图”浮雕的历史意义——兼谈古代文献与美术史研究的关系 常青(149)
山西平顺金灯寺第5窟明代水陆浮雕辨识 谷东方(173)
犍陀罗佛教考古190年 廖彩羽(206)
云冈石窟21~30窟及5窟附窟差异性风化因素初步研究 卢继文 李彬(216)
龙门石窟日常保养维护再议 李心坚(228)
龙门石窟香山寺蒋宋别墅修缮工艺研究 李建厚 赵燕(235)
新疆惠远老城遗址病害特征及成因分析 陆继财(243)
征稿启事 (253)
Studies of the Cave Temples
Survey Report on Several Caves and Single Statues of Ruhe Valley, Zhenyuan, Gansu Province Wang Bowen(1)
The Excavation Report of Cave 3 in the Haimu Temple Site at Wuwei County, Gansu Province Gansu Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology(12)
Gandhāra in China: The Buddhist Temple of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the Western Zone of the Top of Yungang Grottoes Kuo Fengyen(40)
A Further Study on the Vimalakirti Sutra Illustrations before the Sixth Century: Centering on the Statues of the Jingwei River Basin Xiang Yifeng(54)
A Study about the Buddha Statues in the Center of Several Large Caves in the East-mountain of Longmen Grottoes of the Wuzhou Period in Luoyang Yao Yao(72)
Investigation and Research on the Historical Materials of Tongnan Grand Buddha Makeup Gold Xu Lin Liao Xueqiong(88)
Analysis on the Culture of Temples of Northern Song Dynasty Che Xingxuan(102)
The Preliminary Study of Painted Arhat Statues of Lingyan Temple in Shandong Province Huang Lianru(135)
Re-proving the Significance of the Images on “Journey to the West” at Feilaifeng of Hangzhou: With a Discussion on the Relationship between Historical Texts and Art History Study Chang Qing(149)
Identification of Water-and-land Reliefs Sculpture in Cave 5 of the Ming Dynasty in Jindeng Temple in Pingshun County, Shanxi Province Gu Dongfang(173)
190 Years of Buddhist Archaeology in Gandhāra Leow Chaiyee(206)
A Preliminary Study on the Differential Weathering Factors in Caves 21~30 and Affiliated Caves of Cave 5 in Yungang Grottoes Lu Jiwen Li Bin(216)
Reconsideration on Daily Maintenance of Longmen Grottoes Li Xinjian(228)
Study on the Repairing Process of Jiang Song Villa in Xiangshansi Temple of Longmen Grottoes Li Jianhou Zhao Yan(235)
Damage Characteristics and Protection Measures of Huiyuan Site in Xinjiang Lu Jicai(243)
Contributions Wanted (253)
甘肃镇原茹河流域几处石窟及单体造像调查报告 王博文(1)
甘肃武威亥母寺遗址03窟发掘简报 甘肃省文物考古研究所(12)
犍陀罗在中国——云冈石窟窟顶西区北魏佛寺 郭凤妍(40)
6世纪前《维摩诘经》变图像再探讨——以泾渭河流域造像为例 项一峰(54)
试论武周时期龙门石窟东山诸大型窟中的造像艺术 姚瑶(72)
潼南大佛妆金史料调查与研究 徐林 廖学琼(88)
北宋东京城寺院反映的佛教发展情况 车星璇(102)
山东长清灵岩寺彩塑罗汉像身份问题初探 黄恋茹(135)
再证杭州飞来峰“西游记图”浮雕的历史意义——兼谈古代文献与美术史研究的关系 常青(149)
山西平顺金灯寺第5窟明代水陆浮雕辨识 谷东方(173)
犍陀罗佛教考古190年 廖彩羽(206)
云冈石窟21~30窟及5窟附窟差异性风化因素初步研究 卢继文 李彬(216)
龙门石窟日常保养维护再议 李心坚(228)
龙门石窟香山寺蒋宋别墅修缮工艺研究 李建厚 赵燕(235)
新疆惠远老城遗址病害特征及成因分析 陆继财(243)
征稿启事 (253)
Studies of the Cave Temples
Survey Report on Several Caves and Single Statues of Ruhe Valley, Zhenyuan, Gansu Province Wang Bowen(1)
The Excavation Report of Cave 3 in the Haimu Temple Site at Wuwei County, Gansu Province Gansu Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology(12)
Gandhāra in China: The Buddhist Temple of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the Western Zone of the Top of Yungang Grottoes Kuo Fengyen(40)
A Further Study on the Vimalakirti Sutra Illustrations before the Sixth Century: Centering on the Statues of the Jingwei River Basin Xiang Yifeng(54)
A Study about the Buddha Statues in the Center of Several Large Caves in the East-mountain of Longmen Grottoes of the Wuzhou Period in Luoyang Yao Yao(72)
Investigation and Research on the Historical Materials of Tongnan Grand Buddha Makeup Gold Xu Lin Liao Xueqiong(88)
Analysis on the Culture of Temples of Northern Song Dynasty Che Xingxuan(102)
The Preliminary Study of Painted Arhat Statues of Lingyan Temple in Shandong Province Huang Lianru(135)
Re-proving the Significance of the Images on “Journey to the West” at Feilaifeng of Hangzhou: With a Discussion on the Relationship between Historical Texts and Art History Study Chang Qing(149)
Identification of Water-and-land Reliefs Sculpture in Cave 5 of the Ming Dynasty in Jindeng Temple in Pingshun County, Shanxi Province Gu Dongfang(173)
190 Years of Buddhist Archaeology in Gandhāra Leow Chaiyee(206)
A Preliminary Study on the Differential Weathering Factors in Caves 21~30 and Affiliated Caves of Cave 5 in Yungang Grottoes Lu Jiwen Li Bin(216)
Reconsideration on Daily Maintenance of Longmen Grottoes Li Xinjian(228)
Study on the Repairing Process of Jiang Song Villa in Xiangshansi Temple of Longmen Grottoes Li Jianhou Zhao Yan(235)
Damage Characteristics and Protection Measures of Huiyuan Site in Xinjiang Lu Jicai(243)
Contributions Wanted (253)
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