  • ISBN:9787502974459
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:362
  • 出版时间:2018-01-01
  • 条形码:9787502974459 ; 978-7-5029-7445-9


本教材由10个章节构成,覆盖安全管理、雷电物理、雷电风险评估、雷电防护技术、雷电技术规范、防雷器件和雷电探测等多个分支,与雷电相关研究方向密切相关。每个章节之间相互连贯、由浅入深、循序渐进,既考虑到雷电自然科学方面的知识,又涉及相关的防护工程领域,具有鲜明的雷电特色,符合该专业的人才培养目标。安全工程相关专业课程(如安全管理与法规、雷电原理、建筑物防雷技术、电涌保护器原理与测试、雷电探测技术、雷电灾害风险评估)的内容在本教材中都有所体现,丰富了学生的知识面,让学生通过该书的学习,对所学专业知识有进一步的深入理解,拓宽他们的思路,增强他们的创新能力。而同类的其他教材,仅局限在安全工程和安全管理层面,达不到我校专业教学目标的要求。 本书可作为高等院校安全工程相关专业本科生的教材,也可作为雷电防护工作者的参考用书。


Unit 1 Safety Management 安全管理
Topic 1 What Is the Safety Profession?
Topic 2 Factors Influencing Unsafe Behaviors
Topic 3 What the Cultural Approach?
Topic 4 Cause Analysis and Prevention Theory of Traffic Accident
Topic 5 Emergency Management Systems after Disastrous Earthquakes
Topic 6 How to Prevent Process Safety Incidents?
Topic 7 Workplace Electrical Safety
Topic 8 Electrical Installations
Topic 9 The Influence of Social Education Background on Safety Production Management
Topic 10 Statistical Methods of Injury Accidents
Topic 11 Safety Management System
Topic 12 Safety Task and Responsibilities of Safety Management Personnel
Topic 13 Safety Evaluation of Major Hazard Sources
Topic 14 Method Assessment for Complex Accidents
Topic 15 Role of Industrial Designers and Safety Personnel
Topic 16 The Impact of Accident Attributed to Human Error on Accident Assessment
Topic 17 Role of the Occupational Health Service Organization
Topic 18 Mapping Knowledge Structure and Research Trends of Emergency Evacuation Studies
Topic 19 Optimal Assignments of Allocating and Scheduling Emergency Resources to Accidents in Chemical Industrial Parks
Topic 20 Success and Failure Promote System Security
Unit 2 Basic Features of Lightning 雷电的基本特征
Topic 21 A Brief Description of Lightning and Lightning Protection
Topic 22 Lightning and Thunder
Topic 23 Thundercloud's Electrical Structure
Topic 24 When Does Lightning Occur?
Topic 25 Differentiation of Flash, Stroke, Strike, and Bolt
Topic 26 Does Lightning Go Up or Down?
Topic 27 Cloud Discharges
Topic 28 Electromagnetic Properties of A Lightning Discharge
Topic 29 Lightning Effects on the Chemistry of the Atmosphere
Topic 30 What is the Earth's Charge and What Charges the Earth?
Topic 31 On the Utilization of Lightning Energy
Unit 3 Lightning Damages 雷电危害
Topic 32 Basic Mechanisms of Lightning Damage
Topic 33 Damages to a Structure due to Lightning
Topic 34 Damages to a Service due to Lightning
Topic 35 How Many Types of Loss and Risk Are There due to Damage Caused by Lightning?
Topic 36 Some Facts on Lightning
Topic 37 How Surge Voltages Occur in Power and Data Lines?
Topic 38 Is It Necessary to Evacuate a Pool During Lightning?
Unit 4 Regulations on Lightning Protection 雷电防护规范
Topic 39 Basic Criteria for Protection of Structures
Topic 40 Protection of Structures
Topic 41 Risk Management
Topic 42 External Lightning Protection System
Topic 43 Lighting Equipotential Bonding
Topic 44 SPM Management
Topic 45 How to Identify the Structure or the Service to Be Protected?
Topic 46 How Are Structures and Services Classified?
Topic 47 Why Is Risk Assessment Required?
Topic 48 Data Required for the Assessment of Risk
Unit 5 Lightning Protection Techniques 雷电防护技术
Topic 49 How Can You Determine the Necessity of Lightning Protection?
Topic 50 Lightning Protection Design for Diversion and Shielding
Topic 51 Lightning Protection Design for Limiting Currents and Voltages
Topic 52 Rolling-Sphere Method
Topic 53 Faraday Cage
Topic 54 How Can I Protect My Home Computer, TV and Other Electronics from Lightning and How Can I Protect Myself?
Topic 55 What Is the Main and Most Effective Protection Measure for Protection of Structures against Direct Lightning Flashes?
Topic 56 How Are Buildings Protected from Indirect Effects?
Topic 57 Why Are All Grounding Electrodes Bonded Together to Form a Single Building Ground?
Topic 58 What May Occur When a Lightning-Induced Power Surge Is Coupled into Your Computer Equipment?
Topic 59 How to Make Boats Lightning-Protected?
Topic 60 Why Is Grounding for Cable TV and Satellite System Antennas Very Important?
Topic 61 How to Protect an Aircraft from Lightning?
Unit 6 Lightning Protective Syste

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