

1星价 ¥71.5 (2.4折)
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  • ISBN:9787517910640
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:12开
  • 页数:216
  • 出版时间:2021-09-01
  • 条形码:9787517910640 ; 978-7-5179-1064-0


从对着拍中见证时代,在对着比中认识变化,中国人的衣食住行工商学乐医随着时代都在发生天翻地覆的变化,其中有经济发展的直接表现,亦有政策演变的客观因果。该书为《影像见证中国:中外摄影对着拍》的全英文版。全书除对照展示40对改革开放之初前后的照片和近年的呼应影像外,还通过涉及衣、食、住、行、通讯、教育、商业贸易、居民娱乐等显示改革开放巨大成就的历史回顾性文字展示了中国特色社会主义道路的伟大成功。阅读此书,可从一个个侧面看到改革开放时代的中华人民共和国历史。 这是一次影像魅力的生动诠释。这是一场波澜起伏的视觉动员。这是一场东西文化的交流互鉴。这是一次意蕴深远的时代召唤。




CONTENTS Witness China, Echo the Times Photographic Echo Water Transport of the Past and Present Happy to See the Great Changes of the First Avenue in China in the Past 40 years The Views across the Huangpu River at the Bund Old Public Transport System and the New Playing Chinese Chess in a Traditional Way and against the Computer Liulichang Transformed in the Past 47 Years Quadrangle Dwellings Refurbished, People's Clothes Get More Fashionable Elementary Education Is the Foundation for Long-term Development Buying Cakes at the Steam Train Station; Fruits Available on the High-speed Train Clothes Vendors on the Roadside; Stores at the Plaza Simple Street Food Vs Mixed Salad Handcart Vs Ambulance to the Hospital A Well-known Street in Shenyang, Yesterday and Today Social Dance Vs Square Dance;County of Past and Present The Bell Tower in Xi'an of Past and Present Mattress on the Bicycle Vs Refrigerator on the Electric Tricycle People Buying Beancurd Skin Vs Rich Varieties at the Market Hairdressing Salons Factory Workers in Datong and South of China Essential Food Vs Specialty Food Wedding Photos Children Playing Table Tennis Popsicle Vs Ice Cream on a Hot Summer's Day Bookstores Reunion 38 Years Later by the Yangtze River at Changshou Sliding Vs 3D Gaming People Buying Stocks Convenience Stores in Different Business Models Young Couples in Front of Tiananmen University Students Reading Books Vs Surfing the Internet in the Dormitory Busy Vs Idle Phone Booths Watching TV to Learn Technology in Humble House Vs Watching TV for Health Education at Home Once the Kingdom of Bicycles, Now Streets Full of Cars Traditional Wooden Houses Vs Place to Understand Ethnic Customs Change of the Status of TV Sets Different Tools to Teach the Same Poem New Year's Market in Guizhou Vs Supermarket in Beijing Traffic Controls of the Past and Present Automobiles, Old and New Steam Locomotive Vs High-speed Train Photographers Marc Riboud:China in details Bruno Barbey's Colorful China Adriano Madaro:Half of my heart is in China Eve Arnold's trip to China Yann Layma:The world is so big, but I just want to take photos of China Academic Discussion Yang Lang:"Photographic Echo" needs thorough understanding of history Literature value and academic possibility of "Photographic Echo" Follow the map: explore the location of historical photos The phenomenal "Photographic Echo" needs both meaning and warmth The historical narratives of "Photographic Echo and Contrast" Discourse structure of "Photographic Echo" The value of "Photographic Echo" goes beyond showing achievements and changes Afterword



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