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新时代主题大学英语综合教程 3(教师用书)

新时代主题大学英语综合教程 3(教师用书)

1星价 ¥57.8 (8.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787300295589
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:212
  • 出版时间:2021-06-01
  • 条形码:9787300295589 ; 978-7-300-29558-9


《读写教程 3》充分体现《大学英语教学指南》的精神及2016年6月全国四六级考委会对四六级考试题型进行局部调整的精神,精选涉及英语母语国家政治制度、经贸与金融、民族特点、地理环境、历史发展、福利制度和文化生活以及中国文化等不同侧面的阅读材料。读写教程第3册共设计8个单元。每个单元围绕同一主题开展讨论,但三篇课文体裁不同,充分体现文本的多样性。每篇文章后设计阅读理解、词汇、语法等练习,旨在培养学生的理解与英语输出能力。本书为《读写教程 3》的配套教师用书,提供与课文内容相关的人物、事件、地点、社会生活及风土人情等方面的背景知识,词语、结构讲解及难句改写,语法点,练习答案和所有课文的参考译文。


Unit 1 Ecological Civilization Teaching Objectives Section A Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation Skills Ⅵ.Translation of the Text Section B Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation of the Text Suggestions for Evaluation Further Reference Sources Unit 2 Leadership Teaching Objectives Section A Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation Skills Ⅵ.Translation of the Text Section B Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation of the Text Suggestions for Evaluation Further Reference Sources Unit 3 Economy and Development Teaching Objectives Section A Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation Skills Ⅵ.Translation of the Text Section B Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation of the Text Suggestions for Evaluation Further Reference Sources Unit 4 Happiness and Wealth Teaching Objectives Section A Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation Skills Ⅴ.Translation of the Text Section B Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation of the Text Suggestions for Evaluation Further Reference Sources Unit 5 Holidays and Rituals Teaching Objectives Section A Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation Skills Ⅴ.Translation of the Text Section B Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation of the Text Suggestions for Evaluation Further Reference Sources Unit 6 Heroes and Great Minds Teaching Objectives Section A Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Poetic Sound Devices Ⅴ.Keys to Exercises Ⅵ.Translation Skills Ⅶ.Translation of the Text Section B Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation of the Text Suggestions for Evaluation Further Reference Sources Unit 7 Art Teaching Objectives Section A Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation Skills Ⅵ.Translation of the Text Section B Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation of the Text Suggestions for Evaluation Further Reference Sources Unit 8 Aerospace Age Teaching Objectives Section A Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation Skills Ⅵ.Translation of the Text Section B Ⅰ.Suggestions for Teaching Ⅱ.Background Information Ⅲ.Detailed Study of the Text Ⅳ.Keys to Exercises Ⅴ.Translation of the Text Suggestions for Evaluation Further Reference Sources

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