

1星价 ¥147.4 (5.5折)
2星价¥147.4 定价¥268.0
  • ISBN:9787502974237
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:541
  • 出版时间:2021-06-01
  • 条形码:9787502974237 ; 978-7-5029-7423-7




Foreword 1 A Review of Drought Disasters and Their Risks Causes and Changes of Dought in China: Research Progress and Prospects Management of Drought Risk under Global Warming 2 Monitoring of Droughts and Their Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics On the Potential Application of Land Surface Models for Drought Monitoring in China A study of the K Drought Monitoring Model The Application of FY-3A/MERSI in Drought and Vegetation Monitoring in Gansu 3 Changes in the Characteristics of Drought Hazard Factors The Applicability of Research on Moving Cut Data-Approximate Entropy on Abrupt Climate Change Detection The Precipitation Change in Eastern Forest Regionsof China in the Recent 50 Years Characteristics of Drought Disaster-causing Factors Anomalies in Southwestern andSouthern China against the Background of Global Warming Spatiotemporal Variability and Change of the South China Spring Precipitation during 1961-2012 Changing Characteristics and Spatial Differentiation of Spring Precipitationin Southwest China during 1961-2012 Spatiotemporal Change of Spring Drought in Southwest China Cumulative Effect of Precipitation Deficit Preceding Severe Droughts in Southwesternand Southern China 4 An Assessment of the Vulnerability and Risk of Drought North-South Differences in Chinese Agricultural Losses due to Climate-change-influenced Droughts Improving Communication and Collaboration for Drought Vulnerability Analysis in China Characteristics of Drought Vulnerability for Maize in the Eastern Part of Northwest China Drought Vulnerability Assessment for Maize in the Semiarid Region of Northwestern China Climate Suitability and Vulnerability of Winter Wheat Planting in Gansu under the Background of Global Warming Characteristics of Agro-meteorological Disasters and Their Risk in Gansu Province Against the Background of Climate Change Risk Evaluation of Agricultural Disaster Impacts on Food Production in Southern China by Probability Density Method Risk Assessment of Agricultural Drought Disaster in the Southern China The Spatial Distribution Characteristics of a Comprehensive Drought Risk Index in Southwestern China and Underlying Causes Drought Risk Analysis of Maize under Climate Change Based on Natural Disaster System Theory in Southwest China 5 The Impact of Climate Warming on Agriculture Climate Warming: Does Northwest China Face a Stark Food Security Challenge? The Change of Winter Wheat Planting Structure under the Background of Climate Change in Gansu Province Warming Influences the Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat in theSemiarid Regions of Northwest China Influence of Temperature on the Heavy Metals Accumulation of FiveVegetable Species in Semiarid Area of Northwest China Combined Effects of Elevated Temperature and CO2 Concentration on Cd and Zn Accumulation Dynamics in Triticum aestivum L. Impact of Climate Change on Water Use Efficiency by Wheat, Potato andCorn in Semiarid Areas of China Response of Bean Cultures' Water Use Efficiency against Climate Warming in Semiarid Regions of China

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