

¥44.5 (7.7折) ?
1星价 ¥44.5
2星价¥44.5 定价¥58.0
  • ISBN:9787122386120
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:170
  • 出版时间:2022-01-01
  • 条形码:9787122386120 ; 978-7-122-38612-0


《宠物专业应用英语》 为宠物专业英语教材。本书包括八个单元,涉及宠物品种、产品、养护、行为训导、营养、疾病、药品、急救处理八个主题,每单元由口语会话、短文学习、延伸信息、自我测验和养宠小贴士五个部分组成。本书适应高职学生英语水平现状,本着“实用、够用、应用”的原则,根据宠物专业就业岗位对毕业生的英语需求编写。本书可作为中高等职业院校宠物专业学生教材使用,也可满足相关从业人员日常工作的交流和阅读需求。


Unit 1 Choosing a Pet
Oral Practice
Reading-centered Activities
Passage 1 Pet Care Sector in China
Passage 2 Your Legal Responsibilities as a Dog Owner Within the Community
Related Information
Test Yourself
Tips for Pet Owners
Unit 2 Pet Products
Oral Practice
Reading-centered Activities
Passage 1 Microchip Your Cat
Passage 2 Pet Products Make Life with Your Pet Better
Related Information
Test Yourself
Tips for Pet Owners
Unit 3 Pet Care
Oral Practice
Reading-centered Activities
Passage 1 Getting Started to Toenail Trimming
Passage 2 Washing the Dog Made Easier
Related Information
Test Yourself
Tips for Pet Owners
Unit 4 Pet Behaviour Training
Oral Practice
Reading-centered Activities
Passage 1 Come When Called
Passage 2 Prevention of Food Guarding
Related Information
Test Yourself
Tips for Pet Owners
Unit 5 Pet Nutrition
Oral Practice
Reading-centered Activities
Passage 1 How to Choose Between Dry and Canned Dog Food
Passage 2 Debunking Pet Nutrition Myths
Related Information
Test Yourself
Tips for Pet Owners
Unit 6 Pet Disease
Oral Practice
Reading-centered Activities
Passage 1 Dog Health Issues
Passage 2 Causes and Treatment of Dog Vomiting
Related Information
Test Yourself
Tips for Pet Owners
Unit 7 Pet Drugs
Oral Practice
Reading-centered Activities
Passage 1 Dasuquin Chewable Tablets for Dogs
Passage 2 Aspirin for Medium and Large Dogs
Related Information
Test Yourself
Tips for Pet Owners
Unit 8 Pet First Aid & Emergency Care
Oral Practice
Reading-centered Activities
Passage 1 Poisoning
Passage 2 Difficult Birth
Related Information
Test Yourself
Tips for Pet Owners
New words

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