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  • ISBN:9787302604013
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:260
  • 出版时间:2022-04-01
  • 条形码:9787302604013 ; 978-7-302-60401-3




全书分为四个部分,共二十五章,主要从古代世界、中世纪文明、早期现代欧洲和现代西方的兴起四个板块阐述西方文明的简短发展史。本书从西方文明这一概念的起源入手,介绍了对西方文明的形成和发展发挥至关重要作用的各项要素,包括古希腊、古罗马的思想和政治成就,科学、技术和宗教的因素等;还展示了西方文明对世界上其他地区产生的影响,包括亚洲、非洲和美洲。对于重点章节的介绍,本书还提供了相关的**性引文,为学生提供原汁原味的素材。本书既可用于高校英语专业、翻译专业的课堂教学,又可作为高校英语通识选修课教材。 本书另配有课后练习的答案详解及电子课件,读者可登录 ftp://ftp.tup.tsinghua.edu.cn/下载使用。


Part One The Ancient World (3000 BC–500 AD) Chapter 1 Civilization in Mesopotamia2 1 The Earliest Cities and Empires2 2 Society, Culture, and Religion in Mesopotamia3 3 The Hebrews and Their Religion4 4 The Phoenicians6 Chapter 2 The Civilization of the Greeks9 1 Early Greece: Minoan Crete and Mycenaean Civilization9 2 The Archaic Age of Greek City-States (c 750 BC–c 500 BC)10 3 Classical Greece (500 BC–338 BC)13 4 Culture in Classical Greece14 Chapter 3 The Hellenistic World27 1 Conquest of Alexander27 2 Life in Hellenistic World27 3 Religion and Philosophy29 4 Science in Alexandria30 Chapter 4 The Rise and Fall of Rome33 1 Roman Republic33 2 Roman Empire35 3 The Fall of Roman Empire37 4 Literature and Historiography40 5 Science and Medicine42 6 The Rise and Development of Christianity43 Part Two Medieval Civilization 500–1300 Chapter 5 The Germanic Kingdoms51 1 The Ostrogothic Kingdom in Italy51 2 The Visigothic Kingdom in Spain51 3 The Vandals' Kingdom in Carthage52 4 The Frankish Kingdom52 5 Anglo-Saxon England53 Chapter 6 The Byzantine Empire55 1 The Reign of Justinian (527–565)55 2 From Eastern Roman to Byzantine Empire55 3 Byzantine Culture56 Chapter 7 The Rise and Expansion of Islam59 1 Mohammed59 2 Arabic Conquests and the Caliphate60 3 The Faith of Islam60 4 The Culture of Islam61 Chapter 8 Remaking of Europe66 1 The World of the Carolingians66 2 The Rise of Western Europe68 3 Central and Eastern Europe of the Slavs70 Chapter 9 Feudal Europe73 1 Feudalism73 2 Growth of Feudal States76 Chapter 10 The Medieval Church82 1 Christian Doctrine82 2 Gregory the Great83 3 Early Church Fathers84 4 Monastic Reform Movements86 5 Investiture Struggle87 6 The Crusades89 Chapter 11 Medieval Culture94 1 The Rise of Universities94 2 Thirteenth-Century Learning95 3 Christian Architecture97 Part Three Early Modern Europe 1300–1650 Chapter 12 An Age of Discovery and Expansion107 1 Portugal and the African Route108 2 Spain and the Atlantic Route109 3 The Spanish Administration in the New World 111 4 Impact of Expansion 113 Chapter 13 The Renaissance116 1 Renaissance Italy 116 2 The Hundred Years' War 118 3 New Monarchies 118 4 Humanism122 5 Renaissance Art126 Chapter 14 The Reformation133 1 Decay of the Church133 2 The Awakening Reform Spirit134 3 Political and Social Influence135 4 The Revolt of Luther: “Justification by Faith”136 5 Calvin and the Elect: “Predestination”138 6 Henry Ⅷ and the Church of England139 7 The Roman Catholic Response141 Chapter 15 Politics and Religious Wars146 1 The French Wars of Religion (1562–1598)146 2 Philip Ⅱ's Spain and the Revolt of the Netherlands147 3 The England of Elizabeth148 4 Thirty Years' War (1618–1648)150 Chapter 16 Two Systems of State: Absolutism and Constitutional Monarchy154 1 Theory of Absolutism155 2 Absolutism in France: Louis ⅩⅣ 156 3 Absolutism in Germany: Prussia and Austria158 4 Emergence of Russia159 5 England and the Emergence of Constitutional Monarchy160 Chapter 17 The Beginning of Modern Capitalism165 1 New Forms of Business Organization166 2 The Rise of Modern Banking167 3 Mercantilism and Overseas Colonies168 Part Four The Rise of the Modern West 1600–1850 Chapter 18 Scientific Revolution and the Emergence of Modern Science175 1 Revolution in Astronomy: Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo,and Newton175 2 Advances in Medicine179 3 Scientific Societies and Organizations180 Chapter 19 Emancipation of Philosophy:Empiricism and Skepticism185 1 Michel Eyquem de Montaigne: Skepticism and Religious Tolerance185 2 Francis Bacon: New Approach to Knowledge186 3 René Descartes188 4 John Locke: Tabula Rasa188 5 David Hume: An Outright Skeptic189 Chapter 20 The Intellectual Enlightenment194 1 The Growth of Doubt195 2 Vision of Progress200 3 Culture202 Chapter 21 The Secularization of Political Theory: Social Contract207 1 Thomas Hobbes208 2 Samuel Pufendorf209 3 John Locke209 4 Baruch Spinoza209 5 Jean-Jacques Rousseau 211 Chapter 22 New Developments in Law and Legal Philosophy214 1 The Doctrine of Natural Law214 2 The Rise of International Law215 3 Other Legal Philosophies217 Chapter 23 An Era of Revolution221 1 American Revolution221 2 French Revolution223 Chapter 24 Industrial Revolution231 1 The Mechanization of Industry and Transportation231 2 The Industrial Factory232 3 Spread of Industrial Revolution233 Chapter 25 Utilitarianism and Positivism235 1 Jeremy Bentham235 2 John Stuart Mill237 3 Auguste Comte240 Appendix: Recommended Readings245


胡翠娥,女,1970年5月生,江西省靖安县人,南开大学文学学士(1992),南开大学文学硕士(1997),南开大学翻译学博士(2003),现为南开大学外国语学院教授,博士生导师,翻译系主任。研究方向:中西翻译史与中西文化。著有《文学翻译与文化参与——晚清小说翻译的文化研究》(上海外语教育出版社2007年,获2005-07上海市图书奖。)和《翻译的“政治”——现代文坛的翻译论争与文学文化论争》(人民文学出版社,2016年)。汉译英著作包括Empirical Study on Income Inequality of Chinese Residents,(周云波著,胡翠娥译,施普林格出版社2012年)、An Introduction to Chinese Birth Year Symbols: Dragon (胡翠娥译,世界出版西安公司,2012年),英译汉著作有《世界思想史》(彼得?沃森著,胡翠娥译,南京译林出版社2017年)。在《中国翻译》、《外国语》、《中国比较文学》、《新文学史料》、《外语与外语教学》、《南开学报》等学术刊物上发表数十篇学术论文,主持国家社科基金项目一项“现代文坛的翻译论争与文学、文化论争

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