

¥55.6 (7.1折) ?
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2星价¥55.6 定价¥78.0
  • ISBN:9787510468971
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:194
  • 出版时间:2019-09-01
  • 条形码:9787510468971 ; 978-7-5104-6897-1






Beautiful China Helps to Convey the Country's Green Message
The Future Holds Promise Thanks to Painstaking Efforts of China
An FTA Between China and African Nations Will Boost Global Trade
Connectivity Holds the Key to a Better and Brighter Future
Not the Right Time for EU to Fall for US Trade Sop
It's Time the EU Realized US' Anti-free Trade Characteristics
Nation Looks to Capitalize on Year of Vital Anniversaries
China and EU Can Work Together to Help Others
Making China Part of Eurasian Plan Is Vital for EU
Partnership Between EU and US Is No Longer Rosy
Right Time for EU to Link Its Investment Plan with Initiative
For Industrial Success, China Must Design New Engines
Hainan Reflects the Fruits of Reform and Opening-up
Xiongan Holds out Lots of Promise for Foreign Firms
Inclusiveness Will Drive New A~ency to Success
High Tariffs Will Not Solve US and EU Structural Problems
Belt and Road Lead the Way to Rising Trade and Investment
EU Should Seek Synergies with Belt and Road
Belgium Shows Its Confidence.in Belt and Road
Modernized Economy Is a Window of Opportunity
EU Needs to Do Good Homework to Attract More Chinese Visitors
China and France Can Become Ideal Market Economies
China Playing a Bigger Global Role as Lehmann Had Foreseen
China and EU Can Improve Ties If They Focus on Cooperation
US and EU Should Fulfill WTO Vow Regarding Fruits of Partnership
EU Welcomes to Work with China to Help Africa
EU Could Learn Some Economic Growth Lessons from China
EU Could Take a Leaf out of China's Book on Diplomacy
China's Local Governments Reaching out to EU States
EU Has Enough Incentive to Strengthen Ties
China's Panda Diplomacy Helps Strengthen Ties with Europe
Europe Eyes Potential of Flying Visits
Proposed EU Regulation Will Harm Foreign Investors
Merkei Is Set to Win the Polls and Boost Ties with China
Chinese Are Ready for Adventure, But Is EU Prepared to Receive Them?
TV Shows and Films Can Consolidate Cultural Bonds with Europe
EU Should Regulate Investment Cautiously
G20 Must Put Actions to Its Words If It Is to Deliver on Its Consensus
On China's 'Diplomatic Chessboard', Germany Is an Important Piece
A Safer EU Could Attract More Capital, Tourists
EU Reality Kicks in as Haggling Begins over UK's Divorce
EU at a Crossroad as Members Ponder UK Situations
Right Time for EU to Transform Words into Action
G7 and G20 Summits Can Take Inspiration from Silk Road Spirit
In the Tracks of Belt and Road Initiative
Europeans Looking to Belt and Road Forum to Deepen Dialogue
Greece Is Ready to Seek Sustainable Growth
EU Should Cash in on Opportunities, Not Look at Problems
Xiongan New Area Offers Foreign Investors Fresh Opportunities




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