

1星价 ¥75.6 (7.0折)
2星价¥75.6 定价¥108.0
  • ISBN:9787121435072
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:204
  • 出版时间:2022-12-01
  • 条形码:9787121435072 ; 978-7-121-43507-2


网络化控制系统(Networked Control Systems)是指系统中的设备经过通信网络交换信息的控制系统。网络化控制系统通过物联网连接了实体空间,可以在远距离下执行许多自动化控制任务。本书针对网络化控制系统中出现的数据传输延迟、数据包丢失、传输速率受限等情况,研究了线性系统状态观测问题,给出了量化器、编码器、解码器及控制器的设计方法,证明了确保系统可观测性和可稳定性的充分条件。 本书可作为高等学校自动化、检测技术、通信工程等相关专业大学本科生和研究生的双语教学用书,也可作为工程设计人员的参考书。


Chapter 1 Data-Rate Theorem for Networked Control Systems 1
1.1 Linear Discrete-Time Systems 1
1.1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.2 Problem Formulation 4
1.1.3 State Estimation under Data-Rate Limitations 5
1.1.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 19
1.2 Linear Continuous Time-Invariant Systems 21
1.2.1 Introduction 22
1.2.2 Problem Formulation 23
1.2.3 State Estimation under Information Limitations 24
1.2.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 26
References 28
Chapter 2 Coding Schemes for Observability and Stabilizability under
Data-Rate Limitations 31
2.1 Variable-Length Coding 31
2.1.1 Introduction 31
2.1.2 Problem Formulation 33
2.1.3 Quantization, Coding and Control Schemes 35
2.1.4 Sufficient Conditions for Observability and Stabilizability 40
2.1.5 Numerical Examples and Simulations 50
2.2 Fixed-Length Coding 53
2.2.1 Introduction 53
2.2.2 Problem Formulation 54
2.2.3 Quantization and Coding 55
2.2.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 61
2.3 Time-Varying Coding 62
2.3.1 Introduction 63
2.3.2 Problem Formulation 64
2.3.3 Quantization and Coding 65
2.3.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 72
References 74
Chapter 3 State Estimation under Data-Rate Limitations 78
3.1 Scalar Linear Continuous Time-Invariant Systems 78
3.1.1 Introduction 78
3.1.2 Problem Formulation 79
3.1.3 Conditions on the Constant Data Rate for Observability 80
3.1.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 83
3.2 Multi-Input Multi-Output Linear Systems 85
3.2.1 Introduction 85
3.2.2 Problem Formulation 86
3.2.3 Conditions on the Constant Data Rate for Observability 88
3.2.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 91
3.3 Jordan Canonical Form of System Matrix 93
3.3.1 Introduction 93
3.3.2 Problem Formulation 94
3.3.3 A Lower Bound on the Data Rate for Observability 96
3.4 Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Extreme Data-Rate Limitations 100
3.4.1 Introduction 100
3.4.2 Problem Formulation 101
3.4.3 Optimal Encoder and Decoder Design 102
3.4.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 105
3.5 Linear Continuous-Time Systems with Extreme Data-Rate Limitations 106
3.5.1 Introduction 107
3.5.2 Problem Formulation 108
3.5.3 Conditions for Observability 109
3.5.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 112
References 113
Chapter 4 Observability and Stabilizability of Linear Systems with Time
Delays 117
4.1 Systems with Random Time Delays 117
4.1.1 Introduction 117
4.1.2 Problem Formulation 119
4.1.3 State Estimation over Channels with Random Time Delays 120
4.1.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 124
4.2 Systems with Random Time Delays and Limited Data-Rates 126
4.2.1 Introduction 126
4.2.2 Problem Formulation 127
4.2.3 Optimal Encoder and Decoder Design 130
4.2.4 Conditions for Observability 132
4.2.5 Numerical Examples and Simulations 142
4.3 Systems with Fixed Time Delay 146
4.3.1 Introduction 146
4.3.2 Problem Formulation 147
4.3.3 Control under Communication Constraints 148
4.3.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 152
References 154
Chapter 5 State Estimation over Limited Capacity and Dropout Channels 158
5.1 Observability over an AWGN Channel 158
5.1.1 Introduction 158
5.1.2 Problem Formulation 159
5.1.3 State Estimation over AWGN Channels 160
5.1.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 163
5.2 Observability under Packet Dropout and Time Delay 165
5.2.1 Introduction 165
5.2.2 Problem Formulation 166
5.2.3 Sufficient Conditions for Observability 167
5.2.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 170
References 173
Chapter 6 Linear Quadratic Control for Networked Control Systems with
Information Limitations 176
6.1 LQ Cost for Plant States 176
6.1.1 Introduction 176
6.1.2 Problem Formulation 177
6.1.3 LQ Control under Information Limitations 178
6.2 LQ Cost for Plant States and Control Inputs 184
6.2.1 Introduction 184
6.2.2 Problem Formulation 186
6.2.3 Control Scheme under Information Rate Limitations 186
6.2.4 Numerical Examples and Simulations 190
References 192


胡晓阳,男,工学博士, 1979年6月生辽宁沈阳人。2002年毕业于北京航空航天大学获工学学士学位,2009年于俄罗斯科学院机械工程研究所获工学博士学位,现为沈阳理工大学装备工程学院专任教师。参与国家重点型号项目1项,参加国家型号项目引进1项;主持型号研制子课题1项,主持纵向6项,主持横向科研3项;主持教研项目1项。发表论文20余篇。主要研究领域包括:"智能及灵巧弹药总体设计”、"运动体控制及仿真”。

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