  • ISBN:9787568937726
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:140
  • 出版时间:2023-05-01
  • 条形码:9787568937726 ; 978-7-5689-3772-6




Unit 1 Introduction to Debate Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: General Knowledge Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 2 Fundamentals of Debate Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Fundamentals of Debate Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 3 Public Speaking Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Public Speaking Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 4 Critical Listening and Flowing Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Critical Listening and Flowing Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 5 Argument and Argumentation Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Argument and Argumentation Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 6 Evidence and Research Skills Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Evidence and Research Skills Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 7 Analyzing a Debate Motion Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Analyzing a Debate Motion Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 8 Building the Affirmative Case Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Building the Affirmative Case Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 9 Point of Information Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Point of Information Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 10 Building the Negative Case Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Building the Negative Case Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 11 Refutation and Rebuttal Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Refutation and Rebuttal Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 12 Making an Extension Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Making an Extension Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments Unit 13 Concluding with a Whip Speech Section A Lead-in Section B Understanding Debate: Concluding with a Whip Speech Section C Practice: Debate Skills Section D Assignments

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