

1星价 ¥37.7 (5.0折)
2星价¥37.7 定价¥75.0
  • ISBN:9787502943332
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其它
  • 页数:428
  • 出版时间:2007-09-05
  • 条形码:9787502943332 ; 978-7-5029-4333-2


This book will provide relatively full list of literatures and relatively detailed historyof research on climate of China from mid-20th century to the early 21st century. It willshow the present status of studies on climate of China.


ForewordPrefaceChapter 1 History of Climate Studies in China1.1 Development of climatology around the world1.2 Global view on the anthropogenic climate change1.3 Studies of climatography and climate change in China1.4 Synoptic climatology in China1.5 Climate forecasting and prediction in ChinaReferencesChapter 2 Climate Characteristics2.1 Geographical features2.2 Temperature2.3 Precipitation2.4 Humidity and cloudiness2.5 Winds and atmospheric pressure systems2.6 Main climate featuresReferencesChapter 3 Regional Climate of China3.1 China's climate classification3.2 Northeast China3.3 North China3.4 Northwest China3.5 Central China3.6 South China3.7 Southwest China3.8 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ReferencesChapter 4 Climate Aspects of the East Asian Monsoon4.1 Understanding the East Asian Monsoon4.2 The summer monsoon4.3 The winter monsoon4.4 Teleconnection of monsoons4.5 Interdecadal variability of the monsoonReferencesChapter 5 Climate Disasters5.1 Introduction to the major natural climate disasters in Chin5.2 Severe floods and droughts5.3 Bitter winters5.4 Cool summers5.5 Typhoon disasters5.6 Dust stormsReferencesChapter 6 Atmospheric Circulation over East Asia and the Climate of China6.1 Atmospheric centers of action6.2 Atmospheric circulation in the upper troposphere6.3 The Blocking High over North Asia6.4 The Subtropical High over the western Pacific6.5 Typhoons and the atmospheric circulationReferencesChapter 7 Climate in the Past 7.1 Climate during the last 10 ka7.2 Temperature changes during the last three millennia7.3 The Little Ice Age7.4 Changes of the frequency of summer precipitation pattern during the last millennium7.5 Climate Change since AD 1880 ReferencesChapter 8 Climate Variability in Association with ENSO 8.1 Teleconnection of ENSO to precipitation and temperature in China8.2 ENSO impact on subtropical high over the Northwestern Pacific8.3 Subtropical high and ENSO since the late 19th century: reconstruction and simulation8.4 A recent summer rain-belt migration in East Asia during the late 1970s8.5 ENSO and East Asian Monsoon8.6 Changes of ENSO variability and its influence since 16th century8.7 ENSO predictionReferencesChapter 9 Seasonal to Interannual Climate Prediction9.1 Overview of operational forecasting and prediction9.2 Understanding variations of summer rainfall 9.3 Statistical models9.4 IAP dynamic model system9.5 NCC dynamical model systemReferencesChapter 10 Climate Warming in China10.1 Climate warming in China for the 20th century10.2 Climate warming in China for the last 50 years10.3 Climate models and scenarios referring to the global warming in China10.4 Detection of climate change due to human activities for the 20th century10.5 Projection of climate change due to human activities for the 21st aentury in China10.6 Uncertainties on impacts of human activities upon climate changes in ChinaReferencesChapter 11 Model Simulations of the Climate of China11.1 Simulation of atmospheric circulation over East Asia by AGCM 11.2 Twentieth century climate of China simulated by AGCM with observational SST forcing 11.3 Twentieth century climate of China simulated by coupled climate models11.4 Performance of regional model in the simulation of the climate of China11.5 Simulation of the recent half-century summer rainfall variability in China with RegCM3 ReferencesIndex Address Book of AuthorsColour Plates


bsp;                         Foreword
     During recent two decades, several books or monographs concerning the climate in
China have been published. Among them, most notable are the Climate of China written
by Zhang Jiacheng and Lin Zhiguang, the General Introduction to the Climate in China,
Edited by Zhang Jiacheng and Climate of China, Edited by Tao Shiyan et al. From the
various perspectives, these books provide comprehensive knowledge of the climate of
China. They are very useful for overall understanding of this subject. However, their
readership is mainly restricted to Chinese-speaking readers due to the fact that all of
these books were written in Chinese. Later, the book of Monsoons of China by Ding Yi-
hui is written in English, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, but its main content
only deals with the East Asian monsoon and its effect on the climate in China. Now, the
present book of Climate of China is published in English, which will provide an updated
summary of the climate in China. It will be a useful reference to better understand the
recent progress in this area for English-speaking readers.
     This book highlights the following three aspects:
      (1) Climate change and variability. The major achievements in these areas obtained
by international and Chinese scientists are included in this book, especially those derived
by IPCC assessment reports. At present time, the climate change caused by the anthropo-
genic activities is of great concern for various governments and scientific communities.
This book systematically describes the regional manifestation of the global climate
change. On the other hand, the effect of ENSO events on the climate in China, especial-
ly on summer precipitation, is well illustrated. In the western literatures, this problem
has been paid to less attention, although the ENSO- monsoon relationship is a focus of
the Asian monsoon studied by numerous investigators.
      (2) Climate in the past and its linkage to the present climate in China. The book in-
cludes the discussion of major climate epochs during the last 10ka. The readers can clear-
ly see the long - term evolution of the climate in China in the context of 10ka time -
scale. This helps elucidate and understand better the formation of the present climate
condition. The part of the changes of the frequency of summer precipitation pattern dur-
ing the last millennium is very instructive in this regard.
      (3) Operational climate prediction and multiple- purpose application. This is a new
aspect compared to other books on the climate of China. Seasonal and interannual cli-
mate prediction, especially the prediction by climate models, has been described in rela-
tion to the operational use in National Climate Center, China Meteorological Adminis-
     I believe that the publication of this book will be greatly welcome by international
and Chinese readers.

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