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  • ISBN:7811172577
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16
  • 页数:603 页
  • 出版时间:2007-09-20
  • 条形码:9787811172577 ; 978-7-81117-257-7


《第七届草食动物营养国际学术研讨会文集》:Proceedings of the,7th International Symposium on the,Nutrition of Herbivores,Herbivore Nutrition for the,Development of Efficient, Safe,and Sustainable Livestock Production.


简介   《第七届草食动物营养国际学术研讨会文集》:proceedings of the,7th international symposium on the,nutrition of herbivores,herbivore nutrition for the,development of efficient, safe,and sustainable livestock production.


Plenary PapersSESSION 1: The Role of Herbivores in Mixed/Integrated Agriculture and Agro-Forestry Systems in Asian Countries1. Herbivores in integrated agriculture and agro-forestry in Asia. J.K. Ha, J.B. Liang,M. Eslami S.D. Upadhaya2. Nutrient supply and digestion in indigenous herbivores in China: yaks. B. Xue,S.J. Liu, X.Q. Zhao, L.H. Hu, X.T. Han3. Forage, crop and tree residues integrated with herbivore production in some Asian regions. Q.X. Meng, D.X. Lu, J.X. Liu, X.X. Wang, L.P. RenSESSION 2: Gastrointestinal Microbial Ecology in Herbivores4. Molecular approaches to study bacterial diversity and function in the intestinal tract.R.1. Mackie, I.K.O. Cann, E. Zoetenda, E. Forano5. Recent advances in microbial ecology of protozoa and fungi in the rumen of herbivores. H. Itabashi H. Matsui6. Diversity of methanogens and their Interactions with other microorganisms in methanogenesis in the rumen.W.Y. Zhu, S.Y. Mao, J.X. Liu, Y. F. Cheng, M.F. lqba, J.K. WangSESSION 3: Assimilation of Carbohydrates and Nitrogen in the Herbivore Intestine7. The advances in dietary protein and carbohydrate nutrition and the microbial diversity and genomics of the rumen bacteria. D.O. Krause, J.C. Plaizier, G. T. Attwood8. Protein metabolism in the herbivore gut: old and new perspectives. R.J. Wallace,N. D. WalkerSESSION 4: Breeding and Utilization of Forage and Grass in Herbivores9. Molecular breeding for the genetic improvement of forage plants. G.C. Spangenberg,J.W. Forster, T. Sawbridge, D. Edwards, U. John, A. Mouradov, K.F. Smith10. Bacterial genome mining to advance enzymology for plant cell wall degradation.1.K.O. Cann, D. Dodd, S. K. Nair, R. I. Mackie, A. Spies11. Improving genotypes and understanding phenotypes: breeding forages for livestock and the environment. M.K. Theodorou, T. Abberton, A. Kingston-Smith, M. O.HumphreysSESSION 5: Novel Development in Herbivore Nutrition: Molecular and Cellular Aspects12. Host and intestinal microbiota negotiations in the context of animal growth efficiency. H. Rex Gaskins13. Diet and physiological state influence gene expression in herbivores. L Cassar-Malek, C. Leroux, D. Gruffat, M. Bonnet, L. Bernard, D. Morgavi, Y.Chilliard, J.F. HocquetteSESSION 6: Stress Factors Associated with Herbivores Nutrition14. Transdisciplinary studies of plant secondary metabolites: lessons from ecology for animal science and vice versa. W. Foley, G. lason, H. Makka15. Opportunities to control herbivore nematodes through manipulation of the grazing environment. A.R. Sykes, L KyriazakisSESSION 7: Nutritional Practice16. Nutritional manipulation of functional foods derived from herbivores for human nutritional benefit. T.C. Wright, N.E. Odongo, N.D. Scollan, B. W. McBride17. Nutritional disorders in the horse. R. A I Jassim18. Nutritional control to reduce environmental impacts of intensive dairy cattle systems. J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, J. France, E. KebreabSESSION 8: Nutritional options to secure environmental and food safety based on intensive animal production systems19. Antimicrobial resistance genes in livestock production systems: concepts and consequences. Z.T. Yu, M. Morrison20. Contamination of the food chain with pathogens derived from ruminant production systems. B. A. Vanselow, C. S. McSweeney21. Comparative greenhouse gas emissions from herbivores. A.V.Klieve, D. OuwerkerkPoster AbstractsIndex


《第七届草食动物营养国际学术研讨会文集》 is my pleasure to welcome you to The Seventh International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (ISNH-7). The objectives of the International AdvisoryCommittee (IAC) are "to provide a forum for development, exchange and promotionof knowledge on the nutrition of terrestrial herbivores in captive and free-livingenvironments". Managing herbivores in commercial and wildlife systems is aboutmore than simply meeting nutrient requirements or manipulating production throughnutrition, important as that is. The meeting traverses a spectrum of research whichadvances the nutritional sciences through novel molecular approaches to problemswhile promoting their application in the management of the productivity and healthof herbivores and the mitigation their impact on the environment. Increasingly, thehuman health benefits and otherwise of animal food products are a consumerconcern and special recognition of the opportunities to enhance food quality throughanimal nutrition is a new feature of the scope of the plenary programme.In the current global environment herbivores, because of their unique digestivesystems, come under intense scrutiny for their "contribution to greenhouse" gases.What often goes unstated is their ability to harvest biomass otherwise unavailable asa human food source without inputs of fossil fuel an attribute which surely securestheir importance for the future well-being of mankind.The breadth of scientific expertise at this conference is a unique feature of theSymposium Series. Make the most of it, and enjoy the kindness and culture of ourhosts.In this volume, you can find the plenary papers and poster abstracts presented atISNH-7. The 6-page short papers have been published in the Journal of Animal Feedand Sciences, as special issue (Volume 16, Supplement 2, 2007).On behalf of the International Advisory Committee, we wish to thank TheChinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (CAAV) fororganizing this symposium in Beijing. The committee members also express theirspecial appreciation to Dr Qingxiang Meng and his colleagues at the ChinaAgricultural University to whom we are indebted for their magnificent work duringthe last 4 years in bringing this scientific programme and conference together. Finally, we wish to thank all the participants at the symposium for theircomments, questions and criticisms. Their input has resulted in significantimprovements in the papers presented in this symposium.


插图:The growth rate of yaks generally is not constant from birth to slaughter, especiallyon the Qinghai-Tibet plateau where the annual nutrient supply of grassland variesgreatly with the season. In the first year of the spring-born yaks in Su-Nan County,the BW increased steadily until the first cold season (Figure 3 and Table 17). FromJanuary through May (winter through spring), BW decreased due to the severe coldof the winter/spring season, which produces temperatures that fall below yakthermo-neutrality, and a shortage of forage supply in spring. From May throughOctober (summer through autumn), BW again increased. The ADG of grazing yakduring this warm season was 0.42 kg/d, compared with the 0.25 kg/d reported byXue et al. (1994) for feedlot yak (weighed in morning before feeding) fed ahigh-concentrate diet. Grazing yak thus showed highly efficient compensatorygrowth relative to feedlot yak.Compensatory growth is the term coined by Bohman (1955) to describe theaccelerated or more efficient growth that commonly follows a period of growthrestriction. The effects of a previous plane of nutrition on subsequent growth ofdomestic livestock have been documented extensively (Wilson and Osbourn, 1960;Allden, 1970; Moran and Holmes, 1978). The phenomenon of compensatory growthis of considerable practical significance to grassland livestock production. Theefficacy of compensatory growth in a segmented production system is based on thedifferences in market value and growth efficiency between compensating andnon-compensating animals. In an integrated yak production system such as that onthe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, actual input costs for each phase of production should beconsidered. Our data documenting the BW loss in grazing yak in the cold seasondemonstrated that the decline in BW during the first weight loss season consumed25.7% of the total BW accumulation of the first (preceding)

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