  • ISBN:9787562828037
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:310
  • 出版时间:2010-08-01
  • 条形码:9787562828037 ; 978-7-5628-2803-7




本书是根据大学英语教学大纲的专业阅读部分的要求而编写的,旨在为化学、应用化学专业提供一本比较系统的专业英语教学用书。《化学与应用化学专业英语》共分为9个单元,内容涵盖综合化学、无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分析化学、生物化学、材料科学、单元操作和科技文献,每课由paper、new wordsand expressions、words to know、notes、further reading、solved problems、supplementary reading和practical reading 8个部分组成,形式安排新颖、内容覆盖面广。书后还附录如下实用内容:(1)化学元素名称中英文对照表;(2)化学专业英语词汇常用前后缀;(3)化学常见缩略语;(4)化学实验室常用仪器名称;(5)常用英文化学分子式、方程式及数学式的读法。另外,为了便于读者的查阅,《化学与应用化学专业英语》还附有课文生词表。


unit one general chemistry
 lesson one chemistry today and tomorrow: the central, useful and creative science
 lesson two frontiers in chemistry
unit two inorganic chemistry
 lesson one the nomenclature of inorganic compounds
 lesson two oxidation-reduction reaction
 lesson three acids and bases
 lesson four coordination chemistry
unit three organic chemistry
 lesson one structure and bonding
 lesson two functional groups and chemical families
 lesson three nomenclature of organic compounds
 lesson four green chemistry
unit four physical chemistry
 lesson one the first law of thermodynamics


《化学与应用化学专业英语》是根据大学英语教学大纲的专业阅读部分的要求而编写的,旨在为化学、应用化学专业提供一本比较系统的专业英语教学用书。《化学与应用化学专业英语》共分为9个单元,内容涵盖综合化学、无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分析化学、生物化学、材料科学、单元操作和科技文献,每课由Paper、New Wordsand Expressions、Words to Know、Notes、Further Reading、Solved Problems、Supplementary Reading和Practical Reading 8个部分组成,形式安排新颖、内容覆盖面广。书后还附录如下实用内容:(1)化学元素名称中英文对照表;(2)化学专业英语词汇常用前后缀;(3)化学常见缩略语;(4)化学实验室常用仪器名称;(5)常用英文化学分子式、方程式及数学式的读法。另外,为了便于读者的查阅,《化学与应用化学专业英语》还附有课文生词表。《化学与应用化学专业英语》可供化学、应用化学专业本科生的专业英语教学或双语教学,也可以作为相关专业的研究生、教师以及科技人员的参考用书。


插图:These early "chemists" made such discoveries by accident, and for a long timeaccident was the principal means of discovery. Accident still remains important todiscovery, but with our increasing chemical understanding we now usually create newchemical substances by design.After the early period of random discovery, humans began heating substancestogether intentionally to see what occurs. When a material that we now call iron ore washeated with charcoal, it produced iron metal, a new substance (we now use coke,produced from coal, instead of charcoal). Iron ore contains a chemical in which ironatoms are chemically bound to oxygen atoms. Heating it with charcoal lets the carbonatoms of charcoal bind to the oxygen atoms and carries them off as the gas carbonmonoxide, leaving iron behind. Only gold and some metals related to platinum occurnaturally as metals; all others are made from their ores by such chemical processes.Modern chemistry is devoted to understanding the chemical structures and propertiesof natural chemicals and of chemicals created by building on what nature has supplied.Why do chemists call their discipline the "central science"?Chemistry touches many other scientific fields. It makes major contributions toagriculture, electronics, biology, medicine, environmental science, computer science,engineering, geology, physics, metallurgy, and mineralogy, among many others. It doesnot ask the physicists' question: What is the ultimate nature of all matter? Instead it asksthe chemists' questions: Why do the substances of the world differ in their properties?How can we control and most effectively utilize these properties?

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