  • ISBN:9787566304520
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:225
  • 出版时间:2012-11-01
  • 条形码:9787566304520 ; 978-7-5663-0452-0




unit 1
text a: tips to help you survive and thrive your freshmanyear
text b: eleven things done by american college students
unit 2
text a: choose your destiny
text b: face adversity with a smile
unit 3
text a: language and thought
text b: a brief history of the english language
unit 4
text a: out of our gourds
text b: halloween
urut 5
text a: have you seen the tree?.
text b: tree-mendous
unit 6
text a: the little prince
text b: the tablecloth
unit 7
text a: simple till six
text b: harmful ingredients in packaged foods
unit 8
text a: the power of silence
text b: a good tum deserves another
unit 9
text a: what is fashion?
text b: gabrielle "coco" chanel
unit 10
text a: lindo rong
text b: 24 city
unit 11
text a: the many applications for intemet use
text b: the internet and its future directions
unit 12
text a: president barack obama's inaugural address
text b: what i want for you
unit 13
text a: bottled water vs. tap water
text b: water: the world's most valuable stuff
unit 14
text a: why we trave
text b: to live in new york

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