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  • ISBN:9787551702713
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:188
  • 出版时间:2012-12-01
  • 条形码:9787551702713 ; 978-7-5517-0271-3


Morita context rings were first introduced by Morita in [83], in order to characterize when two rings have equivalent module categories. A fundamental result is that the categories of modules over two rings with identity R and 8 are equivalent if and only if there exists a strict Morita context connecting R and S, where "strict" implies that both Morita maps being surjective. Morita contexts have been used to the study of group actions on rings and Galois theory for commutative rings. We refer the reader to [77] for details. Moreover, some aspects of Morita context rings have been studied. For examples, in [92], Sands investigated various radicals of rings occurring in Morita contexts. R. Buchweitz investigated how to compare Hochschild cohomology of algebras related by a Morita context in [20].


李彦博、肖占魁编写的这本《Morita系统环上的可加映射》的英语提要如下: Morita context rings were first introduced by Morita in [83], in order to characterize when two rings have equivalent module categories. A fundamental result is that the categories of modules over two rings with identity R and 8 are equivalent if and only if there exists a strict Morita context connecting R and S, where “strict” implies that both Morita maps being surjective. Morita contexts have been used to the study of group actions on rings and Galois theory for commutative rings. We refer the reader to [77] for details. Moreover, some aspects of Morita context rings have been studied. For examples, in [92], Sands investigated various radicals of rings occurring in Morita contexts. R. Buchweitz investigated how to compare Hochschild cohomology of algebras related by a Morita context in [20]。


1 Definitions and Examples of Morita Context Rings 1.1 Definitions of Morita context rings 1.2 Classical matrix algebras 1.2.1 Full matrix algebras 1.2.2 Triangular matrix algebras 1.2.3 Block upper triangular matrix algebras 1.2.4 Inflated algebras


Morita context rings were first introduced by Morita in [83], in order to characterize when two rings have equivalent module categories. A fundamental result is that the categories of modules over two rings with identity R and 8 are equivalent if and only if there exists a strict Morita context connecting R and S, where "strict" implies that both Morita maps being surjective. Morita contexts have been used to the study of group actions on rings and Galois theory for commutative rings. We refer the reader to [77] for details. Moreover, some aspects of Morita context rings have been studied. For examples, in [92], Sands investigated various radicals of rings occurring in Morita contexts. R. Buchweitz investigated how to compare Hochschild cohomology of algebras related by a Morita context in [20].

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