  • ISBN:9787302175223
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:612
  • 出版时间:2013-05-03
  • 条形码:9787302175223 ; 978-7-302-17522-3


本书由alexander和sadiku合著,高歌改编,是一本电类专业本科生学 习电路基础课程的英文版教材。   本书依据教育部高等学校电子电气基础课程教学指导分委员会制定的 电路课程教学基本要求,对原版教材作了适当的改编,使之更适合国内学 生的学习。   本书以电路基础知识为主线,着眼于基本分析方法和设计思想,注重 前期与后续课程教学环节的衔接,并介绍了计算机辅助分析电路的方法。   书中重要概念突出,例题分析详尽,使读者更容易理解和掌握知识内容。   本书的改编过程中征求了熟悉电路教学、具有丰富经验的专家们的意 见,准确地把握教材的组织结构、逻辑主线、繁简舍取、深浅得当等要素 。全书篇幅适当、逻辑清晰、层次分明、结构紧凑、叙述凝练、示例有趣 、习题丰富,非常适合作为国内高校双语教学用书。




a note to the studentabout the authorspart 1 dc circuits chapter 1 basic concepts  1.1 introduction  1.2 systems of units   1.3 charge and current   1.4voltage   1.5 power and energy  1.6 circuit elements  1.7 applications    1.7.1 tv picture tube   1.7.2 electricity bills  1.8 problem solving   1.9 summary   review questions  problems chapter 2 basic laws  2.1 introduction   2.2 ohm's law   2.3 nodes, branches, and loops   2.4 kirchhoff's laws   2.5 series resistors and voltage division   2.6 parallel resistors and current division   2.7 wye-delta transformations  2.8 applications    2.8.1 lighting systems    2.8.2 design of dc meters  2.9 summary    review questions   problems chapter 3 methods of analysis  3.1 introduction   3.2 nodal analysis   3.3 nodal analysis with voltage sources   3.4 mesh analysis   3.5 mesh analysis with current sources   3.6 tnodal and mesh analyses by inspection  3.7 nodal versus mesh analysis  3.8 appljcations dc transistor circuits  3.9 summary    review questions   problems chapter 4 circuit theorems  4.1 introduction  4.2 linearity property  4.3 superposition   4.4 source transformation  4.5 thevenin's theorem  4.6 norton's theorem  4.7 maximum power transfer  4.8 applications  4.8.1 source modeling  4.8.2 resistance measurement  4.9 summary    review questions   problems  chapter 5 capacitors and inductors   5.1 introduction  5.2 capacitors   5.3 series and parallel capacitors   5.4 inductors   5.5 series and parallel inductors   5.6 applications   …… chapter 6 first-order circuits chapter 7 second-order circuitspart 2 ac circuits chapter 8 sinusoids and phasors chapter 9 sinusoidal steady-state chapter 10 ac power analysis  chapter 11 three-phase circuits  chapter 12 magnetically coupled circuits  chapter 13 frequency responsepart 3 advanced circuit analysis  chapter 14 the laplace transform chapter 15 the fourier series chapter 16 two-port networksappendix a simultaneous equations and matrix inversion appendix b complex numbers appendix c matlab appendix d answers to odd-numbered problemsbibliography

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