  • ISBN:9787300195575
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:323
  • 出版时间:2014-07-01
  • 条形码:9787300195575 ; 978-7-300-19557-5


  《常春藤英语 七级·二》是按照《普通高中英语课程标准》七级要求编写的,适合高二年级学生阅读。本册收录的有能够震撼心灵的故事,有令人怦然心动的小说,有太空探险的难忘回忆,也有领略世界奇迹、了解科学知识的探秘,更有关于如何克服困难的人生哲理。读者通过阅读本书选取的经典名著定能与作者产生共鸣,对人生充满深刻感悟,得到受益终生的快乐阅读体验。




1.his best friend on the range
2.california’s giant
3.sal maglie on the art of pitching
4.the greatest grizzly
5.munchausen visits the moon
6.a lily in the kitchen
7.christmas in africa
8.the return of “ the flying garbage can”
9.spinners of steel
10.fast runners
11.she plays music for plants
12.pioneer in space
13.the park
14.and they shall walk
15.riding the blue colt
16.why we walk in circles
17.the big wind
18.minister imagination
19.on land and sea, animals produce living light
20.american first great newspaper editor
21.jai alai
22.roof work
23.the salt of earth
24.the tooth trade
25.first ride on pal joe
26.the funniest courage of all
27.the telltale eye
28.thirty seconds over tokyo
29.she signed dollar bills
30.abalone spells adventure
31.two loaves of bread
32.the right-handed world is a clumsy world for lefty
33.winter comes to the animal world
34.the star of the magí
35.who decides, reader or critics
36.the miracle of language
37.from smiles to tears
38.the just man
39.hunting the giant manta ray
40.the future really is in your hands
41.lady of the wasteland
42.we’ll never conquer space
43.frog hunting family style
44.is your judgment warped
45.the truth about those “invisible” ads
46.brave ballerina
47.the treasure of sanibel island
48.new york’s big ditch
49.the day the big top burned
50.freedom from pain
51.north of the arctic circle
52.fashions in food
53.the psychology of comics
54.how to handle the sun
55.live your dreams
57.the scholarship jacket
58.too soon a woman
59.the boy from lincoln school


  聂成军,教育硕士,中学高级教师。现任北京市海淀区教师进修学校教研员、英语教研室主任。中央电教馆、教育部课程与教材发展中心特聘专家;北京教育考试院高考试题评价专家组成员、自主会考试题评价组组长;北京教育学院特聘英语骨干教师培训导师;海淀区教委名师工作站英语学科组导师;北师大版高中英语教材编者之一。   童凤雨,海淀区英语兼职教研员、海淀区学科带头人、海淀区青年先进教育工作者、海淀区青年岗位能手,工作将近二十年来一直在一线担任初、高中英语教师。在国家、市、区级教学比赛中多次获奖。自2005年担任海淀区英语兼职教研员后,多次承担教材分析、公开课与区统考命题及试卷分析。

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