

1星价 ¥19.1 (5.2折)
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  • ISBN:9787300283128
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:256
  • 出版时间:2020-07-01
  • 条形码:9787300283128 ; 978-7-300-28312-8


常春藤英语,英语就是这样练成的 1. 语言地道。精选主流英语国家的语文素材,突出英语的原汁原味。 2. 选材适宜。按照新课程标准的“人与自然、人与社会、人与自我”三大主题要求选录文本。 3. 难度适中。文章的内容将按照由易到难的顺序排列,使其在难度逻辑上层层递进,符合学生认知规律。 4. 实用性强。根据中考及高考题型,每篇文章后设计了有针对性的技能练习,使本书更加符合新课程标准中培养学生英语学科核心素养的要求。 5. 辅助内容齐全。精编版增加了背景知识、难句赏析、课文译文等板块,帮助学生更好地理解课文、补充相关知识。


本书根据《常春藤英语 六级(上下)》两本书进行修订,从中选取难度相对较低的文本,并增加重新搜集和加工的新文本。每篇文章的前面都有导读,后面有品读助手和参考译文。其中品读助手包括背景知识、难句解析和佳句摘抄。难句解析部分解析细致到位,能帮助学生理解文章中的长难句和语法现象,从而加深对整篇文章的理解。


Lesson 1 Lego Replay
Lesson 2 Last Respects
Lesson 3 They Consider Rats Lifesavers
Lesson 4 Books
Lesson 5 Tit for Tat
Lesson 6 Florence Nightingale
Lesson 7 The Wonderful Pudding
Lesson 8 Happiness Doesn’t Need a List
Lesson 9 Health of the Body—Clothing
Lesson 10 The Saint Bernard Dog
Lesson 11 We All Can Become Angels
Lesson 12 Little Dick and the Giant
Lesson 13 The Law of Life Grandma Taught Me
Lesson 14 No One but Yourself Can Defeat You
Lesson 15 King for a Meal
Lesson 16 The Lion
Lesson 17 The Heart-Shaped Pillow
Lesson 18 Health of the Body—Exercise and Rest
Lesson 19 Feathers in the Wind
Lesson 20 Alien at School: Aliens (Excerpt)
Lesson 21 The Parrot
Lesson 22 The Emperor and the Major
Lesson 23 The Make-Believe Indian
Lesson 24 The Ostrich
Lesson 25 Search for Extraterrestrial Life–SETI
Lesson 26 The Farmer and the Fox
Lesson 27 Wes Lematta and His Helicopters
Lesson 28 The Old Eagle Tree
Lesson 29 The Elephant
Lesson 30 A Beaver Town
Lesson 31 Coffee
Lesson 32 Boomerang
Lesson 33 The Noblest Revenge
Lesson 34 Ace of Aces
Lesson 35 Micro the Metal Dog (1)
Lesson 36 Micro the Metal Dog (2)
Lesson 37 Charlotte’s Web
Lesson 38 New Year’s Celebration
Lesson 39 The Ghost Ship
Lesson 40 From Trash to Treasure
译?? 文
答?? 案


Have you ever met such a problem that some toys once liked best gradually become a hot potato, and you are wondering whether to throw them away or continue to keep them but just in the corner of the house? Now let's see how Lego company deals with those unwanted bricks. Lesson 1 Lego Replay Legos have been a popular toy for children for more than 60 years. When children get older, boxes of plastic Lego bricks often end up unused and stored in out-of-the-way places around the house. Parents sometimes end up throwing the Legos away. Now, the Lego Group toy company is testing a program to make sure the unwanted bricks do not go to waste. The program is called Lego Replay. It aims to make sure the unwanted building bricks continue to make children happy. Tim Brooks is the Lego Company's vice president of environmental sustainability. He told VOA, “Nearly all Lego bricks we see that are out there have lots more play value in them―multi-generations of play value. It's a waste of energy and resources to grind them up and make new bricks.” Brooks said the idea came from parents who do not know what to do with the old bricks. Placing old Legos in waste containers is not a good answer. Birds and other wildlife may try to eat what looks like colorful food―with deadly results. With the Lego Replay program, parents load unwanted Legos of all shapes and colors into boxes. Then, they go to the program website and print out a mailing label. The boxes are sent to processing centers, where the bricks are sorted, cleaned and shipped to aid groups and donation centers. Two groups taking part in the test program are Teach for America and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston. In the last two months, Brooks said, the two groups have received 3, 000 boxes of Lego bricks. Users have downloaded about 9, 000 shipping labels. Brooks said the Lego bricks made 60 years ago can still be used as part of a Lego set manufactured just last week. He added, “You can't think of many things you can buy off the shelf today that work exactly with something you bought in the late 1950s…” The Lego Replay test program is set to last through March. If it is successful, the program may be expanded to include other Lego products. The Lego Group is also looking at other materials to use in their toys. While plastic has proved to be the strongest material, Lego has begun making some bricks out of sugar cane.ExercisesI. Vocabulary AcquisitionFind out the word or phrase that means the following in the passage.1 finally be or do something (Para. 1)2 far from some place and often difficult to find (Para. 1)3 to break something into pieces using a special machine (Para. 4)4 to deal with (Para. 5)5 causing or likely to cause death (Para. 5)


聂成军,中国民主促进会会员,资深英语教研专家。现任北京市海淀区教师进修学校中学英语教研员、高中英语教研室主任,北京市中学英语学科教学带头人,北京师范大学英语教学方向专业硕士研究生导师, 中央民族大学专业硕士研究生导师,临沂大学外国语学院兼职教授,中国基础教育质量评价与提升协同创新中心首席命题专家;曾任北京市高考试题评价专家组成员、主笔高考英语试题评价报告,北京市高中英语会考试题评价专家组组长。 主持中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会“十三五”规划课题“指向核心素养的中学英语泛读教学实践研究”(2016.11—)。 代表作:《当代基础英语教育教学与研究例论》(中国人民大学出版社,2018.05)

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