- ISBN:9787538586053
- 装帧:80g书纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:32开
- 页数:213
- 出版时间:2015-01-01
- 条形码:9787538586053 ; 978-7-5385-8605-3
很多人总是后悔昨天的事,迷茫未来的事,不知道当下做什么,总是觉得年纪大了,无所事事,随波逐流,在这个过程中,也失去了自己,没了自信,越活越自暴自弃,对生活失去了信心与热情。本书告诉大家,每一天都是新的一天,而自立自强自爱地做好今天应该做的事情,才会有美好的明天。当你成功时,一定感谢现在努力的你。 本系列书以“一个人”为主题,陪伴此时一个人的你,独处也不寂寞;生活既简单又美好。
★张小娴、张嘉佳、毕淑敏自选的、让他们终生难忘的疗愈美文! ★史上*会讲故事的人——罗素、罗兰、林徽因、徐志摩等近百位大家讲*迷醉、*温情的暖心故事; ★全彩印刷、唯美彩色插图、精美装帧,阅读有质感; ★当你开始珍惜自己、爱自己时,全世界都在为你鼓掌! ★不迷茫、不依附;有自尊、能独立,那一刻,你会明白你有多么好!
someday everything is going to be better
内心笃定,不患得失/ 8
don't worry about the outcome
倾情生活,努力绽放/ 10
love your life
生命的可贵,全在于它的不可逆/ 13
the value of life lies in that it can't start all over again
心有所向,不负光阴/ 16
have a purpose,and fulfill it
在这人间,灯光是不会灭的/ 18
in our world, the light will never be extinguished.
即便生命充满阴翳,也要与它安宁相对/ 20
even if the life is full of darkness, we should get along with it
愿生命中的云翳创造一个美丽的黄昏/ 23
may there be enough clouds in you life to make a beautiful sunset
从容生活便是,站在桥上无所挂碍地望云/ 25
enjoy every moment now
单纯也需要适度/ 28
be a simple person in moderation
我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天/ 30
greet this day with love in my heart
part2 不完美,人生才有无限可能
你不必完美/ 35
you don't have to be perfect
每一个春天,都是心与心的约会/ 37
every spring is a date of heart
听从心灵的指引,向着光明前行/ 40
listen to the guidance of the soul
不要贩卖你的灵魂/ 44
don't sell your soul
凌晨盛放的花,也是好的/ 48
the flower blooming in the early morning is also beautiful
如果生活欺骗了你,别忘记前方还有希望之光/ 50
if life has deceived you, don't forget the hope
以心为伴,独享闲情,这怎么能算孤独 / 52
take heart as partners,so how can this be lonely
刹那间的青春/ 56
fleeting youth
别为你的哨子付出过高的代价/ 58
keep the tail from wagging the dog
当下的拥有,便是不可思议的永恒/ 61
focus on the moment in front of you
当你有所经历,苦乐自当分明/ 64
when you have experience, you can tell pleasure or pain
当全世界都挡住了去路,你总能找到不一般的出路/ 66
when the whole world is getting in the way, you can always find an unusual way
还是把美好的一幕留在心底吧/ 70
the beautiful scene will stay with me forever
part3 从此刻开始,一切都不迟
严冬再酷寒,也终会迎来早春的吻/ 77
there would always be the spring
醒来!前进!/ 78
wake up! move forward!
此时此刻此感觉,刹那便已足够醉人/ 81
the intoxicant moment
心归大地,永久安宁/ 83
heart belongs to the earth
迟起一会儿,也未尝不可/ 88
you can sleep for a while
得不到或已失去,都不过是生命的特殊经历/ 92
gains and losses is the special experience of life
简简单单,是我的理想生活/ 94
the simple life is my ideal life
愿你心里永远住着一个关于秋天的故事/ 98
may the autumn tale forever lives in your heart.
如果可以,请与生死变化结伴而行/ 102
go forward with life and death
生命的失去,并非意味着不再美丽/ 104
even though it's a moth into the fire, it's beautiful!
万物都是独一无二/ 108
everything is totally unique
幸福的篮子/ 110
happy basket
和家人聚集在一起,时间由你来使唤 / 113
spend your time with your family
二十岁时,那一轮月,可遇而不可求/ 114
the moon at the age of twenty
从心灵上长出乘风破浪的双翼/ 116
you can ride the wind and waves with wings from your mind
从现在起,一切都还不迟!/ 119
from now on, all is not late!
part4 就这样暖暖地,给生命一个梦想
这一天怎么过/ 123
what's a typical day for you?
蜗牛角上争何事?石火光中寄此生/ 124
to see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower
勤劳的生命是长久的 / 127
hard life
时间,只有你能使人安慰/ 129
only time can make people comfort
惯了独处的人,便是惯了一种淡泊的人生/ 131
alone one is never lonely
夜空中*亮的星 / 133
the brightest star in the sky
喜欢活着,喜欢生活带来的欢喜/ 136
love the joy of life
青春啊,回来!/ 138
o youth,come back!
寻回吹口哨的心情/ 142
pick up the whistling mood again
每一场风雨之后,都有等你欣赏的花儿/ 144
there will always be flowers after the rain
我要笑遍世界/ 148
i will laugh around the world
part5 活着,就要坚持走下去
在*后的岁月里遇见*初的青春/ 153
meet the first youth in the last years
已逝去的不可挽回,已到来的务必珍惜/ 156
cherish now no longer missed
未来的你,总会感激那个富有责任心的自己/ 160
be a responsible person now
在经受“失去”中逐渐成长/ 161
grow stronger and stronger in the loss
放下心来,享受这已经到来的痛楚/ 164
relax and enjoy the pain
有些微笑,注定要留给自己/ 166
keep the smile for yourself
只为今天而活的人,我为你们喝彩/ 170
just live for today
只要你肯等一等,希望就在不经意间出现/ 172
as long as you are willing to wait, hope will come unwittingly in front of you
“归零”,然后选一个新的起点/ 174
start from scratch
纵然无人比翼,也要做属于自己的不死鸟/ 176
be a phoenix for yourself
单纯而勇敢的人是决不会产生庸俗的伤感的/ 180
a simple and brave man is not vulgar sad.
日子越酷烈,越要安放好自己的心/ 182
the day is more cruel, more should be placed your heart
part6 慢一点,做一个足够幸福的生活家
—— 毕淑敏
木水月亮 畅销书策划人,专栏作家。以女生为傲,外表柔弱内心刚强,一个人在异地生活6年,口号是“一个人也要快乐”。
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