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  • ISBN:9787560859170
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:106
  • 出版时间:2015-08-01
  • 条形码:9787560859170 ; 978-7-5608-5917-0


  张兢田、郭强编写的《学术英语口语教程(同济大学研究生教材)》旨在提高学生在学术背景下的交际能力。全书共分8个单元,内容围绕学习期间经常遇到的学术情形从易到难地展开,以如何适应崭新的学术生涯为出发点,涵盖如何参与讨论与演讲、与队友沟通、与教授面谈,直至如何准备相应的实习、答辩与面试。所有涉及内容均配有相应的句型及练习,内容简洁、实用,适合广大在校研究生、高年级本科生和即将进行交换学习和海外留学的人员使用。   本书供高校各类研究生和高年级本科生作教材,也可供各种高级培训班及出国人员使用。


张兢田、郭强编写的《学术英语口语教程(同济大学研究生教材)》旨在提高学生在学术背景下的交际能力。全书共分8个单元,内容围绕学习期间经常遇到的学术情形从易到难地展开,以如何适应崭新的学术生涯为出发点,涵盖如何参与讨论与演讲、与队友沟通、与教授面谈,直至如何准备相应的实习、答辩与面试。所有涉及内容均配有相应的句型及练习,内容简洁、实用,适合广大在校研究生、高年级本科生和即将进行交换学习和海外留学的人员使用。 本书供高校各类研究生和高年级本科生作教材,也可供各种高级培训班及出国人员使用。


unit 1  getting to know each other  introducing each other  greeting people  ice-breaking conversation  first impression  sentence patterns: getting to know each other  language focus: narrationunit 2  adaptation to the new environment  getting to know your new place  making new friends  the disciplines of your university  funding your study  sentence patterns: asking for and giving advice  language focus: comparing & contrastingunit 3  student and teacher roles in academic life  students' behaviors in classroom  your career planning  teachers' expectation  communication with your instructors & advisors  sentence patterns: problem identification  language focus: solving problemsunit 4  presentations and group discussions  factors of a successful presentation  preparing your presentation  improving your performance  participating actively in group discussion  sentence patterns i. introducing your presentation  sentence patterns i1. emphasizing your key points  language focus, defining termsunit 5  meeting your teachers outside the classroom  understanding office hours  making good use of office hours  understanding your advisor  cooperating with your team members  sentence patterns, asking for support & permission  language focus, explaining reasonsunit 6  practicum and its feedback  function of practicum  preparation for practicum  design your cv  making progress in practicum  practicum feedback  sentence patterns, expressing attitudes  language focus, apologizingunit 7  dissertation/thesis defense  understanding a dissertation defense  scheduling a defense  preparation for dissertation defense  tips for surviving a dissertation defense  sentence patterns= agreements & disagreements  language focus, showing your organization to the audienceunit 8  admission interviews  types of interviews  benefits of the interview  tips for interview success  preparation for a job interview  sentence patterns= challenges of telephone or video interview  language focus= handling questions you don't have answerscourse projectreferences

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