  • ISBN:9787511622341
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:228
  • 出版时间:2015-10-01
  • 条形码:9787511622341 ; 978-7-5116-2234-1






chapter 1  general review of china  section one  geographical environment and administrative division  section two  political and administrative systems  section three  reform, opening up and economic development  section four  social and cultural life  section five  language, literature, arts, culture and customs  section six  science, technology and intellectual property  section seven  harmonious china and harmonious worldchapter 2  china's agricultural development  section one  china's agricultural and rural development  section two  china's agricultural resources and production  section three  agricultural production, circulation and trade in china  section four  the science and technology of china's agriculture  section five  china's food securitychapter 3  china's agricultural policy  section one  food security policy  section two  agricultural policies in rural area  section three  agricultural subsidies policy  section four  rural financial policies  section five  agricultural cooperative organizations policy  section six  agricultural product price policy  section seven  rural labor force policy  179)  section eight  agricultural trade policy  181)chapter 4  international agricultural exchange and cooperation of china  185)  section one  opening up and international agricultural cooperation has advanced the development of agricultural economy  (185)  section two  promoting agricultural economic cooperation,eliminating rural poverty, optimizing the structure to develop agriculture  section three  promoting agricultural science and technology industrial upgrading by international cooperation  (198)  section four  steadily promoting agricultural "going global" and carrying out overseas agricultural cooperation  section five  actively participating in negotiation of agricultural trade and promoting foreign trade in agriculture  section six  following the guidance of the outlook on scientific development and promoting international agricultural cooperation in the new era  (224)  section seven  implementing "one belt and one road" strategy under the new circumstances


杨 易 农业部对外经济合作中心主任 。自2004年以来,先后主持和指导完成一系列重大农业国际合作领域发展规划和课题研究。涉及外资利用、农业走出去、农业科技国际交流、南南合作、境外农业试验示范、农业对外援助、农业国际合作项目管理等农业对外开放绝大部分重点领域。战略规划类主要包括:农业走出去发展规划、农业国际合作发展“十二五”规划、农业利用国外贷赠款五年规划(2011-2015)、境外农业资源合作规划(2009-2015)、亚洲粮食安全规划等。课题研究类包括外资进入对中国农业发展影响研究、农业利用外资战略研究、中非粮食安全合作资金研究、中国与中亚区域经济合作机制成员国农业合作研究、中非农业合作的现状、问题和对策研究、农业“走出去”战略研究、农机“走出去”基础研究、日本海外农业开发合作现状及支撑体系研究、扩大向东南亚、南亚开放特色农业发展研究、外资并购涉农企业综合研究报告、政府间农业国际合作机制研究、对外农业合作政策研究、金砖国家农业合作研究、对非农业合作新模式研究、援非农业可持续发展研究、农业对外经济合作专家队伍研究等。

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