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  • ISBN:9787503255960
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24开
  • 页数:115
  • 出版时间:2016-05-01
  • 条形码:9787503255960 ; 978-7-5032-5596-0






这些摄影作品,历时九年。记录了泰国、尼泊尔、不丹、中国西藏、印度、斯里兰卡、柬埔寨、缅甸、老挝等不同佛教国家的小僧侣,记录他们的生活和修行。他们简素的修行和清澈的快乐,让人心生喜悦,为之动容。these photographs were taken across 9 years. it documented young monks’ doctrine from thailand, nepal, bhutan, tibet, india, sri lanka, cambodia, myanmar and laos. their simple life and religious doctrine always bring joys to other people. 在不丹,这些孩子们问了我很多很多问题。比如:你为什么这么胖? 你坐过飞机吗?你的相机可以玩游戏吗等等。我和他们一起踢足球、叠纸飞机、扔沙袋、吃素食。这些孩子有着很强烈的表演欲,争先翻跟头拿大顶给我看。和他们一起生活的几天,每天阳光明媚,笑声满天。in bhutan, these children asked me lots of questions. such as, why are you so fat? have you ever been on an airplane? can we play games on your camera? we played soccer together,  folded paper jets, threw sand bags, ate vegetarian food, laughed together. these children had a desire to perform, they loved showing somersaults to me. every day was so beautiful when i was with them. 在缅甸和老挝,小僧尼们会一拥而上把我包围,争先恐后的让我帮他们拍照。这些孩子对外国人具有强烈的好奇心和求知心。他们努力尝试着和更多外国人交流,了解缅甸以外的世界。在这里,每一个家庭,都必须有一个家庭成员去寺庙当僧尼,学习修行*少一年时间。每天沿街化缘,吃百家饭,僧尼和百姓之间亲如家人。能够看到的,就是他们相互之间的感恩之心,一直流淌在每日每餐的生活琐碎中,其中也充满了对佛祖的敬畏和虔诚。in myanmar and laos, little monks would all jump on me and ask me to take photos for them. they were always curious about foreigners. they tried to look for opportunities to talk to foreigners so that they could know more about the world outside myanmar. every family there needs to send at least one family member to the temple and study buddhism for at least one year. they follow the life of mendicant, monks and residents are like families. you could see how people appreciate and respect each other from day to day life as much as how they respect the buddha.   在尼泊尔和印度,我追随着佛祖的脚步,到访了佛祖出生地蓝比尼,开悟得道之地菩提伽耶,传道讲学的鹿野苑,还有*后涅槃的拘尸那迦。一路走来,脚步越走越沉重,心里思考的问题也越来越多。对佛教的理解,一直认为佛教鼓励人们参悟内心,清明自省,而非向外索取,让人们心怀正念。 in nepal and india, i followed buddha’s journey to his birth place , lumbini. then to bodh gaya where  obtained enlightenment and to rokuyaon where he gave lessons and finally to kushinagar where he passed away. along the journey, i found my foot step became heavier and heavier as i reflected on many things in my life. to me, the message that buddha delivered to the fellow  believers is that they should be self disciplined and independent, people are not to demand from other people.  想起索达吉堪布说的一句话,”如果能利益众生,哪怕只有一个人,想办法让他生起一颗善心,我们千百万劫做他的仆人也可以。” this made me reflected on what khenpo sodargye said, if one has the ability to create a better world, i would strive to be a servant of that person.很清楚。佛学的精髓,就是渡己渡人。我们的幸福,应该取决于我们一生中对这个世界的付出,究竟有多少。而我们的烦恼,也大多来自欲望。 it is clear that the essence of buddhism is to sacrifice yourself for others. our satisfaction of life is depended on how much are we willing to sacrifice. sometimes people are never satisfied simply because they are too greedy.  其实,人生没有不幸福的人,只有不肯快乐的心。生活中,也没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。we should know that everyone has the ability to be happy. there is no desperation in anyone’s life unless you are despaired.  生活简单,精神丰盈,灵魂自由,也许这就是我们苦苦追寻的幸福。we will find the type of happiness that we want if we can have a simple life with rich mind and free spirit. 


老潘,全名潘朝奉,1977年出生,毕业于北京电影学院,职业导演。喜欢旅行,现任西藏摄影家协会会员,天堂时光连锁书店的创办人。 这四本书的主题,都是关于信仰和爱。在佛教的六道轮回里,流淌着很多动人的情感和瞬间,人性的光辉时常闪耀着。这些摄影作品均来自作者原创,拍摄了整十年,深度记录了西藏风土人文,以及十几个佛教国家里,修行的僧侣、苦修的人们、社会*底层人民的挣扎和乐观,信仰和心灵。通过这套书籍的出版,希望可以给更多读者带来温暖和感动。

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