

1星价 ¥100.7 (7.3折)
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  • ISBN:9787313149244
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:25cm
  • 页数:482
  • 出版时间:2016-06-01
  • 条形码:9787313149244 ; 978-7-313-14924-4


john charles alderso教授是国际语言测试界 公认的*为知名的专家之一。多年以来,alderson教 授一直致力于语言测试的研究,*作等身,取得了异 常丰硕的成果。《奥德森语言测试文集(英文版)(精) 》收录了其1986年至2011年期间发表的部分主要论文 ,内容涵盖了阅读理解测试、语言测试研究方法、特 殊用途语言测试、语言测试的反拨作用、基于计算机 考试等14个研究方面。这14个研究方面是语言测试者 开展研究所必须涉及的研究领域,具有很高的学术价 值,在语言测试研究领域中具有开拓性的意义。本书 所收录的论文不仅包括了语言测试的经典理论,也代 表了语言测试的未来发展方向,同时也为语言测试研 究者提供了方法论,从而形成了一套完整、全面、系 统的语言测试的理论。本书为从事语言测试研究的学 者、大学英语教师及语言测试专业的研究生提供学术 参考。


本书汇编了艾德森自上个世纪80年代以来公开发表的近二十篇论文, 内容涉及语言测试的发展历史、考试设计、考试开发、效度论证等各方面, 也包括了有关专门用途英语测试, 计算机化语言测试等难点话题的论文。对国内语言测试效度研究有着很强的指导意义。


part one testing proficiency and achievement1. testing proficiency and achievement: principles and practice2. metalinguistic knowledge, language aptitude and language proficiency3. diagnosing foreign language proficiency: a teaching/testing interface4. bands and scores5. sequencing as an item type6. native and nonnative speaker performance on cloze tests7. the effect on the cloze test of changes in deletion frequency8. the testing of reading9. testing reading comprehension skills (part two) : getting students to talk about taking a reading test (a pilot study)10. the cefr and the need for more research11. what does pesti have to do with us testers?part two testing english for specific purposes12. testing english for specific purposes: how specific can we get?13. testing and its administration in esp14. a course in testing and evaluation for esp teachers or "how bad were my tests?"15. testing in eap: progress? achievement? proficiency?part three language testing and program evaluation16. the state of language testing in the 1990s17. language testing in the 1990s. how far have we come? how much further have we to go?18. examining washback. the sri lankan impact study19. computers in language testing20. technology in testing. the present and the future21. innovations and challenges in diagnostic testing22. evaluating a placement test23. guidelines for the evaluation of language education24. towards a theory of participatory evaluation. insights from applied linguistics

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