

1星价 ¥55.0 (7.6折)
2星价¥55.0 定价¥72.0
  • ISBN:9787564170721
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:286
  • 出版时间:2017-04-01
  • 条形码:9787564170721 ; 978-7-5641-7072-1


Web访问方式的不断变化意味着屏幕尺寸和用户 体验永远没有上限,响应式Web页面使得页面内容得 以适应于现在和将来的设备。
学习以“响应和移动优先”方法来构建网站,使 其能够轻松地呈现在所有的访问设备之上。通过大量 的示例以及对于现代流行技术和语法的详细讲解,本 书可以作为一切“响应式”实现的全面参考资料。
本·弗雷恩编*的《HTML5和CSS3响应式页面设 计(第2版影印版)(英文版)》涵盖了所有*前沿 的技术和工具,足以让你实现杰出的响应式设计,确 保项目能够经受住未来的考验。
目标读者 你是否正在编写两个网站:一个用于移动设备, 一个用于大尺寸显示器?或者你可能已经实现了自己 的**响应式网站(响应式Web设计),但是正在为 如何完善抓耳挠腮?如果是这样的话,本书为你提供 了所需要的一切内容,可以帮助你的网站*上一层楼 。
如果已经学习过HTML和CSS的相关知识自然*好 ,其他你所需要的知识都已经尽在书中了。
你将从本书中学到什么 理解什么是响应式设计,为什么它对于现代Web 开发至关重要。
学习编写简洁、快速、*语义化的HTML6标记, 理解所有新添加的重要元素。
如何使用CSS3的媒体查询为不同的设备应用不同 的样式,理解CSS4中出现的新型媒体查询。
学习如何根据屏幕尺寸、设备分辨率或者环境载 入不同的图像。
征服表单!只依靠HTML5标记添加表单验证和有 用的界面元素(如日期拣选器和范围滑块)。
在响应式设计中加入SVG以提供分辨率无关图像 ,并学习如何实现动画效果。
学习如何使用包括Flexbox、定制字体、nth— child选择器、CSS定制属性(变量)以及CSS calc函 数在内的*新CSS特性。




Preface Chapter 1: The Essentials of Responsive Web DesignBeginning our questDefining responsive web designResponsive web design in a nutshellSetting browser support levelsA brief note on tooling and text editorsOur first responsive exampleOur basic HTML fileTaming imagesEnter media queriesAmending the example for a larger screenThe shortcomings of our exampleSummary Chapter 2: Media Queries - Supporting Differing ViewportsWhy media queries are needed for a responsive web designBasic conditional logic in CSSMedia query syntaxMedia queries in link tagsCombining media queriesMedia queries with @importMedia queries in CSSWhat can media queries test for?Using media queries to alter a designAny CSS can be wrapped in a media queryMedia queries for HiDPI devicesConsiderations for organizing and authoring media queriesLinking to different CSS files with media queriesThe practicalities of separating media queriesNesting media queries 'inline'Combine media queries or write them where it suits?The viewport meta tagMedia Queries Level 4Scripting media featureInteraction media featuresThe hover media featureEnvironment media featuresSummary Chapter 3: Fluid Layouts and Responsive ImagesConverting a fixed pixel design to a fluid proportional layoutWhy do we need Flexbox?Inline block and whitespaceFloatsTable and table-cellIntroducing FlexboxThe bumpy path to FlexboxBrowser support for FlexboxLeave prefixing to someone elseGetting FlexyPerfect vertically centered textOffset itemsReverse the order of itemsHow about if we want them laid out vertically instead?Column reverseDifferent Flexbox layouts inside different media queriesInline-flexFlexbox alignment propertiesThe align-items propertyThe align-self propertyPossible alignment valuesThe justify-content propertyThe flex propertySimple sticky footerChanging source orderWrapping up FlexboxResponsive imagesThe intrinsic problem of responsive imagesSimple resolution switching with srcsetAdvanced switching with srcset and sizesDid you say the browser 'might' pick one image over another?Art direction with the picture elementFacilitate new-fangled image formatsSummary Chapter 4:HTML5 for Responsive Web Designs Chapter 5:CSS3 - Selectors, Typography, Color Modes, and New Features Chapter 6: Stunning Aesthetics with CSS3 Chapter 7: Using SVGs for Resolution Independence Chapter 8: Transitions, Transformations, and Animations Chapter 9: Conquer Forms with HTML5 and CSS3 Chapter 10: Approaching a Responsive Web Design Index


Ben Frain has been a web designer/developer since 1996. He is currently employed as a Senior Front-end Developer at Bet365.Before the web, he worked as an underrated (and modest) TV actor and technology journalist, having graduated from Salford University with a degree in Media and Performance. He has written four equally underrated (his opinion) screenplays and still harbors the (fading) belief he might sell one. Outside of work, he enjoys simple pleasures.Playing indoor football while his body and wife still allow it, and wrestling with his two sons. His other book, Sass and Compass for Designers is available now. Visit Ben online at www. benfrain, corn and follow him on Twitter at twitter, com/benfrain.

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