

1星价 ¥19.1 (4.9折)
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  • ISBN:9787303219476
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:325
  • 出版时间:2017-03-01
  • 条形码:9787303219476 ; 978-7-303-21947-6


  《综合英语:美国文学经典作品/英语语言文学系列教材 新世纪高等学校教材》是英语专业核心教材,全书以美国短篇小说、长篇小说节选、戏剧节选、诗歌等文学体裁的经典作品内容为依托,涉及了爱情、家庭、时间、平等、文化、自然、女权、梦想、成长、善恶、战争、信仰、生活、童年、科学等主题,涵盖了美国文学所历经的殖民主义、超险主义、浪漫主义、现实、现代主义等不同历史阶段,涉及不同的文学流派。


Unit 1 Powerful Love
Text A The Gift of the Magi
Text B Christmas Day in the Morning
Text C To My Dear and Loving Husband

Unit 2 Perpetual Change
Text A Passage Home
Text B The Story of an Hour
Text C The Road Not Taken

Unit 3 Racial Prejudice
Text A Desiree's Baby
Text B I Have a Dream
Text C I, Too, Sing America

Unit 4 Cultural Heritage
Text A Rules of the Game
Text B Everyday Use (Excerpt)
Text C Immigrants
Text D Saying Yes

Unit 5 Impersonal Nature
Text A Battle with Dentuso
Text B Love of Life
Text C Heroism (Excerpt)

Unit 6 Female Roles
Text A Confinement
Text B Why I Want a Wife
Text C Phenomenal Woman

Unit 7 American Dream
Text A Gatsby's Party (Excerpt)
Text B A Wagner Matinee (Excerpt)
Text C I Hear America Singing

Unit 8 Adolescent Initiation
Text A Burden
TextB A&P
Text C A White Heron (Excerpt)

Unit 9 Subtle Guilt
Text A The Black Cat (I)
Text B The Black Cat (II)
Text C Guilt

Unit 10 Simple Life
Text A Life in the Woods
Text B Nature
Text C The Soul Selects Her Own Society

Unit 11 Traumatic Memory
Text A An Episode of War
Text B Traumatic Family
Text C O Captain! My Captain!

Unit 12 Strong Faith
Text A Young Goodman Brown
Text B The Chrysanthemums
Text C Huswifery

Unit 13 Childhood Pleasure
Text A How Dorothy Saved the' Scarecrow
Text B Tom's Dying!
Text C Last Day

Unit 14 Incredible Science
Text A Love Is a Fallacy
Text B Live Forever
Text C What Is Philosophy?

Unit 15 Personal Choices
Text A Death of a Salesman
Text B A Hard Choice
Text C Departure for Adventures

Keys to the Exercises

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