

1星价 ¥85.0 (7.2折)
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  • ISBN:9787300246444
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:284
  • 出版时间:2017-09-01
  • 条形码:9787300246444 ; 978-7-300-24644-4






Introduction: Theoretical Guide to Continuing to Write New Chapters of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Chapter One We Must Take the Road of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics If We Want to Realize the Chinese Dream 1.Chinese Dream and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Are Consistent with Each Other in Essence 2.Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Is the Only Road to Create People's Good Life 3.Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Is the Only Road to Realize Socialist Modernization 4.Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Has Distinct Features and Advantages Chapter Two Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Is the Fundamental Achievement Acquired by the Party and People in Long-term Practice 1.Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Is Historical Conclusion and People's Choice 2.Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Is Constituted with Trinity of Road, Theoretical System and Political System 3.Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Is Crystal of World Socialsim for 500 Years Chapter Three Firming Self-confidence in the Road, the Theory, the System and the Culture with Chinese Characteristics 1.Firming Self-confidence in the Road and Unswervingly Going Along the Road of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 2.Firming Self-confidence in Theory and Constantly Propelling the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics to Advance with the Times 3.Firming Self-confidence in the Road, Maintaining and Consummating the Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics 4.Having Self-confidence in Culture, Flourishing and Developing Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics Chapter Four Setting Up a New Development Concept 1.The New Development Concept Is Proposed in Accordance with the Changes of the Situation in Both China and the World 2.The New Development Theory Is a Whole with InnerLink 3.New Concepts of Development Are the Important Principles That the Development of Our Economic Society Must Follow and Persist in Chapter FiveIntegrating Development of Entire Distribution of \"Five-in-One\" 1.\"Five-in-One\" Was Formed Gradually in the Reform and Opening-up Period 2.\"Five-in-One\" Contains Very Rich Connotations 3.Promoting the Theoretical and Practical Significance of the Overall Layout of the \"Five-in-One\" Chapter Six Harmoniously Promoting the Layout of \"the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy\" 1.The Strategic Layout Brought Up Starting from the Overall Situation of Sticking to and Developing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 2.The Strategic Layout Formed and Developed Along with the Course of China's Reform and Opening-up 3.\"The Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy\" Is a Whole with Organic Connection and Interpenetration 4.The Party's General Plan of Governing the Country Is a New Innovation that Keeps Up with the Times Chapter Seven The Basic Principles to Promote the Cause of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 1.Persisting in People's Dominant Position 2.Insisting on Scientific Development 3.Adhering to Deepening the Reform 4.Adhering to the Rule of Law 5.Adhering to Integrating Domestic and International Politics 6.Adhering to the Leadership of the Party Chapter Eight Chinese Path Is the Path Seeking Common Development in Opening-up 1.Going Along the Chinese Path for Peaceful Development Is the Strategic Choice Adapting to the Trend of Development of Times and the Fundamental Interests of Our Country 2.Peaceful Development and Common Development Are the Distinctive Features of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 3.The Significance of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics to the World


秦宣 法学博士,中国人民大学马克思主义学院二级教授、博士生导师。马克思主义理论研究和建设工程“毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论”课题组首席专家,教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地——中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心主任,中国人民大学《教学与研究》杂志主编;兼任中国科学社会主义学会副会长、北京市科学社会主义学会副会长、中国特色社会主义学会副会长。在马克思主义、中国特色社会主义等领域出版学术专著多部,发表论文200多篇。

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