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  • ISBN:9787302526117
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:158
  • 出版时间:2019-03-01
  • 条形码:9787302526117 ; 978-7-302-52611-7


本书每个单元均包含Reading、Writing、Translation和Weaving It Together四个部分。Reading部分包含两篇课文,配有Pre-Reading、Vocabulary、Reading Comprehension、Cloze、Paraphrase、Critical Thinking等练习,并提供了相关阅读技巧的总结;Writing和TransIation部分概括了写作和翻译技巧,并配有相应的练习;Weaving It Together则是对本单元内容的总结和拓展,起到了画龙点睛的作用。


Unit 1 Special Days Reading 1: Birthdays Around the World Reading 2: A Festival of Colors Reading Skill: Identifying Supporting Ideas Writing Skill: The Sentence | The Paragraph Translation Skill: 冠词的翻译Unit 2 Places Reading 1: Venice: A Changing City Reading 2: Life Is Good in Iceland Reading Skill: Comparison and Contrast Writing Skill: Adjectives | The Comparative Form of Adjectives | The Superlative Form of Adjectives Translation Skill: 词性转译法Unit 3 Ways to Health Reading 1: Go to Sleep! Reading 2: Laughing Out Loud Reading Skill: Using Skimming and Scanning Writing Skill: Using when Translation Skill: more than的翻译Unit 4 Customs Reading 1: What to Name the Baby Reading 2: Eat, Drink, and Know the Customs Reading Skill: Identifying the Topic Sentence Writing Skill: Common One-Word Prepositions | Prepositional Phrases Translation Skill: 形式主语句的翻译Unit 5 Food Reading 1: The World's Most Popular Drink Reading 2: Hold Your Nose and Eat! Reading Skill: Identifying the Use of the Pronouns it and them Writing Skill: Writing Instructions Translation Skill: There be句型的翻译Unit 6 Inventors and Their Inventions Reading 1: Dinner Fresh from the Freezer Reading 2: A Sharp Idea from King Gillette Reading Skill: Noting Timelines Writing Skill: Comparing Things with as...as | Using too and very with Adjectives Translation Skill: 后置定语的翻译Unit 7 Amazing People Reading 1: Hayat Sindi: One Person Helps the World Reading 2: A Life with Chimpanzees Reading Skill: Recognizing Generalizations and Examples in Readings Writing Skill: Writing About Someone's Life | Different Ways of Expressing Time Translation Skill: 状语的翻译Unit 8 Readings from Literature Reading 1: The Shepherd's Boy Reading 2: The Rain Reading Skill: Using Context for Word Meanings Writing Skill: Paraphrasing Translation Skill: 动词时态的翻译

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