Chinas foreign affairs:2019(中国外交 2019)
- ISBN:9787501261291
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:24cm
- 页数:17,636页
- 出版时间:2019-12-01
- 条形码:9787501261291 ; 978-7-5012-6129-1
《中国外交 2019年版》(英文版平装)深入分析2018年国际形势发展演变,全面介绍中国外交全方位、宽领域、多层次推进的丰硕成果,集中展现国际舞台上的中国智慧、中国作用,是系统阐述中国外交的权威读物。全书共分九章,分别介绍中国对2018年国际形势的看法,2018年中国外交工作的概况,中国与各建交国家的关系,中国与国际和地区组织的关系以及中国对有关问题的立场及观点,中国外交中的军控、裁军与防扩散工作,中国外交中的条约法律工作,中国外交中的边界与海洋工作,中国外交中的新闻工作和公共外交工作,中国外交中的领事工作。*后为附录, 收录了“2018年中国外交重要活动”“2018年中国外交重要文献”目录以及2018年中国与各建交国有关情况的部分资料、数据等。 China’s Foreign Affairs, edited by the Department of Policy Planning of the Foreign Ministry and contributed by various departments, is published annually by the World Affairs Press and distributed internationally. China’s Foreign Affairs strives to accurately and comprehensively present China’s foreign policies and its latest perspectives on the evolving international situation, and to give a systematic and full elaboration on China’s external relations in the past year. The 2019 edition of China’s Foreign Affairs focuses mainly on the country’s diplomatic activities in 2018. An unabridged English version is published simultaneously with the Chinese version. Chapters 1 and 2 outline the 2018 international situation as China sees it and present a summary of China’s diplomatic work in the year. Chapter 3 describes the state of relations between China and countries having diplomatic ties with it in 2018. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. Chapter 4 briefs on China’s interactions with international and regional organizations in 2018 and its positions and views on the relevant issues. Chapter 5 presents China’s diplomatic work in the area of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation in 2018. Chapter 6 presents China’s diplomatic work in the area of international treaties and law in 2018. Chapter 7 presents China’s diplomatic work in the area of boundary and ocean affairs in 2018. Chapter 8 presents China’s diplomatic work in the area of the press and information in 2018. Chapter 9 presents China’s diplomatic work in consular affairs in 2018. The last part of the book includes Chronicle of China’s Major Diplomatic Activities in 2018 and other appendixes of important diplomatic documents in 2018.
1. An Overview
(1) Faster Adjustment Occurred in Major-Country Relations
(2) Global Governance Faced Greater Difficulties
(3) Regional Hotspot Issues Experienced Profound Developments
(4) The World Economy Maintained Stable Performance amid Hidden Risks
2. Regional Situation
(1) Asia
(2) West Asia and North Africa
(3) Sub-Saharan Africa
(4) The Eurasian Region
(5) Europe
(6) North America and Oceania
(7) Latin America and the Caribbean
3. Thematic Review
(1) World Economic Recovery Was Fraught with Twists and Turns
(2) Korean Peninsula Nuclear Issue
(3) Implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action for the Iranian Nuclear Issue
1. An Overview
(1) We Hosted Multilateral Events That Reflected the New Face of China
(2) We Ushered Belt and Road Cooperation into a New Phase
(3) We Made Further Progress in Major-country Relations
(4) We Broke New Ground in Nei***orhood Diplomacy
(5) We Brought Cooperation with Other Developing Countries to Greater Heights
(6) We Shouldered Greater Responsibility for Global Governance
(7) We Made Further Contributions to World Peace
(8) We Made New Strides in Advancing National Interests
2. China's Relations with Countries in Various Regions
(1) China's Relations with Countries in Asia
(2) China's Relations with West Asian and North African Countries
(3) China's Relations with Sub-Saharan African Countries
(4) China's Relations with Eurasian Countries
(5) China's Relations with European Countries
(6) China's Relations with Countries in North America and Oceania
(7) China's Relations with Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean
3. Thematic Review
(1) President Xi Jinping Attended the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018
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