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  • ISBN:9787566827593
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:23cm
  • 页数:228页
  • 出版时间:2019-12-01
  • 条形码:9787566827593 ; 978-7-5668-2759-3


民以食为天,任何时代,只要有生命存在,“吃”就是每天不可或缺的头等大事。中华饮食文化博大精深,源远流长,仅以品种之丰富、滋味之可口而言,可以说是独步天下了。而记录饮食的汉字,是一枚枚珍贵的历史活化石,形象描述了中国先民的生活痕迹。 Chinese Characters and China’s Foods(《汉字与饮食》)以与饮食有关的汉字为纲,通过对具体汉字的解析,探讨深层民族文化心理及风俗人情,分专题研究美味佳肴、小吃、作料、食器、炊具、腌渍技艺、酒名、酒器、饮酒礼仪等,系统反映中国古代饮食文化及相关的典章制度,使海外读者了解古代中国人的思想情趣及审美价值观。


Preface Forward Introduction to“Foods”and“Taotie”-The Beginning with Mythical Monster Chapter 1 Staple Food 1.1 Having Left Us Wheat in Good Quality,God Gives an Order to Ensure the Continuation of Hundred Tribes-Talking about the Chinese Character“来” 1.2 Writing Books for Rice and Millet-Talking about the Chinese Characters“稻”and“粱” 1.3 Why Not Eat Meat Paste?—Talking about the Chinese Character“羹” 1.4 Losing One's Wife Only for a"Cake”-Tlking about the Chinese Character“饼” 1.5 饺子(Jiaozi)-An Indispensable Food in the Spring Festival 1.6 汤圆(Tangyuan)—Symbolizing Reunion of the Whole Family 1.7 The Way Ahead Was Long,Long One,and I'll Seek My Dream High and Low-Talking about the Chinese Character“粽” Chapter 2 Non-staple Food(I) 2.1 Wine and Meat Rot behind Vermilion Gates of Wealthy Homes-Talking about the Chinese Character“肉” 2.2 Delicacy on a Jade Plate Is Worth a Lot of Money-nborinl Talking about the Chinese Character“羞” 2.3 Honesty Is Seen from My Eating Chicken and Millet Prepared Better by My Friend-Talking about the Chinese Character“鸡 2.4 National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance-Talking about the Chinese Characters“豆腐” 2.5 Removing Sponge Gourds to Grow Leek-Talking about the Chinese Characters“韭菜” 2.6 This Flavor Should Only Belong to the Heaven,and How Many Times Can Ordinary People Have?-Talking about the Chinese Character“茄” 2.7 Asparagus Shoots Short and Wormwood Pervasive.It Is the Time When the Puffer Fish Appears-Talking about the Chinese Character“笋” Chapter 3 Non-staple Food(Ⅱ) 3.1 Vinegar Blending Five Flavors-Talking about the Chinese Character“醋” 3.2 Everything Is Ready,and All We Need Is"Salt”-Talking about the Chinese Character“盐” 3.3 “Sweet”is a Preferred Taste in Every Possible Way Talking about the Chinese Character“甜” 3.4 Spicy Taste Is Deeply Engraved in Our Hearts-Talking about the Chinese Character“辣” Chapter 4 Non-staple Food(IⅢ) 4.1 Eating Three Hundred Litchis Every Day,One Is Willing to Be a Person from Lingnan-Talking about the Chinese Characters“荔枝” 4.2 An Orange Growing in Huainan Is an Orange While in Huaibei That Is a Trifoliate Orange-Talking about the Chinese Character“橘” 4.3 Discussing Heroes While Warming the Wine with Black Plums-Talking about the Chinese Character“梅” 4.4 One Apple a Day Keeps a Doctor Away--Talking about the Chinese Character“苹” 4.5 As If the Vernal Breeze Had Come Back Overnight,Adorning Thousands of Pear Trees with White Blossoms--Talking about the Chinese Character“梨” Chapter 5 Drinking Wine(I) 5.1 Teeming with Tempting Aroma of Wine-Talking about the Chinese Character“酉” 5.2 What Can Relieve My Anxiety?It Is Only Dukang-Talking about the Chinese Character“酒” 5.3 When Drunk,Imperial Concubine Yang Appears in All Her Glory-Talking about the Chinese Character“醉” 5.4 Men Should Be Cool to Drink-Talking about the Chinese Character“酷” 5.5 Only Those Who Drink Wine Can Keep Their Names in the World-Talking about the Chinese Character “饮 Chapter 6 Drinking Wine(Ⅱ) 6.1 Starting with"No More Than Three Bowls of Liquor to Drink before You Go over the Bridge 6.2 Relaxing Muscles and Stimulating Blood Circulation Talking about the Chinese Characters“白酒” 6.3 Good Wine Lanling Smells Fragrance of Tulips;When Poured in a Jade Bowl,It Reflects Color of Amber Light 6.4 With Wine of Grapes Cups of Jade Would Glow at Night Drinking to Pipa Songs,We Are Summoned to Fight 6.5 Shepherd,Asked Where I Can Find a Wine Shop,Points at a Distant Cot'mid Apricots Chapter 7 Drinking Wine(Ⅲ) 7.1 Sweet Life Comes from Fermented Glutinous Rice 7.2 The Chinese Character“瞧”—Home of Beautiful Life 7.3 Drinking Wine with Meat Means“Happiness”—Talking about the Chinese Character“福” Chapter 8 Drinking Tea 8.1 Who Says"Tea”Is Bitter?It Tastes As Sweet As Water Chestnut-Talking about the Chinese Character“茶” 8.2 A Quiet Environment Is Suitable for Tasting Tea While a Lively One for Drinking Wine 8.3 Drinking Tea instead of Wine Can Also Show One's Real Emotion 8.4 A Gentleman Whose Personality Looks like“Water” Aims at Absolute Perfection Chapter 9 Cooking Utensils 9.1 Cauldron and Big Tripod Look Alike in Shape but Different in Size-Talking about the Chinese Character“鼎” 9.2 Breaking the Cauldrons and Sinking the Boats after Crossing the River-Talking about the Chinese Character“釜” 9.3 They Were Boiling Beans on a Beanstalk Fire; Came a Plaintive Voice from the Pot 9.4 Hoisting Sail-Talking about the Chinese Characters“筷” 子 9.5 Li Bai Writes Hundred Poems after Drinking Dou of Wine-Talking about the Chinese Character“斗” 9.6 The World in the Pot Looks Large,and the Time in the Cup Seems Long 9.7 Talking about the Story That"Guan Yu Killed Hua Xiong While the Wine Remained Warm References Postscript Translation Postscript



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