  • ISBN:9787520362993
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:135
  • 出版时间:2020-07-01
  • 条形码:9787520362993 ; 978-7-5203-6299-3





Chapter 1 Evolution of India's Policy Towards Africa in the 21st Century
1.1 India's Neglect of Africa at the Turn of the Century: 1991-2004
1.2 Improvement of the India-Africa Relationship During the Manmohan Singh Administration: 2004-2014
1.3 Deepening of India-Africa Relations During Narendra Modi Administration: May 2014-May 2019

Chapter 2 Areas and Effects of Cooperation Between India and Africa
2.1 Areas of Cooperation between India and Africa
2.2 Achievements of India-Africa Cooperation in Various Areas

Chapter 3 The Trend of India-Africa Relations
3.1 Enhancing Political Mutual Trust between India and Africa to Realize India's Long-Term Dream of a Great Power
3.2 Deepening Economic and Trade Cooperation between India and Africa to Achieve India's Economic Development Goals
3.3 Promoting India-Africa Security Consultation to Stabilize the Domestic Situation in India
3.4 Strengthening the People-to-People and Cultural Exchanges Between India and Africa to Consolidate the Ruling Foundation BJP Governance

Chapter 4 The Interest Relationship between India and China in Africa
4.1 Assessment of the Interest Relationship between India and China in Africa
4.2 Basic Factors Affecting China-India Interest Relations in Africa

Chapter 5 Suggestions on Policies to Promote China-India Cooperation in Africa
5.1 Attaching Importance to India's Policy Towards Africa and Its Significance to China-Africa Relations
5.2 Preventing the Negative Impact of India-Africa Relations on China-Africa Cooperation
5.3 Properly Handling the Differences of Interests between China and India in Africa



  Guoqing Xu,born in Zhejiang Province, China, received Law Ph. D from graduate school of the Chinese Academy of social sciences. Now, he is serving as an Associate Professor in international relations section of Institute of West-Asian and African Studies(IWAAS), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). His major field of research are relations between the emerging countries and Africa, relations among the emerging countries, and African issues.

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