  • ISBN:9787560386744
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:25cm
  • 页数:1018页
  • 出版时间:2020-06-01
  • 条形码:9787560386744 ; 978-7-5603-8674-4




Volume I Preface List of Contributors Part I: Structures Graphs 1. Basic Graph Theory: Paths and Circuits 2. Connectivity and Network Flows 3. Matchings and Extensions 4. Colouring, Stable Sets and Perfect Graphs Appendix to Chapter 4: Nowhere-Zero Flows 5. Embeddings and Minors 6. Random Graphs Finite Sets and Relations 7. Hypergraphs 8. Partially Ordered Sets Matroids 9. Matroids: Fundamental Concepts 10. Matroid Minors 11. Matroid Optimization and Algorithms Symmetric Structures 12. Permutation Groups 13. Finite Geometrie 14. Block Designs 15. Association Schemes 16. Codes Combinatorial Structures in Geometry and Number Theory 17. Extremal Problems in Combinatorial Geometry 18. Convex Polytopes and Related Complexes 19. Point Lattices 20. Combinatorial Number Theory Author Index Subject Index 编辑手记 Volume II Preface List of Contributors Part II: Aspects 21. Algebraic Enumeration 22. Asymptotic Enumeration Methods 23. Extremal Graph Theory 24. Extremal Set Systems 25. Ramsey Theory 26. Discrepancy Theory 27. Automorphism Groups, Isomorphism, Reconstruction 28. Combinatorial Optimization 29. Computational Complexity Part III: Methods 30. Polyhedral Combinatorics 31. Tools from Linear Algebra Appendix 32. Tools from Higher Algebra 33. Probabilistic Methods 34. Topological Methods Part IV: Applications 35. Combinatorics in Operations Research 36. Combinatorics in Electrical Engineering and Statics 37. Combinatorics in Statistical Physics 38. Combinatorics in Chemistry 39. Applications of Combinatorics to Molecular Biology 40. Combinatorics in Computer Science 41. Combinatorics in Pure Mathematics Part V: Horizons 42. Infinite Combinatorics 43. Combinatorial Games 44. The History of Combinatorics Author Index Subject Index 编辑手记

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