

1星价 ¥298.5 (7.5折)
2星价¥298.5 定价¥398.0
  • ISBN:9787117274135
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:29cm
  • 页数:730页
  • 出版时间:2019-08-01
  • 条形码:9787117274135 ; 978-7-117-27413-5


★简介英国爱丁堡皇家外科学院正畸专业考试,并给出应试指导与成功病例优点总结。 ★按照难度层次区分病例,按照考试规范流程,全英文展示历年考生中的精品临床病例。


本书收录了英国爱丁堡皇家外科学院口腔正畸考试的精品病例。全书共分五章, 内容包括: 较难复杂病例、中等难度病例、一般难度病例、简单病例及容易病例。


Case1 Treatment of severe skeletal classⅡ open bite with TADs combined with PAOO


Case2 Two-phase extraction treatment of skeletal classⅡ low-angle protrusion with twin-block


Case3 Combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgery treatment of severe skeletal class Ⅲ with facial asymmetry


Case4 Treatment of TMJ resorption related skeletal classⅡ high-angle open bite with TMJ surgery assisted orthodontic extraction


Case5 Treatment of skeletal classⅡ high-angle protrusion and crowding with pendulum expansion


Case6 Combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgery treatment of skeletal classⅢ open bite and facial asymmetry


Case7 Treatment of skeletal classⅡ high-angle open bite with TADs


Case8 Extraction treatment of skeletal classⅡ high-angle protrusion with Tip-edge


Case9 Combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgery treatment of severe skeletal classⅢ open bite and facial asymmetry


Case10 Combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgery treatment of severe skeletal classⅡ high-angle and crowding


Case11 Treatment of skeletal classⅢ and facial asymmetry with “surgery first”


Case12 Two-phase treatment of skeletal classⅢ high-angle in adolescent with FR Ⅲ

(FR Ⅲ双期矫治生长发育期骨性Ⅲ类高角)

Case13 Treatment of skeletal classⅡ high-angle crowding with TADs


Case14 Combined orthodontic and orthognathic surgery treatment of skeletal classⅡ protrusion


Case15 Molar distalization treatment of skeletal classⅡ high-angle with pendulum


Case16 Two-phase treatment of skeletal classⅡ and impacted canine with Herbst


Case17 Combined orthodontic and orhognathic surgery treatment of skeletal classⅢ with facial asymmetry


Case18 Non-extraction treatment of Angle classⅠprotrusion


Case19 Orthodontic camouflage treatment of skeletal classⅡ protrusion


Case20 Treatment of Angle classⅠ impacted canine with surgery assisted eruption


Case21 Non-extraction treatment of skeletal classⅢ cross bite


Case22 Extraction treatment of Angle classⅠ high-angle crowding


Case 23 Non-extraction treatment of skeletal classⅡ protrusion with Tip-edge


Case24 Treatment of skeletal classⅡ protrusion and supernumerary tooth with TADs


Case25 Treatment of skeletal classⅡ crowding and rotated tooth with TADs




房兵 教授,上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔正畸科行政主任,口腔正畸专委会副主委、中国力学学会中国生物医学工程学会生物力学专业委员会(分会)委员。作为主编编写著作2部,副主编1部,主译2部,副主译1部;从2001年开始作为国内早期开始研究隐形矫正器在临床中应用的专家之一积累了大量的病例,承担隐适美全球临床顾问,在每年在国内以及国外隐形矫正峰会上作为特邀发言,在该疾病的临床诊治方面有丰富的经验和研究成果。

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