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  • ISBN:9787566919250
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:284
  • 出版时间:2021-06-01
  • 条形码:9787566919250 ; 978-7-5669-1925-0


AbstractThis book comprehensively introduces the spinning principles, methods, processes and yarn structure, performance and application of various new types of textile yarns. The main content is divided into three parts: The first is the transformation and progress of traditional ring spinning, including Siro spinning, Sirofil spinning, compact spinning, cable spinning, etc. and their yarns; The second is the perfection and improvement of new spinning yarns, including rotor spinning, friction spinning, air-jet spinning, vortex spinning, etc. and their yarns; The third is the development and improvement of filament texturing, including false-twist texturing, air texturing, hot-fluid jet texturing, multiple texturing, etc. and their yarns. This book can be used as a textbook or reference book for undergraduates, postgraduates and international students majoring in textile, as well as a reference book for undergraduates and postgraduates majoring in materials (chemical fiber direction). It can also be used as a reference book for teachers of related majors, researchers in textile research institutions, and engineering and technical personnel of textile enterprises and chemical fiber enterprises.内容提要本书综合地介绍各种新型纺织纱线的纺纱原理、方法、工艺及成纱结构、性能和应用等,主要内容分三个部分:一是传统环锭纺纱的变革与进步,包括赛络纺、赛络菲尔纺、紧密纺、缆绳纺等及其纱线;二是新型纺纱的完善及其改进,包括转杯纺、摩擦纺、喷气纺、涡流纺等及其纱线;三是长丝变形加工的发展及完善,包括假捻变形、空气变形、热流变形、多重变形等及其纱线。本书可作为纺织专业本科生、研究生及靠前学生教材或参考书,也可作为材料专业(化学纤维方向)本科生、研究生参考书,还可供相关专业教师、纺织科研机构的研究人员,以及纺织企业及化纤企业的工程技术人员参考。


1 Fundamentals of Textile Yarns

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Classification of textile yarns

1.3 Raw materials and market

1.4 Development of ring spinning, new spinning and texturing

1.5 Production and market of textile yarns

2 Modified Ring Spinning and Yarns

2.1 Sirospun and yarns

2.2 Sirofil and yarns

2.3 Solospun and yarns

2.4 Compact (condensing) spinning and yarns

3 Rotor Spinning and yarns

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Principle of rotor spinning

3.3 Yarn structures and properties

3.4 Yarns and their products

3.5 Prospect for rotor spinning

4 Air-jet Spinning and Yarns(MJS, MVS)

4.1 Development of air-jet spinning

4.2 The Process and mechanism

4.3 Yarn structures and properties

4.4 The development of products

4.5 Technical economical analysis and future prospects for air-jet spinning

4.6 Murata vortex spinning (MVS) and yarns

5 Vortex Spinning and Yarns

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Principles of vortex spinning

5.3 Structures and properties of vortex yarn and products

5.4 Technical economical analysis of vortex spinning

6 Friction Spinning and Yarns

6.1 The history and present of friction spinning

6.2 The twisting principle of friction spinning

6.3 Structures and properties of friction yarn

6.4 The products of friction yarn

6.5 The prospects for friction spinning

7 False-twist Texturing and Yarns

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Multi-steps conventional texturing process

7.3 The principle of false-twist texturing

7.4 False-twist formation and process

7.5 Twist insertion device

7.6 Heat-setting

7.7 Modification to false-twist texturing

7.8 Process parameters and quality control

7.9 False-twist texturing machine

7.10 Structures and properties of false-twist textured yarns

8 Air-jet Texturing and Yarns

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Principles and nozzles of air-jet texturing

8.3 Air flow in the nozzles

8.4 Loop formation mechanism and process

8.5 Air-jet technology and machine

8.6 Air-jet texturing process variables

8.7 Structures, properties and applications of air-jet textured yarns

9 Hot-fluid (Jet) Texturing and Yarns

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Mechanical feed stuffer-box texturing

9.3 Hot-fluid jet texturing

9.4 Modified hot-fluid jet texturing-moving-cavity texturing

9.5 Morphology and properties of BCF yarn

9.6 Hot-fluid texturing machine

10 Multi Texturing and Yarns

10.1 Introduction

10.2 False-twist texturing (or hot-fluid texturing) with intermingled process

10.3 False-twist texturing with air-jet texturing

10.4 Two-for-one twist process with false-twist texturing

10.5 Differential shrinkage texturing with false-twist texturing

(or air-jet texturing)

10.6 Air-jet texturing with Texspun

10.7 Fine-scope texturing



覃小红 教授。现任东华大学纺织学院副院长,教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授,中国棉纺织行业协会监事,中国科协第十次全国代表大会代表。获国家技术发明奖二等奖1项、省部级科技一等奖2项,获第十六届中国青年科技奖、全国优秀博士学位论文,入选教育部新世纪人才计划、霍英东基金,上海市曙光学者、科技启明星等多项人才计划。主持国家科技支撑计划、国家重点研发项目子课题,国家自然科学基金项目6项,以及上海市教委创新计划重大项目等50余项;发表学术论文200余篇,获授权国家发明专利64项,与行业领军企业进行专利许可实施及合作开发,增加经济效益15.1亿元。

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