

1星价 ¥33.2 (8.5折)
2星价¥33.2 定价¥39.0
  • ISBN:9787122396495
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:214
  • 出版时间:2021-11-01
  • 条形码:9787122396495 ; 978-7-122-39649-5


《化学专业英语》精选了四大化学(无机化学、有机化学、分析化学、物理化学)的基本知识、相关知识的短篇阅读文章及化学实验报告与化学期刊文章的写作方法。另外还附有元素的英文名、常用化学专业术语、常用实验室装置及无机物定性分析方法。 《化学专业英语》可作为高等院校化学及相关专业的专业英语教学用书,也可作为从事化学及相关专业的科技工作者的参考用书。


Chapter 1 General Chemistry001
1.1 Chemistry: The Central Science001
1.2 The Scientific Method002
1.3 Matter: Physical State and Chemical Composition004
1.4 Elements and the Periodic Table009
1.5 Chemical Reactions in Aqueous Solution012

Chapter 2 Inorganic Chemistry016
2.1 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds016
2.2 Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds021
2.3 Ionic and Covalent Bonds 023
2.4 Coordination Compounds030
2.5 The Halogens034

Chapter 3 Organic Chemistry041
3.1 What is Organic Chemistry?041
3.2 Classes of Organic Compounds043
3.3 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds 045
3.4 Hydrocarbons053
3.5 Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions065
3.6 Isomerism070
3.7 Organic Polymers 074

Chapter 4 Analytical Chemistry081
4.1 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry081
4.2 Spectrochemical Methods084
4.3 Chromatography091
4.4 Thin-Layer Chromatography095
4.5 NMR Spectroscopy100
4.6 Mass Spectrometry104

Chapter 5 Physical Chemistry109
5.1 Introduction to Physical Chemistry109
5.2 Chemical Equilibrium114
5.3 Thermodynamics119
5.4 Solutions 124
5.5 Catalysis130
5.6 Electrochemical Cells 134

Chapter 6 Chemistry in Life141
6.1 Nitroglycerine141
6.2 Coupling of Reactions142
6.3 Haber Process 144
6.4 Air Bags146
6.5 Self-Cleaning Windows147
6.6 Lithium-Ion Batteries148
6.7 Liquid Crystals150
6.8 Superconductors152
6.9 The Discovery of Prodrugs154
6.10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging156

Chapter 7 Writing Lab Reports and Papers158
7.1 Some Guidelines for Writing Lab Reports158
7.2 Some Guidelines for Writing Scientific Papers168

Appendices 173
Appendix A Names of Chemical Elements173
Appendix B Common Chemical Terms176
Appendix C Some Laboratory Apparatus208
Appendix D Simple Guidelines to Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic Compounds210


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