

1星价 ¥207.4 (7.2折)
2星价¥207.4 定价¥288.0
  • ISBN:9787313241412
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:581页
  • 出版时间:2021-11-01
  • 条形码:9787313241412 ; 978-7-313-24141-2


?? 国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助 ?? 一本全面的航空推进系统声源知识库 ?? 涵盖针对下一代航空发动机低噪声设计的新型气动噪声控制技术 ?? 包含作者团队自研的尖端模型和方法


本书系统总结了作者近年来承担的国家与地方重大项目, 如作为首席科学家主持的973项目“大型客机主要气动噪声机理及先进控制方法研究”的相关科研成果, 深入地阐述了风扇噪声的预测和控制, 涡声理论以及燃烧稳定性方面的的新理论、新技术和新进展。内容既有来自于长期实践经验和经典理论的总结, 也包含了大量通过基础研究和科学试验得到的数据、模型与理论, 以及国外相关领域的先进技术和自主创新成果。


CHAPTER 1 Basic equations of aeroacoustics 1.1 Sound sources in moving media 1.1.1 Basic equations o f sound propagation 1.1.2 Energy relations in moving media 1.1.3 Sound field ofmoving sound sources 1.1.4 Frequency features of moving sound sourcc Dopplcr effect 1.2 Generalized Green's formula 1.3 Lighthill equation 1.3.1 Derivation of basic equations 1.3.2 Effect of solid boundary on sound generation 1.4 Ffowcs Williams.Hawkings equation 1.5 Generalized Lighthill's equation References CHAPTER 2 Propeller noise:Prediction and control 2.1 Noise sources of propeller 2.1.1 An overvicw,the developing history of propeller noise prediction 2.1.2 Advanced propeller noise(Propfan noisc) 2.2 Propeller noise prediction in frequency—domain 2.2.1 The basic equations 2.2.2 Aerodynamic performance prediction 2.2.3 The near-field solution of propeller noise 2.2.4 The far-field solution of propeller noise 2.3 Propeller noise prediction in time—domain 2.3.1 The basic equations 2.3.2 The solution o f the free-space generalized wave equation 2.3.3 The fundamental integral formulas o f the sur face source in time-domain 2.3.4 The integral expressions of the sound field due to monopoles and dipoles 2.3.5 Introduction to numerical computation methods References CHAPTER 3 Noise prediction in aeroengine 3.1 Noise sources in aeroengine 3.2 Tone noise by rotor/stator interaction in fan compressor 3.2.1 Introduction 3.2.2 Model of sound generation by unstcady aerodynamic load on blade 3.2.3 Prediction for tone noise by rotor/stator interaction 3.3 Shockwave noise in fan/compressor 3.3.1 Physical mechanism of shockwave noise in fan compressor 3.3.2 Shockwave noise prediction method 3.3.3 Power computation of shockwave noise 3.4 Combustion noise 3.5 Jet noise 3.5.1 Solution of Lighthill'S equation 3.5.2 Prediction ofjet noise 3.5.3 Effect of non-uniform flow Lilley's equation References CHAPTER 4 Linearized unsteady aerodynamics for aeroacoustic applications 4.1 IntrOductiOn 4.2 Basic linearized unsteady aerodynamic equations 4.2.1 Velocity decomposing theorem for uniform flows 4.2.2 Disturbance velocity decomposition in non-uni form flow fields:Goldstein'S equation 4.3 Unsteady loading for two—dimensional supersonic cascades with subsonic leading—edge locus 4.3.1 Physical and mathematical models 4.3.2 Discussion concerning the convergence of thc kernel function 4.3.3 Reflection coefficients of Mach waves and the solution of the integral equation 4.3.4 Comparison o f numerical solutions for unsteady blade loading 4.4 Lifting surface theory for unsteady analysis of fan/compressor cascade 4.4.1 A unifled framework for acoustic field and unsteady flow 4.4.2 Integral equation for the solution of unsteady blade load 4.4.3 Upwash velocity for three di fferent incoming conditions 4.4.4 Solution to the integral equation 4.4.5 Numerical validation of unsteady blade loading References CHAPTER 5 Vortex sound theory 5.1 Introduction tO sound generation induced by vortex flow 5.2 Basic equations of vortex sound 5.2.1 Powell'S equation 5.2.2 Howe'S acoustic analogy 5.2.3 The equivalence of Curie's equation and Howe's equation 5.3 Vortex sound model of trailing edge noise 5.4 Vortex sound model of liner impedance 5.5 Effect of grazing flow on vortex-sound interaction of perforated plates 5.5.1 Effect of grazing flow on the acoustic impedance of perforated plates 5.5.2 Effect of plate thickness on impedance of perforated plates with bias flow 5.6 Nonlinear model of vortex.sound interaction ……


孙晓峰,北京航空航天大学教授,中国航空发动机集团外部董事。1999年获国家杰出青年基金,2000年任教育部“长江学者”,并任首批“长江学者创新团队”北航学术带头人,科技部973项目首席科学家,国家自然科学基金重大项目负责人,《航空学报》中文、英文版主编。一直从事气动声学、叶轮机非定常空气动力学方面的研究工作,不仅比较系统地发展了航空推进系统三维流动,燃烧不稳定性理论和控制方法,还据于此提出了一种完全不同于国际上任何方案的叶轮机非定常流壁面控制方法,实验上成功地实现了对压气机旋转失速的混合控制。他还提出了一种计算运动边界问题的谱方法,在气动声学,气动弹性流固耦合问题中得到应用。此外,在波涡相互作用以及多空板声阻抗模型方面做了系统性的研究工作,所发展的波涡相互作用模型对国际同类研究有显著影响,并被国际同行用他和合作者的名字命名。 王晓宇,北京航空航天大学副教授,2002年毕业于北京航空航天大学,获得工学学士学位;2010年获得博士学位。自留校任教以来,在航空发动机气动声学方面做了深入系统性的工作,多种模型用于支撑我国重点型号的声学设计;在航空推进系统燃烧稳定性方面,建立了控制燃烧振荡的计算模型,提出了通过壁面边界条件改变等方法,控制燃烧室内燃烧不稳定现象的新途径,并在理论和实验上取得了系列结果。研究成果成功应用于ws发动机型号以及运20 APU消声短舱、CJ1000、CJ2000声学设计,并为发动机故障诊断和顺利研制提供自主保障。承担国家自然基金、航空基金等项目,发表SCI论文20余篇。

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