  • ISBN:9787112267699
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:12,330页
  • 出版时间:2022-05-01
  • 条形码:9787112267699 ; 978-7-112-26769-9


本书为英文版 本教材是为了在土木工程专业国际留学生开设《钢结构基本原理》全英文课程而编写。根据中国现行《钢结构设计标准》GB50017和《高等学校土木工程本科指导性专业规范》编写。本教材只讲授钢结构的基本原理,介绍我国钢结构专业规范的基本设计条文和基本原则,*大程度的让国际留学生了解和掌握我国钢结构设计体系的基础理论和基本设计方法,易于与实际工程*大程度的靠近。内容安排考虑钢结构课程的内在逻辑规律,遵循以学生为主、简明实用、可读性强的编写原则,突出原理,注重分析问题和解决问题的思路。


Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Characteristics of Steel Structures 1.1.1 Advantages 1.1.2 Disadvantages 1.2 Development History of Steel Structures 1.3 Applications of Steel Structures 1.4 Classification of Structural Steel Members 1.5 The Basic Design Method of Steel Structures 1.5.1 The purpose of steel structure design 1.5.2 Probabilistic limit state design method 1.5.3 Design expression 1.6 Chapter Summary Questions Chapter 2 STRUCTURAL STEEL 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Several Important Performance Indexes of Structural Steel 2.2.1 Strength performance 2.2.2 Plastic performance 2.2.3 Steel physical performance index 2.2.4 Cold bending performance 2.2.5 Impact toughness 2.2.6 Structural steel weldability 2.3 Stress-Strain Relationship of Structural Steel under Different Loadings 2.4 Performance of Steel under Complex Stress 2.5 Main Factors Affecting the Performance of Structural Steel 2.5.1 Chemical compositions of steel 2.5.2 Production process 2.5.3 Steel hardening 2.5.4 Temperature 2.5.5 Stress concentration 2.6 Types and Specifications of Structural Steel 2.6.1 Classification of steel in China 2.6.2 The choice principles of structural steel 2.6.3 Steel selection recommendations 2.7 Structural Steel Products in China 2.7.1 Hot-rolled steel products in China 2.7.2 Cold-formed steel shapes in China 2.8 Chapter Summary Questions Chapter 3 POSSIBLE FAILURE OF STEEL STRUCTURES 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The Strength Failure of Steel Structures 3.2.1 The strength failure of tension members 3.2.2 The strength failure of bending members 3.3 Overall Instability Failure of Steel Structures 3.3.1 Aspects that must be considered 3.3.2 Overall instability of steel structures 3.3.3 Overall instability of steel members 3.4 Local Instability Failure of Steel Structures 3.4.1 Local instability of steel structures

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