  • ISBN:9787564384562
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:120页
  • 出版时间:2022-02-01
  • 条形码:9787564384562 ; 978-7-5643-8456-2


  《电力机车制动系统》为亚吉铁路电力机车司机培训教材。亚吉铁路由埃塞俄比亚和吉布提共同组建,是中国“一带一路”倡议的重要组成部分。为了培养亚吉铁路非洲司机学员的制动机操纵、试验和故障处理能力,该书设计成教学做一体化教材。  制动系统是机车的重要组成部分,它的运行状态直接关系到列车运行的安全。要想成为一名合格的机车司机,首先要掌握制动机各部件的组成、各部件之间的相互控制关系,理解制动机的工作过程,会正确使用和操纵制动机,*后能够熟练掌握制动机性能试验的顺序和要求,通过制动机性能试验能够及时发现制动机的故障,并且会对故障进行处理。  该书以出口到埃塞俄比亚和吉布提的亚吉铁路的HXD1c机车中的DK-2制动机作为主要讲述内容,系统讲述了制动系统认知、DK-2制动系统的组成、DK-2制动系统的综合作用、DK-2制动系统的操纵、DK-2制动系统的性能试验和DK-2制动系统的故障处理。


Chapter 1 Brake System Cognition
Unit 1 Cognition of basic concept of brake system
Unit 2 Cognition of the development of brake system
Unit 3 Classification cognition of brake system
Unit 4 The cognition of working principle of early brake system
Unit 5 Cognition of relay valve and the development of pressure control of brake pipe
Unit 6 The development of brake cylinder pressure control
Unit 7 Multi-control of locomotive brake cylinder pressure
Unit 8 Controllogic of modern brake

Chapter 2 Components of Brake System
Unit 1 Compressed air supply syste
Unit 2 Brake system
Unit 3 Main component composition of brake system

Chapter 3 Comprehensive Function of DK-2 Brake System
Unit 1 Automatic braking action
Unit 2 Independent braking action
Unit 3 Backup brake action

Chapter 4 Brake Operation
Unit 1 Brake system mode operation
Unit 2 DK-2 brake system operation

Chapter 5 Brake System Test
Unit 1 Air supply system test
Unit 2 Precondition for the brake system test
Unit 3 Freight position performance test
Unit 4 Passenger position performance test
Unit 5 Backup pure air position performance test
Unit 6 Sanding test
Unit 7 Other tests about brake system

Chapter 6 Handling Process of Emergency Fault
Unit 1 Penalty brake
Unit 2 Compressor pumps air for long time
air dryer keep discharging air
Unit 3 BP cannot be charged when ABV handle in
"RUN" position after emergency brake
Unit 4 Brake display communication interrupt or black olue or white screened
Unit 5 The locomotive cannot be released or not reach the
specified pressure. At the same time, BP is discharging quickly
Unit 6 After applying service brake, move the ABV handle to
"RUN" position, BP cannot be charged
Unit 7 Place ABV handle in brake zone in locomotive operation,brake pipe pressure cannot decrease

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