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  • ISBN:9787567237414
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:268页
  • 出版时间:2022-03-01
  • 条形码:9787567237414 ; 978-7-5672-3741-4


本书旨在培养理工科学生的通用学术英语能力, 帮助学生掌握共性学术语言知识及通用学术技能, 如学术语篇构架和衔接、引用原则、总结和综述、思辨力等。其中**部分的话题紧扣大学入学生活及学习, 使新生尽快融入和适应大学校园环境, 开启健康独立的大学生活, 为未来高层次深造打好语言和文化基础。第二部分的话题紧扣理工学科特点, 选用科技类科普类阅读文章, 与*新科技成就紧密相连, 让学生紧跟当今时代发展、感知专业领域动态、拓展科技视野, 为学生未来的专业领域学习建立良好的前期知识储备以及培养学术素养能力。


Unit 1 Fresh start on Campus
Reading l:Going to University? Advice for Freshers
Reading 2:What Is Freshers’Week
Extended Reading:Why Are“Tents of Love”Popping Up in Chinese Colleges
Unit 2 Thinking on Education
Reading 1:US Higher Education Challenges
Reading 2:The Child-Driven Education--“Hole in the Wall”Experiments
Extended Reading:US Colleges Fret Over Fall in Chinese Students
Unit 3 Love and Friendship
Reading 1:We All Need Friends
Reading 2:Differences Between Love and Friendship
Extended Reading:What’S the Difference Between Friendship and Love
Unit 4 Choice on Lifestyles
Reading l:Life Has Become Harder for Young Families
Reading 2:Obesity and Poor Fitness
Extended Reading:Life in Ancient Cities
Unit 5 Uncovered History
Reading l:The Origins of Theater
Reading 2:Lessons from the Titanic
Extended Reading:Five Guesses on Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Tomb
Unit 6 Food Matters
Reading 1:A Health Report
Reading 2:How Might Exercise Affect Our Food Choices and Our Weight
Extended Reading:UK Government Criticised Over Food Security and Poverty
Unit 7 Business and Job Hunting
Reading l:A Woman’s Work
Reading 2:Companies Are Relying More and More on Psychometric Tests
Extended Reading:Some Unfortunate Mismatches in Young People’s Job
Preferences and Prospects
Unit 8 Environmental Protection
Reading l:A World of Plastic Ponution
Reading 2:Dangers from E-waste
Extended Reading:Plastic Pollution Crisis Around the World
Unit 9 Science Changes Life
Reading l:Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans
Reading 2:Surprising Ways How Driverless Cars Will Change Our Future
Extended Reading:What Is AI Technology and How Is It Used
Unit 10 Illness and Disease
Reading 1:Cold Comfort
Reading 2:The Growing Global Threat of Antibiotics Resistance
Extended Reading:Food and Disease

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