- ISBN:9787300308548
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:其他
- 页数:160
- 出版时间:2022-10-01
- 条形码:9787300308548 ; 978-7-300-30854-8
2? Line 2宇宙洪荒 /
3? Line 3日月盈昃 /
4? Line 4辰宿列张 /
5? Line 5寒来暑往 /
6? Line 6秋收冬藏 /
7? Line 7闰余成岁 /
8? Line 8律吕调阳 /
9? Lines 9 & 10云腾致雨, 露结为霜 /
10? Lines 11 & 12金生丽水, 玉出昆冈 /
11? Lines 13 & 14剑号巨阙, 珠称夜光 /
12? Lines 15 & 16果珍李柰, 菜重芥姜 /
13? Lines 17 & 18海咸河淡, 鳞潜羽翔 /
14? Lines 19 & 20龙师火帝, 鸟官人皇 /
15? Lines 21 & 22始制文字, 乃服衣裳 /
16? Lines 23 & 24推位让国, 有虞陶唐 /
17? Lines 25 & 26吊民伐罪, 周发殷汤 /
18? Lines 27 & 28坐朝问道, 垂拱平章 /
19? Lines 29 & 30爱育黎首, 臣伏戎羌 /
20? Lines 31 & 32遐迩一体, 率宾归王 /
21? Lines 33 & 34鸣凤在竹, 白驹食场 /
22? Lines 35 & 36化被草木, 赖及万方 /
23? Lines 37 & 38盖此身发, 四大五常 /
24? Lines 39 & 40恭惟鞠养, 岂敢毁伤 /
25? Lines 41 & 42女慕贞洁, 男效才良 /
26? Lines 43 & 44知过必改, 得能莫忘 /
27? Lines 45 & 46罔谈彼短, 靡恃己长 /
28? Lines 47 & 48信使可覆, 器欲难量 /
29? Lines 49 & 50墨悲丝染, 诗赞羔羊 /
30? Lines 51 & 52景行维贤, 克念作圣 /
31? Lines 53 & 54德建名立, 形端表正 /
32? Lines 55 & 56空谷传声, 虚堂习听 /
33? Lines 57 & 58祸因恶积, 福缘善庆 /
34? Lines 59 & 60尺璧非宝, 寸阴是竞 /
35? Lines 61 & 62资父事君, 曰严与敬 /
36? Lines 63 & 64孝当竭力, 忠则尽命 /
37? Lines 65 & 66临深履薄, 夙兴温? /
38? Lines 67 & 68似兰斯馨, 如松之盛 /
39? Lines 69 & 70川流不息, 渊澄取映 /
40? Lines 71 & 72容止若思, 言辞安定 /
41? Lines 73 & 74笃初诚美, 慎终宜令 /
42? Lines 75 & 76荣业所基, 籍甚无竟 /
43? Lines 77 & 78学优登仕, 摄职从政 /
44? Lines 79 & 80存以甘棠, 去而益咏 /
45? Line 81乐殊贵贱 /
46? Line 82礼别尊卑 /
47? Lines 83 & 84上和下睦, 夫唱妇随 /
48? Lines 85 & 86外受傅训, 入奉母仪 /
49? Lines 87 & 88诸姑伯叔, 犹子比儿 /
50? Lines 89 & 90孔怀兄弟, 同气连枝 /
51? Lines 91 & 92交友投分, 切磨箴规 /
52? Lines 93 & 94仁慈隐恻, 造次弗离 /
53? Lines 95 & 96节义廉退, 颠沛匪亏 /
54? Lines 97 & 98性静情逸, 心动神疲 /
55? Lines 99 & 100守真志满, 逐物意移 /
56? Lines 101 & 102坚持雅操, 好爵自縻 /
57? Lines 103 & 104都邑华夏, 东西二京 /
58? Lines 105 & 106背邙面洛, 浮渭据泾 /
59? Lines 107 & 108宫殿盘郁, 楼观飞惊 /
60? Lines 109 & 110图写禽兽, 画彩仙灵 /
61? Lines 111 & 112丙舍傍启, 甲帐对楹 /
62? Lines 113 & 114肆筵设席, 鼓瑟吹笙 /
63? Lines 115 & 116升阶纳陛, 弁转疑星 /
64? Lines 117 & 118右通广内, 左达承明 /
65? Lines 119 & 120既集坟典, 亦聚群英 /
66? Lines 121 & 122杜稿钟隶, 漆书壁经 /
67? Lines 123 & 124府罗将相, 路侠槐卿 /
68? Lines 125 & 126户封八县, 家给千兵 /
69? Lines 127 & 128高冠陪辇, 驱毂振缨 /
70? Lines 129 & 130世禄侈富, 车驾肥轻 /
71? Lines 131 & 132策功茂实, 勒碑刻铭 /
72? Lines 133 & 134?溪伊尹, 佐时阿衡 /
73? Lines 135 & 136奄宅曲阜, 微旦孰营 /
74? Lines 137 & 138桓公匡合, 济弱扶倾 /
75? Lines 139 & 140绮回汉惠, 说感武丁 /
76? Lines 141 & 142俊?密勿, 多士?宁 /
77? Lines 143 & 144晋楚更霸, 赵魏困横 /
78? Lines 145 & 146假途灭虢, 践土会盟 /
79? Lines 147 & 148何遵约法, 韩弊烦刑 /
80? Lines 149 & 150起翦颇牧, 用军*精 /
81? Lines 151 & 152宣威沙漠, 驰誉丹青 /
82? Lines 153 & 154九州禹迹, 百郡秦并 /
83? Lines 155 & 156岳宗泰岱, 禅主云亭 /
84? Lines 157 & 158雁门紫塞, 鸡田赤城 /
85? Lines 159 & 160昆池碣石, 巨野洞庭 /
86? Lines 161 & 162旷远绵邈, 岩岫杳冥 /
87? Lines 163 & 164治本于农, 务兹稼穑 /
88? Lines 165 & 166?载南亩, 我艺黍稷 /
89? Lines 167 & 168税熟贡新, 劝赏黜陟 /
90? Lines 169 & 170孟轲敦素, 史鱼秉直 /
91? Lines 171 & 172庶几中庸, 劳谦谨敕 /
92? Lines 173 & 174聆音察理, 鉴貌辨色 /
93? Lines 175 & 176贻厥嘉猷, 勉其祗植 /
94? Lines 177 & 178省躬讥诫, 宠增抗极 /
95? Lines 179 & 180殆辱近耻, 林皋幸即 /
96? Lines 181 & 182两疏见机, 解组谁逼 /
97? Lines 183 & 184索居闲处, 沉默寂寥 /
98? Lines 185 & 186求古寻论, 散虑逍遥 /
99? Lines 187 & 188欣奏累遣, 戚谢欢招 /
100? Lines 189 & 190渠荷的历, 园莽抽条 /
101? Lines 191 & 192枇杷晚翠, 梧桐蚤凋 /
102? Lines 193 & 194陈根委翳, 落叶飘摇 /
103? Lines 195 & 196游?独运, 凌摩绛霄 /
104? Lines 197 & 198耽读玩市, 寓目囊箱 /
105? Lines 199 & 200易攸畏, 属耳垣墙 /
106? Lines 201 & 202具膳餐饭, 适口充肠 /
107? Lines 203 & 204饱饫烹宰, 饥厌糟糠 /
108? Lines 205 & 206亲戚故旧, 老少异粮 /
109? Lines 207 & 208妾御绩纺, 侍巾帷房 /
110? Lines 209 & 210纨扇圆?, 银烛炜煌 /
111? Lines 211 & 212昼眠夕寐, 蓝笋象床 /
112? Lines 213 & 214弦歌酒宴, 接杯举觞 /
113? Lines 215 & 216矫手顿足, 悦豫且康 /
114? Lines 217 & 218嫡后嗣续, 祭祀?尝 /
115? Lines 219 & 220稽颡再拜, 悚惧恐惶 /
116? Lines 221 & 222笺牒简要, 顾答审详 /
117? Lines 223 & 224骸垢想浴, 执热愿凉 /
118? Lines 225 & 226驴骡犊特, 骇跃超骧 /
119? Lines 227 & 228诛斩贼盗, 捕获叛亡 /
120? Lines 229 & 230布射僚丸, 嵇琴阮啸 /
121? Lines 231 & 232恬笔伦纸, 钧巧任钓 /
122? Lines 233 & 234释纷利俗, 并皆佳妙 /
123? Lines 235 & 236毛施淑姿, 工颦妍笑 /
124? Lines 237 & 238年矢每催, 曦晖朗曜 /
125? Lines 239 & 240璇玑悬斡, 晦魄环照 /
126? Lines 241 & 242指薪修祜, 永绥吉劭 /
127? Lines 243 & 244矩步引领, 俯仰廊庙 /
128? Lines 245 & 246束带矜庄, 徘徊瞻眺 /
129? Lines 247 & 248孤陋寡闻, 愚蒙等诮 /
130? Lines 249 & 250谓语助者, 焉哉乎也 /
The Verse of One Thousand Characters(without annotations)[《千字文》(无注释)] /
The Verse and Chinese Calligraphy(《千字文》与中国书法) /
The Verse of One Thousand Characters is the oldest enlightenment textbook in China? It came into being earlier than the other enlightenment textbooks such as The Three?Character a Line Chant and Family Names in Hundreds. It has been used as a primer to teach children characters?We know for sure who the poet was and when it was composed?We don?t have definite knowledge of who the authors were of the Three and the Hundred and when they were written?Some people refer to it as “One Thousand Character Classic”?Even though it has been in existence for over 15 centuries and its readership is the biggest, it is not proper to regard it as a “classic”? 《千字文》是中国*早的启蒙读物。它的问世要早于《三字经》和《百家姓》。它是用来教孩子们认字的。我们知道其作者是谁以及创作的时间。至于“三”和“百”是谁写的,何时写成,我们了解得并不确切。有人在英文里将《千字文》称为“经”。尽管它已存世15个世纪之久,并且其读者是*多的,但是称其为“经”还是不合适的。The reasons for the author to give a paraphrase of the Verse are the following: firstly, it tells us what the most important one thousand characters are for the Chinese people? The Verse was intended to teach children how to write in the past 15 centuries? The one thousand characters were chosen by Yin Tieshi (殷铁石) , a literary assistant in the imperial court of the Southern Dynasty, on orders of Emperor Wu of Liang (梁武帝, 464549), for children of the royal family to learn?笔者之所以要译注这本书,原因如下:**,它告诉我们中国人首先要认识的*重要的一千个字有哪些。在过去的15个世纪里,这本书主要用来教孩子们认字。这些字*初是由南朝皇宫里的文学侍从殷铁石,按照梁武帝(464―549)的旨意,为了教皇家儿童认字找出来的。However, these characters were not related to each other and it was difficult for children to remember? The Emperor then asked Zhou Xingsi (周兴嗣) to piece these characters together? Zhou was at that time a middle ranking officer among the retinue of advisors on horse?backs when the emperor was on a tour? It took Zhou only one night to render the one thousand characters into a four?character?a?line verse?The next day, when the Emperor read it, he was amazingly surprised and ordered to have it printed? Since then,the Verse has been on the lips of Chinese people for over 1,500 years?但是,这一千个字相互不关联,记忆起来很困难。于是,梁武帝命周兴嗣将这一千个字组织成一篇诗文。彼时,周兴嗣任员外散骑侍郎,是个中级官员。他只用了一个晚上就将这一千个字编成了四字一行的诗文。次日,梁武帝读了千字文,十分惊喜,立即命人去印刷。从那时起,在1500多年的时间里,它成了中国人一直诵读的名篇。Secondly, it tells what the most important things children should know and learn? The one thousand characters cover such aspects as astronomy, nature, self?cultivation, ethics, morality, geography, history, farming, gardening, rituals and daily life? Zhou was not in good health? He suffered from eczema,and was once infected with malaria and one of his eyes lost sight? Ren Fang (任?), one of his colleagues exclaimed that Zhou would have been appointed a vice minister of the Procuratorial Supervision in a matter of ten days if only he were in good health?第二,它告诉我们儿童应该了解和学习的重要知识。这一千个字所涉及的内容有天文、自然、自我修养、伦理、道德、地理、历史、农耕、花圃、祭祀和日常生活。周兴嗣那时身体不好,患有湿疹,且感染过疟疾,有一只眼睛还失明了。他的同僚任?感叹道:“周兴嗣如果没病,十天内就能当上御史中丞。”The Verse can thus serve as a key to Chinese traditional culture?It is the best enlightenment textbook in China and marks the highest level in the rudimentary phase in China?s traditional education? It is a long poem in four lines and a mini encyclopedia of China? 这篇诗文可作打开中国传统文化的钥匙。它是中国*好的启蒙读物,标志着中国传统教育中初级阶段的*高水平。它既是一首四言长诗,又是一部简要的中国百科全书。Even though the characters may look strange for those who haven?t learned the Chinese language, they can still be able to see how the verse sounds and rhymes through “pin yin” (pronunciation in Chinese phonetic alphabet); they can still find out meanings in each line? Of course, for those who have been learning the Chinese language, this paper could assist them in getting a deeper understanding of these one thousand characters? 对于没有学习过汉语的人来说,这一千个字看起来很怪。但是,由于使用了汉语拼音标注,他们仍可以知道这些字怎么读,如何押韵;仍可以了解每行字是什么意思。当然,对于已经学习了一些汉语的人来说,这篇诗文可以帮助他们更深入地了解这一千个字。The importance of this verse can be seen from the fact that quite a number of most influential calligraphers in Chinese history had written down this verse with their brush pens in various scripts, and the texts of these precious calligraphy are still available today?Ever since the heat wave of “China Studies” has been surged in China, more and more Chinese are reading and learning this verse?中国历史上很多有影响的书法家都以各种书体写过《千字文》,可见其重要性。这些书法家的真迹仍被保留和收藏。国学热在中国兴起后,越来越多的人开始学习这篇诗文。The way of paraphrasing is done in such an order: the characters will be listed line by line,and then the “pinyin” will be followed, and then a literal translation of the line with some notes and explanations of some characters? In the end,a polished version of the translation is presented?笔者的译注顺序是这样的:先列出一行一行的汉字;然后给出字的汉语拼音;之后,给出此行文字的意译,并对有些字给出注释;*后,再给出修饰过的全篇英文诗文。
王荣华,1998—2002年任中国驻冰岛大使,现任国际儒学联合会顾问、外交笔会理事、济南大学客座教授、国际中西哲学比较研究学会会员。著有英文作品The Story of China Studies,The Rooster Crows,Chinese Literature in 2019,A Modern Day Wonder—The Story of Poverty Alleviation in China,译注作品《声律启蒙》《三字经》《千字文》《千家诗》,编译作品《百家姓》,以及中文作品《四方步,六人行——国学大师的故事》《诗的国度——冰岛诗歌选》等。
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