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  • ISBN:9787516033944
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:210
  • 出版时间:2022-10-01
  • 条形码:9787516033944 ; 978-7-5160-3394-4


本书内容分为10部分,涵盖风景园林专业课程体系、风景园林设计过程、风景园 林的历史、景观评价、景观生态学、城市景观、居住区景观、城市公园设计、城市滨水 景观设计、低碳城市与景观设计,适合风景园林专业及建筑学、城乡规划相关专业本科 生和研究生使用。本科生侧重于对科技文献的阅读与理解,研究生侧重于对文章结构层 次及写法的研究。本书每一章均包含一篇精读文章和两篇泛读文章,每篇精读文章的内 容提要以及段落中心句已经全部翻译,学生可以根据自己的专业特点、兴趣和能力选择 性地阅读与研究。


Chapter One: Curriculum of Landscape Architecture Article: Education for Appreciation: What is the Correct Curriculum for Landscape? Further Reading (1): Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning in Harvard University Further Reading (2): Landscape Architecture Curriculuns in University of Pennsylvania Chapter Two: The Process of Urban Landscape Design Article: Urban American Landscape Further Reading (1): Versailles Further Reading (2): Diversity Gained, Diversity Lost: Long-term Changes in WoodyPlants in Central Park, New York City and Fairmount Park, Philadelphia Chapter Three: The History of Landscape Architecture Article: Landscape Architecture Further Reading (1): Making Landscape Architecture in Australia: Origins and Precedents Further Reading (2): Landscape Architecture : An Introduction Chapter Four: Landscape Evaluation Article: A Quantitative Approach to the Visual Evaluation of Landscape Further Reading (1): Landscape Evaluation for Ecosystem Planning Further Reading (2): Landscape Evaluation in Industrial Areas Chapter Five: Landscape Ecology Article: Landscape Ecology Further Reading (1): Landscape Ecology Meets Landscape Science Further Reading (2): Landscape Ecology and Sustainability Chapter Six: Urban Landscape Article: Barcelona's Urban Landscape: The Historical Making of a Tourist Product Further Reading (1): Urban Landscape as Palimpsest Further Reading (2): Ecosystem Services in Urban Landscape Chapter Seven: Residential Landscape Article: Design of Landscape Gardens in Urban Residential Areas Further Reading (1): A Framework for Planning Sustainable Residential Landscapes Further Reading (2): Desert Dreamscapes: Residential Landscape Preference and Behavior Chapter Eight: Urban Park Landscape Design Article: Defining the Sustainable Park Further Reading (1): Pocket Parks for People: A Study of Park Design and Use Further Reading (2): The Role of Urban Parks for the Sustainable City Chapter Nine: Urban Waterfront Landscape Design Article: Observations from the A. Montgomery Ward Park/Waterfront Development, Urban Regeneration and Local Politics in New Orleans and Liverpool Further Reading (1): Reclaiming the City: Waterfront Development in Singapore Further Reading (2): Urban Waterfront Redevelopment in Greek Cities Chapter Ten: Low-carbon City and Landscape Design Article: Development Paths of Low-carbon Landscape Design Further Reading (1): Landscape Visualisation and Climate Change: the Potential for Influencing Perceptions and Behaviour Further Reading (2): Footprints on the Landscape: an Environmental Appraisal of Urban and Rural Living in the Developed World Reference Source

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